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THEIR BONDS are making a

fortune off AMERICANS in
 God’s Law see:
 Meet your Straw man: see:
 Subject Matter Power Points/Laws they don’t follow:
(note what our fake founding father state about WE ARE IN
 Black Christian Code
 Treaty of the peace between the MOORS and UNITED STATES
Title II of the ADA if anyone plays administrative
trickery especially the Judges, they don’t get
immunity they ignore the ADAAA

 The Supreme Court in Tennessee v. Lane, et al., 541 U.S. 59 (2004) pointed out that Congress
Constitutionally abrogated the States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity, making suits for damages available
to individuals who proceed under Title II of the ADA with claims of violation of Due Process of Law
(Huffer, 2012). This means that if judges do not adhere to the ADAAA, they lose their immunity from being
sued. The Lane case found that “Congress enacted Title II against a backdrop or pervasive unequal
treatment of persons with disabilities in the administration of state services and programs, including
systematic deprivation of fundamental rights (Huffer, 2012). Specifically, Title II seeks to enforce a variety
of basic Constitutional guarantees, including the right of access to the courts, infringements of which are
subject to heightened judicial scrutiny. The court found that all courts have a duty to accommodate that is
perfectly consistent with the well-established due process principle that a state must afford to all individual
a meaningful opportunity to be heard in its courts. The Supreme Court concluded in Lane, ‘that Title II, as it
applies to the class of cases implicating the fundamental right of access to the courts, constitutes a valid
exercise of Congress’ authority to enforce the guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment (Huffer, 2012).
READ THIS BOOK REF: ADA BLUF: Nobody gets immunity
when they cause Legal Abuse Syndrome to a protected group. Also

Legal Process is no more than a

stressful war of words, tricks, and
 “The legal process is no more than a stressful
war of words, rituals, papers, perceptual
tricks, bullying, and prevarication. Once a
human being is respected as the very reason
for having a justice system in the first place,
the litigant can begin to put into effect the
mandates of ADA and ADAAA”.

Karnen Huffer (2012)

See: Unlocking Justice (2012)
Americans will be told by the UNITED STATES INC which is a
corrupt CORPORATION that they are no longer private citizens
with private property rights but mere tenants living on another’s
property. This day will arrive swiftly if Americans give up their
firearms. See Executive Order 13037 for a reference made to
this doctrine.
Purpose: Help Scott Out ref:
Bonds, ref and etc
Purpose: Show how the United States Inc played Americans using
bonds and birth certificates

 History (Know the rules and know who you are playing with and why?)
 GOD’s Law -
 Contractor Law
 Our Enemy’s Law
 King James Law [and nonsense using bonds]
 Explain the Deep State Trick as it pertains to BONDS (BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND
 Response to WA State ref: ADA Clients in prison now
 Response to Judge Amy B. Jackson ref: Feb void order
 Straw man and Birth Certificates
 ADA Act – Use the ADA Act against them. Everyone who is disabled are protected
under TITLES II and III of the ADA Act
 Title II- Nobody gets immunity if they play (TN vs Lane)
 Title III- All man-made law that conflicts with GOD’s law can be changed

 GOD’s Natural Law

 Contract Law
 Our Enemy’s Law
 King James Law [and nonsense using bonds]
Birth Certificate Information

 Birth information from the hospital (Certificate Of Live Birth) is collected by the state
(Bureau Of Vital Statistics), and recreated into what is known as your “legal birth
certificate”, which now has your name in all capital letters (this is NOT you). It is then
turned over to the “U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE”. The all-caps fictitious
corporate entity is then placed into a “trust” known as a “Cestui Que Trust”.
Cestui Que Trust

 A “Cestui Que Trust” is defined as: “He who has a right to a

beneficial interest in and out of an estate, the legal title to which
is vested in and held by another”. The Cestui Que user has the
right to receive the profits and benefits of the estate, but the legal
title, possession, and control reside in another party (the State).
Each one of us, including our children, is considered assets of the
bankrupt United States, which acts as the “debtor in Possession.”
We are designated by this government as human “resources” or
human “capital”.
Pay attention to what they did to indigenous people when
they came to a land that was not lost – They made them
slaves against GOD’s Natural law and their MAN-
MADE LAW ( Charter of the Forest, Magna Carter(.
They used their fake doctrine of Discovery, 1724 Black
Christian Code, Kangaroo Courts, and KKK). Also, see
Human Resource Office
 You may have noticed that all “personnel” offices have been converted to
“human resource” offices. The government assumes the role of the Trustee
while the newborn child becomes the beneficiary of his own trust. Absent
the fraud involved, legal title to everything the child will ever own is vested
in the government. The government then places the Trust (child) into the
hands of the parents, who are made the “guardians.” The child may reside in
the hands of the “guardians” until such time as the state may decide that the
parents are no longer performing according to their wishes. The State (CPS)
then goes into the home and removes the “Trust” (child) from the
“guardians”. At the age of majority (18) the parents lose their guardianship
All Christian births used to be recorded in the family Bible only. The
reason for instituting the Birth Certificate is so the state can claim title to
your person. It is a common law principle that says “What one creates one
may control”. Via your state issued Birth Certificate in the name of your all-
caps person you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the
various Federal, State and local governments. This legal maneuver is
compounded further when one obtains a driver’s license, marriage license or
a Social Security Number. You have no Rights in state-approved birth,
marriage, or even death. The state claims the sovereign right to all legal
fiction titles it creates. And it doesn’t end there.
The Creditors of the United States Inc were
getting nervous

The creditors of the United States Inc were getting nervous about being repaid by the mid-1960’s. President
Nixon had to collateralize more debt.
 He settled upon a plan to quietly set aside huge tracts of American land with their mineral rights in reserve to
cover the outstanding debts. But the American people were already angered over the Vietnam “war”. Nixon
couldn’t very well admit that he was parceling out huge chunks of the United States to holders of U.S. debt. So, he
invented the “Environmental Protection Agency” in 1970 and passed draconian environmental laws which served
to grab land with vast natural resources away from the people and lock it away, providing to the holders of the
debt that Americans are not drilling, mining, or otherwise developing those resources. As the government sinks
deeper into debt, it grabs more and more land, declares it to be a “wilderness”, “heritage river” or “wetlands” area.
There are various other designations, but the end result is the same: The people may not use the land. This is also
why we don’t drill for oil on any of it. In many cases they (the people) are forbidden to set foot on it. It is not about
conservation, it is about establishing collateral. YOUR land is being stolen by the government and used to secure
loans the government had no business taking out in the first place. Given that the government cannot get out of
debt and collateralizing more and more land to avoid foreclosure, the day is not far off when the people of the
Americans will be told by the UNITED STATES IN which is a corrupt
CORPORATION that they are no longer private citizens with private
property rights but mere tenants living on another’s property. This day
will arrive swiftly if Americans give up their firearms. See Executive
Order 13037 for a reference made to this doctrine.
Explain the Deep State Trick as it pertains to BONDS
Response to WA State ref: ADA Clients in prison
Response to Judge Amy B. Jackson ref: Feb void
Email to WA State who has my ADA Clients in prison ref: BID BONDS

WA State, we want to redeem the BONDS for all my ADA Clients please
see below as you are making trillions from innocent American Prisoners
who you have no jurisdiction over using BID BONDS. I am asking for a
full settlement for all of them and closure of the account under TITLES II
AND III as you wasted too much of their life already.
Aunty EILEEN, Brad, DOD, ICC, and Ben please see below how everyone
is making money from the PRISONS!!!
kindly give my ADA Clients their full settlement and close their
Performance/Bid Bonds

I want to start out by saying that to win in court you have to know what goes on in court. What goes on in the court
rooms go back to King Edward I, - it’s called Statute Merchant and what it is, is a Bond of Merchant or Bond of Record.
The statutes themselves are the Bond and what they do is duplicate the statutes that they charge you under with what
they call a Recognizance Bond and people sign the Recognizance Bond without under with what they call a
Recognizance Bond and people sign the Recognizance Bond without reading what the Bond says. I brought this to Joe’s
attention when he signed his Bond...and what it says is, is that you agree to pay back the debt. When you go into court
on a criminal charge, it’s CIVIL NOT CRIMINAL. There’s a book out called the “Jurisdiction and Practice of the Law of
Admiralty” by John E. Hall; it’s based on “Clerk’s Praxis”. The Clerk’s Praxis was a clerk of the court of registrar of the
Court’s Arches under the King’s Bench. The Court of Arches is a court of Probate and John E. Hall is the one that wrote
this book -this book was never intended for public viewing. We are going to try to reprint this book so that everyone
can have a copy of it to read. If you want to understand how Admiralty works, this is the book you need to read and
the reason being; read the case of “Waring v. Clark”, it talks about “Clerks Praxis” in there and they used it in the Vice
Admiralty Courts in the Colonies during the American Revolution. This book caused the American Revolution. What
their doing is all about Bonds. When you go into the courtroom after you’re arrested they use two different sets of
Bonds. What they do when your arrested they fill out a “Bid Bond”. The United States District Court uses 273, 274 &
275. SF means “Standard Form”. Standard Form 273,
Standard Form 274 & Standard Form 275. This is the United States District court. There is another set of Bonds and
they are all put out by GSA.;
NOTES continued
General Services Administration. Also note: VA pays attorneys and etc using the 1918 A Code. GSA Form
SF24 is the “Bid Bond”, everyone should have a copy of the Bid Bond. The “Performance Bond” is SF25. The
“Payment Bond” is SF25A and put out by the General Services Administration which is abbreviated GSA.
The GSA is under the “Comptroller of the Currency” which is under the GAO, the “General Accounting
Office”. O.K. you have two sets of Bonds: SF24, SF25 & SF25A. At the Federal Level you have SF273, SF274 &
SF275. O.K. what are they doing with these Bonds? What’s going on in the courtroom is that they are suing
you for a debt collection. What it is, is an action of “ASSUMPSIT” The word “PRESUME” comes from the
word “Assumpsit” which means “I agree or I Presume to do”.
An act of “Assumpsit” which means “I agree to a collection of a debt”. If you look at these Bonds... every
one of these Bonds: The “Bid Bond”, “Performance Bond” & “Payment Bond” all have a “PENAL SUM”
attached to it. The reason for the “Penal Sum” is if you don’t pay the Debt, you go into “Default Judgment”.
That is what is going on in the Court room. That is why all of these guys are sitting in prison wondering
What’s going on. If you go in there and argue jurisdiction...Jack Smith is exactly correct in what he is saying
about the HONOR & DISHONOR. If you go in and argue jurisdiction or refuse to answer questions that the
judge or the court addresses to you, they will find you in contempt of court and they will put you in jail and
if you read “Clerks Praxis” that’s all they talk about is contempt. What they used to do back in Edward the
1st; if you owed as debt (See Shaunel’s case). a Debt they would send a Sheriff out with a Warrant to arrest
you. This is ALL CIVIL, this is NOT CRIMINAL. It’s just a smoke screen to cover up what they are doing with
Mercantile Civil Law and what they used to do when they arrest people with a warrant and brought the
person into court and made them sign a Bond to release until the civil suit commenced. It actually says
“Civil Suit” in “Clerks Praxis”.
Notes continued
NOTE: “Clerk’s Praxis”. Latin for “Practice”, if you look up “Praxis” it
 means “Practice”. See Book noted above:
it goes into everything that Jack teaches. It talks about “Letters of Rogatory”; it talks about the collection of the
debt. What they do is arrest you, then they hold you...basically they hold you until the suit has been completed
and when they get “Default Judgment” on you because of failure to pay the Debt, they put you in prison.
Anyone who has been in jail or prison that knows me knows that I’m not wrong?
Prosecutors/Attorneys/Judges work for the BAR. THE Attorneys are there to cover up the smoke screen. What
attorneys do, because no-one knows what’s going on, they lead you into “Dishonor” or “Default Judgment” and
then the court puts you into prison (See Shaunel’s Document) then they sell your “Default Judgment”. Who do
they sell it to? Believe it or not, the U.S. District Court buys all of these State Court Judgments. Get on a search
engine and type in U.S. Courts. After you get to the US Courts, go to the
11th Circuit Court of the United States...Circuit
 1 thru Circuit 11. Click on Circuit 7. That will take you into the
various courts; Bankruptcy, District etc. Click on to the Northern Illinois District Court; that will take you to
the Clerk’s office - there’s a box there, then scroll down and you’ll see “Administrative Offices” where you’ll see
“Financial Department”. It will talk about the “Criminal Justice Act” and “Optional Bids” and this is all spelled
out and their not trying to hide it. I don’t know why no-one has found this out before. Go down to “List of
Sureties” why do you suppose they have a list of “Sureties” in a Federal District Court? When you get into
the “List of Sureties” it will have “”, this is the Department of Treasury. O.K. when you get into
the Department of Treasury you see on the left hand side of the screen you’ll see “Admitted
Notes Continued
 Reinsure” and underneath that will be a “List of Sureties” then under that,
the word “Forms”. From there you’ll see about 300 “reinsurance”
companies, their all ‘insurance” companies. I downloaded the whole thing
I have a complete list. I also have a list of Surety Companies. There are two
sets of companies: a list of “Surety” and “Reinsurance” companies. Under
750 of the Department of Treasury, they have to be certified so they can
buy up these Bonds; these are the people that are buying these Bonds
when you went into “Default Judgment” and they can’t buy these Bonds
unless they are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury. Next, click onto
the word “Forms” and it will take you to the “Miller Act” reinsurance and
will list 3 different kinds of Bonds. They don’t use a “Bid Bond” in the
District Court that’s why I gave you “Form 24”. All of these Forms come out
of the GSA, the General Services Administration. Form 24, 25, 25A and
273, 274 & 275. The273, 274 & 275 Bond forms; the 273 is the
Reinsurance with the United States. The 274 is the Miller Act reinsurance
“Performance Bond”. The 275 is your “Payment Bond”, your Miller Act
Reinsurance Payment Bond.
What are they doing with these
 What are they doing with these Bonds? They have regulations governing
these Bonds; there are 2000 regulations governing these Bonds. We are
going to make these available; it’s $50 for the discs. The disc has 2000
regulations on CD for people who want this. If you go into these regulations,
what they are telling you is, they are buying up commercial items; they use
the word commercial items, and in 2.01 of these regulations...these
regulations are divided up into 50 parts. There are 1126 pages in volume I
and 823 pages in volume II and they are all on the disc what they tell there
is 2.01 defines commercial items as nonpersonal property. What is non-
personal property? Any property that is not real-estate - it means
immovable, real-estate is not movable Go into your Uniform Commercial
Code and look up the words movable and immovable. If you go into…and I’ll
read it to you so you won’t think I’m making this stuff up. “Commercial
Items are commercial paper. See the 8th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary;
basically what it says is...”Commercial Paper; Negotiable Instruments...
Anything you put your signature
on is a Negotiable Instrument

 Anything you put your signature on is a Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform
Commercial Code which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Merchantile Civil Law and the reason
they use Lex Merchantorium in the courtroom is that every one of you are Merchant’s at
Law and Merchants at Law is anyone whom holds themselves out to be an expert because
you use commercial paper; because you use Commercial paper on a day to day schedule;
you are considered to be an expert and this is why they are not telling you what is going on
in the courtroom because you are presumed to know this because you hold yourself out to
be an expert because you use commercial paper all the time. Every time you put your
signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non-
Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every time you endorse something you acting as an
accommodation party or an accommodation maker under 3-419. An accommodation
party is anyone who loans their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you
what an accommodation maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan
your signature to them they can rewrite your signature on any document they want and
that’s what they are doing. This is what is going on and what the Federal Courts are doing
they are buying up these state court default judgments and these are called criminal cases,
but are actually civil cases and call them criminal to cover up what they are
The insurance companies are
involved too!
 Reinsure” and underneath that will be a “List of Sureties” and then under
that, the word “Forms”. From there you’ll see about 300 “reinsurance”
companies, their all ‘insurance” companies. I downloaded the whole thing I
have a complete list. I also have a list of Surety Companies. There are two
sets of companies: a list of “Surety” and “Reinsurance” companies. Under
750 of the Department of Treasury, they have to be certified so they can buy
up these Bonds; these are the people that are buying these Bonds when you
went into “Default Judgment” and they can’t buy these Bonds unless they
are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury..
3 Different Kinds of Bonds

 Next, click on the word “Forms” and it will take you to the “Miller Act”
reinsurance and will list 3 different kinds of Bonds. They don’t use a “Bid
Bond” in the District Court that’s why I gave you “Form 24”. All of these
Forms come out of the GSA, the General Services Administration. Form
24, 25, 25A and 273, 274 & 275. The273, 274 & 275 Bond forms; the 273
is the Reinsurance with the United States. The 274 is the Miller Act
reinsurance “Performance Bond”. The 275 is your “Payment Bond”, your
Miller Act Reinsurance Payment Bond. What are they doing with these
Bonds? They have regulations governing these Bonds; there’s 2000
regulations governing these Bonds. We are going to make these available;
its $50 for the discs. The disc has 2000 regulations on CD for people who
want this. If you go into these regulations, what they are telling you is,
they are buying up commercial items; they use the word commercial
items and in 2.01 of these regulations...these regulations are divided up
into 50 parts
 ’1126 pages in volume I and 823 pages in volume II and their
all on the disc and what they tell in there is 2.01 defines
commercial items as non personal property. What is non
personal property? Any property that is not real-estate - it
means immovable, real-estate is not movable Go into your
Uniform Commercial Code and look up the word movable and
immovable. If you go into...and I’ll read it to you so you won’t
think I’m making this stuff up. “Commercial Items are
commercial paper. See 8th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary;
basically what it says is...”Commercial Paper; Negotiable
Instruments...anything you put your signature on is a
Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code
which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Merchantile Civil Law
The reason they use Lex
Merchantorium in the Court
 THE reason they use Lex Merchantorium in the court room is that every one of you
are Merchants at Law and Merchants at Law is anyone who holds themselves out to
be an expert because you use commercial paper; because you use Commercial paper
on a day to day schedule; you are considered to be an expert and this is why they are
not telling you what is going on in the courtroom because you are presumed to know
this because you hold yourself out to be an expert because you use commercial paper
all the time. Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a
Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non- Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every
time you endorse something you are acting as an accommodation party or an
accommodation maker under 3-419. An accommodation party is anyone who loans
their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you what an accommodation
maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan your signature to
them they can rewrite your signature on any document they want and that’s what
they are doing. This is what is going on and what the Federal Courts are doing they
are buying up these state court default judgments and these are called criminal
cases, but are actually civil cases and call them criminal to cover up what they are
If you read “Clerk’s Praxis” you find that what they call criminal is all civil,

they just call it criminal to cover up what their doing. If you don’t pay the debt
you go to prison bottom line.
Research the C.U.S.I.P. # = Committee on Uniform Identification Process.

CUSIP is in the DTC building on 55 Water street. DTC is the Depository Trust
Corporation. It’s also called the: GFCC; the DTCC: Depository Trust Clearing
Corporation the MSCC: Mutual Securities Clearing Corporation. NSCC:
National Security Clearing Corporation. GSCC:
Government Securities Clearing Corporation; One Trillion dollars a day goes

through the DTC. CUSIP is a trademark of Standard and Poors which is located
on the bottom floor of the DTC of 55 Waterstreet. CUSIP has what is called
a 6 digit numbering system and when they go international which is where
CINS comes in and ISID = International Securities Identification Division. It’s
called ISIDPLUS and they have a Global Networking System that includes
Paine Webber which has 10,000 corporations in it; they are the major
The system is privatized
Everyone should have this list and what they have done is privatize the
system; everything even real-estate; Ginny Mae, Fanny Mae all of HUD...all of
your...this is international. EVERYBODY IS FEEDING OFF OF THE PRISON
Research REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust or PZN which means Prison
Trust. What about all the real estate? They own all the real estate because
they hold the Bonds on them. You haven’t redeemed your Bond so they didn’t
close your account.
Leman Brother’s Banking cartel just gave 6 million dollars to New York
which had a need to read this Treaties its 15 pages and lays it all
out. They don’t call it Prison Facilities they call them Credit Facilities. What
does that tell you? Leman Brothers are underwriting the prison system.
The Corporation and
Here’s what goes on: A contractor comes in or any corporation could come in and what they do
is tender a Bid Bond to the US District Court and they buy up these court judgments and
anytime you issue a Bid Bond there has to be a reinsure; they even have a Reinsurance Treaty...
International Treaties.
Research: the UNITED STATES INC’s Constitution, Treaties are the Supreme Law of the land. So
they get a Reinsurance Company to come in and act as Surety for the Bid Bond then they bring
in a Performance Bond. All of these Bonds; Bid, Payment & Performance are Surety Bonds and
anytime you issue a Bid Bond it has to have a Surety. Where is the Surety going? It’s
guaranteeing or reinsuring the Bid Bond by issuing a Performance Bond...that’s what these
Performance Bonds are. Then they get an underwriter and that would be either an Investment
Broker or an Investment Banker; they come in and underwrite the Performance Bond which is
reinsuring the Bid Bond. What does the underwriter do with the Payment Bond? The
underwriter takes the 3 Bonds and pools them and known as Mortgaged Backed Securities and
when you pool these MBS their called BONDS and their sold to a company called TBA which is
the Bond Market Association - this is an actual Corporation. What they do is after the Payment
Bond is issued to reinsure or underwrite the Performance Bond which reinsures the Bid Bond,
they convert these Bonds to investment securities...the banks do and Brokerage houses and
they sell these as investment securities and you are funding the whole enchilada because you
got into Default Judgment when you went into court.
What is really going on?

Before you can do anything you have to know what’s going on and there are
regulations which are at 48 CFR Code of Federal Regulations. THIS disc its
$50 for the disc and there’s over 2000 pages of regulations on there. Part 12
deals with commercial items and commercial items are Negotiable
Instruments and they are selling these court judgments as Negotiable
Instruments as commercial Items through these Bonds: The Bid Bond, the
Performance Bond and the Payment Bond. What is a “Reinsure”?
Anytime your dealing in Bonds or “Risk Management” and what the
“Reinsure” is doing is insuring part of the risk of the Bid Bond. What they do
is give him a portion of the original premium; this is all insurance. The
original insurer gives him a part of the premium of the policy of the Bid Bond
in exchange for being a “Reinsure” or indemnity or act as surety for the Bid
Bond. Then the underwriter comes in and guarantees the resale of the
Bonds back to the Public as investment securities.
They are making a fortune
In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond. ASK them for the Bond, and
everyone will disappear I am told. See our case. Better yet, ask them for a full settlement
and closure of the account.
BLUF: It’s your money that they create; the same thing going on in the Banks and with
these Bonds; they monetize these Bonds. They take your
Bond because you got into Default Judgment because you didn’t pay the debt and took your
Bond and made an investment security out of it. They are making a fortune off AMERICANS.
Also note other companies buy these bonds. When they go International they go as CINS
and from CINS they go to ANNA= Annual Numerical Number Association and located in
Brussels Belgium and they have unlimited capital. How many of us know about
Eurostream? This is where your Pound, Yen, and Sterling; everything came under the Prison
System; everything is being funneled through it. Their all feed off of it.
That’s what was behind 9/11 so they could get the state legislature to pass more statutes.
Bond Statutes so they could arrest people for writing a threatening letter so they could
arrest you for terrorist activity...paper terrorist they call it.
ALEC is the think tank behind it = America Legislative
Exchange Committee. Paul Warrick owns the Cognis Foundation
(?) and what ALEC does is promoting privatization of Prison
Systems and what they do is go to the National Congress of
Commissioners which are made up of 72 Judges and Lawyers
and 72 judges and Lawyers are the ones that drew up the
Uniform Commercial Code which everything is operating under.
Everything is under Lex Mercantoria. If you go into the State
Statutes, it will say the principle of law and equity or law
Merchant is the decision in all the courts; everything is
commercial. 7211 7 CFR says that all crimes are commercial. If
you read that is says kidnapping, robbery, extortion, murder etc
are commercial crimes and if you don’t do full settlement and
closure of the account, they will put you in prison.
What they do is they sell the Bond both domestically and at the international level. They
convert these Bonds to investment securities and sell them at the international level. CCA
is the ticker on the Stock Exchange; they actually sell stock and shares on the New York
Stock Exchange. CWX, CWD & CWG, when it goes to Frankfurt (CWG), when it goes to Berlin
is their Ticker symbol, their listed right on the New York Stock Exchange. You go buy USA
Today or any Global paper that lists the Stocks on there and their on there on the New York
Stock Exchange.
Question: Answer: CCA Correction Corporation of America and they go international
which means Berlin & Frankfurt Germany and they use a different Sticker Symbol. Who
owns CCA? Don Russell, he owns 64 Million shares of it. John Ferguson, he’s the vice
president and owns about 35 Million shares. They are on the board of directors. There’s
another corporation called Dillon Corrections owned by David Dillon and what they did
was they merged with Trinity Vender Investments and Dillon and they became SD
Warburg and their located in Chicago Illinois and their hooked up with the EIS Bank which
is the Bank of International Settlements located in Switzerland one of the largest banks in
the world. All this stuff is in that Treatise; there’s a lot of information in that; you need to
sit down and read that so you can understand what’s going on before you do anything.
This is why people don’t win in court; if you don’t redeem the Bond....all this trial and
presentencing is a dog and pony show.
They are selling the Bonds!!! And
Making money
What they do is sell the Bond both domestically and at the international level.
They convert these Bonds to investment securities and sell them at the
international level. CCA is the ticker on the Stock Exchange; they actually sell
stock and shares on the New York Stock Exchange. CWX, CWD & CWG, when it goes
to Frankfurt (CWG) when it goes to Berlin (CWD); THE UNITED STATES INC PEDO
CORPORATION ISN’T GOING TO TELL US THIS. That is their Ticker symbol, listed
right on the New York Stock Exchange. You go buy USA Today or any Global paper
that lists the Stocks on there and there on there on the New York Stock Exchange.
This is why people don’t win in court; if you don’t redeem the Bond....all this
trial and presentencing is a dog and pony show.
To win in Kangaroo Court you
must redeem your bond yourself as
everything is a rich man’s game –
ask our fake founding father who
found a land that was not lost
Surety? Straw man is the Surety so you put the Straw man
down as the Surety and you put yourself down as the
Principal. Then you fill out a Performance Bond. The
Performance Bond is the Reinsurance for the Bid Bond; put
yourself down and the guarantor or reinsure. The
Performance Bond is 274. You have 3 different Bonds: Bid
Bond; Performance Bond & Payment Bond. The Payment Bond
is the underwriter of the Performance Bond. You can do all
three Bonds. You can underwrite the performance bond and
underwrite the bid with the Performance Bond, that’s the
reinsure. Their doing it for you because nobody knows this
stuff. You’re the one that created all of this mess.
Questions and Answers: If you have a case pending what you should do is go to whatever District
you’re in. I think Ohio is......go find the Northern District Court and type in your case number and it
will tell you about your Bond, who’s got your Bond. I’m going after my Bond. Question: Are you the
reinsure on the Payment Bond also? Answer: Well your acting as the underwriter. To tell you what’s
going on with the Banks...the banks are all tied in with this. Every time you sign a check - a check is
a Promissory Note; the Banks made a derivative on it; the banks do not have any money at all. A
check is a Promissory Note and what they do is endorse it on the back after you present it for
payment and endorse it on the back ‘without Recourse” and then they sell it as a Derivative”...they
monetize it. They Monetize Debt under the Monetary Control Act of 1980. They monetize it and sell
it internationally. If you have a check for $100 you’ll have 20 or 30 international corporations using
your check. Question: Is that why they never give you back the checks anymore? Answer: You got it.
The question was for the audience: Why don’t you get your canceled checks back anymore after
you present for payment? The reason you don’t get them is that they sell them as promissory note.
All personal checks are promissory notes and the banks make derivatives out of them and sell
them internationally. Your actually loaning money to the talk about screwed up. Now
you know why they have proctologists. You’re loaning the money to the bank and the bank loans it
to other people with derivatives into the Billions. Question: How much are they making? Answer:
Trillion of dollars. When it goes internationally you’re getting into 9 &12 digit figures. 9 digits is a
billion etc.
Questions Continued

[Question: I have a court case coming up, if it’s already in default is that necessarily fatal?] Answer: You can
cure the default. I use the Default Judgment in the same terms as Dishonor. Jack is absolutely correct when
you go into Dishonor it looks like what their doing is suing you civilly, a civil suit for a collection of a Debt and
if you go into default judgment if you have a claim and I’m taking a mandatory Rule13. Rule 13 says that
when a claim arises from the same transaction or occurrence, it’s mandatory that you file a counterclaim.
What is your counterclaim... Post-settlement and closure of the account under Public Policy. Your entitled to
a discharge of the debt because number one you’re the principal and you’re the Holder-In- Due-Course of the
original account. You own both sides of the account. You own the common stock, the preferred stock and
you’re the principal on the account which means you’re the creditor. Everyone is acting like a Debtor instead
of a Creditor. What does the Creditor do...he pays his Debts. You have to file the proper paperwork before you
can do this; you have to be the secured party you have to file a UCC 1. [Comment: You have to do stuff before
that.] You are the Principal upon which all money circulates, this is called the accrual method of accounting.
Accruals are the capital and interest from the Principal. Anytime you monetize Debt you have a principal.
You have to identify yourself as the principal and what they have to do is return all capital and interest back
to you as the principal. This is called the accrual method of accounting. When you get into a courtroom and
start arguing jurisdiction, what you saying is I’m not going to pay the debt. First of all let me say that the
straw man, the all-capital letter name, the one they have a claim against; they have a claim because your dear
old mother signed a contract with the state creating the straw man and he did this through the birth
certificate and what they do is give him your name and use your name in all capital letters because you are
the fiduciary trustee of the account and what does the fiduciary trustee do with the account...he pays all of
his debts to honor the court.
Strawman and Birth Certificate
Back Up Slides
to Bonds
By Cristina Resetnic,
 In finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized
issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms
of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) and/or to
repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity. A bond is
a formal contract to repay borrowed money with interest at
fixed intervals.
Issuing bonds

 Bonds are issued by public authorities, credit

institutions, companies and supranational
institutions in the primary markets. The most
common process of issuing bonds is through
underwriting. In underwriting, one or more
securities firms or banks, forming a syndicate, buy
an entire issue of bonds from an issuer and re-sell
them to investors. The security firm takes the risk
of being unable to sell on the issue to end
Features of bonds

 Bonds have a number of characteristics of which you need to be

aware. AII of these factors play a role in determining the value of a
Coupon (The Interest Rate)

 The coupon is the amount the bondholder will

receive as interest payments. It's called a
"coupon" because sometimes there are physical
coupons on the bond that you tear off and redeem
for interest. However, this was more common in
the past. Nowadays, records are more likely to be
kept electronically.
 As previously mentioned, most bonds pay interest
every six months, but it's possible for them to pay
monthly, quarterly or annually. The coupon is
expressed as a percentage of the par value.

 The maturity date is the date in the future on which the investor's
principal will be repaid. As long as all payments have been made,
the issuer has no more obligation to the bond holders after the
maturity date. The length of time until the maturity date is often
referred to as the term or tenor or maturity of a bond. There are
three groups of bond maturities:
short term (bills): maturities up to one year;
medium term (notes): maturities between one and ten
long term (bonds): maturities greater than ten years

 A bond that matures in one year is much more predictable and thus
less risky than a bond that matures in 20 years. Therefore, in
general, the longer the time to maturity, the higher the interest rate.
Also, all things being equal, a longer term bond will fluctuate more
than a shorter term bond.

 The issuer of a bond is a crucial factor to consider, as the issuer's

stability is your main assurance of getting paid back.

For example, the U.S. government is far more secure than any
corporation. Its default risk (the chance of the debt not being paid
back) is extremely small - so small that U.S. government securities
are known as risk-free assets. The reason behind this is that a
government will always be able to bring in future revenue through
taxation. A company, on the other hand, must continue to make
profits, which is far from guaranteed. This added risk means
corporale bonds must offer a higher yield in order to entice investors -
this is the risk/return tradeoff in action.
Types of bonds

 Fixed rate bonds have a coupon that remains constant

throughout the life of the bond.
 Floating rate notes (FRNs) have a variable coupon that is
linked to a reference rate of interest, such as
LIBOR or Euribor.
 Inflation linked bonds. in which the principal amount and
the interest payments are indexed to
inflation. The interest rate is normally lower than for fixed
rate bonds with a comparable maturity.
 Asset-backed securities are bonds whose interest and
principal payments are backed by underlying cash flows
from other assets.
Types of bonds

 Subordinated bonds are those that have a lower priority than

other bonds of the issuer in case of liquidation.
 Perpetual bonds are also often called perpetuities or Perps'.
They have no maturity date.
 Bearer bond is an official certificate issued without a named
holder. In other words, the person who
has the paper certificate can claim the value of the bond.
Often they are registered by a number to
prevent counterfeiting, but may be traded like cash. Bearer
bonds are very risky because they can be
lost or stolen.
 War bond is a bond issued by a country to fund a war.
How To Read A Bond Table

Column 1: Issuer - This is the company, state (or

province) or country that is issuing the bond.
Column 2: Coupon - The coupon refers to the fixed
interest rate that the issuer pays to the lender.
Column 3: Maturity Date - This is the date on which
the borrower will repay the investors their principal.
Typically, only the last two digits of the year are quoted:
25 means 2025, 04 is 2004, etc.
Column 4: Bid Price - This is the price someone is
willing to pay for the bond. It is quoted in relation to
100, no matter what the par value is. Think of the bid
price as a percentage: a bond with a bid of 93 is trading
at 93% of its par value.
Column 5: Yield - The yield indicates annual return
until the bond matures. Usually, this is the yield to
maturity, not current yield.

 Bonds are just like lOUs. Buying a bond means you are lending out your
 Bonds are also called fixed-income securities because the cash flow from
them is fixed.
 The issuers of bonds are governments and corporations.
 A bond is characterized by its face value, coupon rate, maturity and issuer.
 Yield is the rate of return you get on a bond.
 When price goes up, yield goes down, and vice versa.
 When interest rates rise, the price of bonds in the market falls, and vice
 Bills, notes and bonds are all fixed-income securities classified by maturity.
 Government bonds are the safest bonds, followed by municipal bonds, and
then corporate bonds.
 Bonds are not risk free. It's always possible - especially in the case of
corporate bonds - for the borrower to default on the debt payments.

 Bond- are debt and are issued for a period of more than one year.
 Underwriting- the process of placing a new issue with investors.
 Syndicate - a group of banks that acts jointly, on a temporary basis, to loan money in a bank credit
(syndicated credit) or to underwrite a new issue of bonds.
 Coupon - the annual interest paid on a debt security.
 Maturity- the date on which payment of a financial obligation is due.
 Issuer- an organization that is selling or has sold its securities to the public.
 Bid Price- this is the quoted bid, or the highest price an investor is willing to pay to buy a security.
 Yield- the percentage return paid on a stock in the form of dividends, or the effective rate of interest
paid on a bond or note.
 IOU- "I owe you.“ An IOU in the business community is actually a legally binding agreement
between a borrower and a lender.
Judge’s thoughts about the
To finish the document 30
pages See:
 the instructions... will need any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your

corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate.
 1 – Go to . The page should look like the following page.
 2 - You will see a tab in the upper left hand corner the tab for RESEARCH. Click on it and then
click on the QUOTE option.
 3 - At the top of the page you will see DELAYED QUOTES. Click on SYMBOL LOOKUP.
 4 - Take the number of the court case, birth certificate o the social security number & red Cusip
number on the back of the social security card and place it in the box. Make the search by Mutual Fund and
Fund Number.
 on the Search Button
 Social security & red CUSIP Numbers a new Cusip number will appear on the page. This number is the
number of the CUSIP that is on the bond that the social security account is linked to.
 5 - Write down the CUSIP number and then go back to the previous page that had DELAYED
QUOTES at the top. Click on the option that is spelled here. The sentence should read, “to quote or lookup
a bond click here.”
 spelled here. The sentence should read, “to quote or lookup a bond click here.”
 6 - You will be directed to a page that allows you to put that CUSIP number in a search on the left side of the page.
Press Go.
 7 - What will appear next is a page that says BOND RESULTS. Near the middles of the page you will have 2 options.
One is for a contact to a call rep who can explain questions about the bond. Click on Call Rep to get the phone number. The next
one will tell you who is holding the bond. Click on this Option that is below Description.
 Bond Details will be broken down into Offering and Analytics.
 will tell you whether the bond is annual or not, the maturity date which is when the payment on the bond or IOU is due, whether
there is call protection. A yes on call protection means you cannot call in on the bond if you are owed. Social Security bonds will
always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. Anyone in the movement for ‘Sovereignty’
giving you advice that you can cash in on this bond is directing you to trouble and legal and lawful problems. Also Social security
Bonds are not marginable which means you cannot draw a line of credit off of them because this is what the debtor, the United
States is doing drawing a line of credit off of you through its international obligations secured by Article VI of the Constitution the 14
th amendment and other statutes and codes that make you a subject, so you cannot write sight drafts off of a claim on the Federal
Government based on a birth certificate rescinded/cancelled negotiation, a rescission or cancellation of contract or expatriation from
citizenship which may nullify social security obligations, or on a court case as a citizen of the United States because as a resident,
and citizen of your municipality, state, and federal government you have made these entities Trustees , Assignees, Consignees,
Bailee, Licensee, Lessee, registered owner, seller, and beneficiary instead of your proper national and international governing
Aboriginal society and your true national name, you the living Aboriginal being.
 8 – Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to
Click on Research. Click on Quote. Click on Symbol Look Up. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three
numbers then dash, next 2 #’s then dash and then the final numbers. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and
FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate.
 9 - NEXT Click on the Initialed Trading Company name under SYMBOL. This will give you all of the trading
information about who is trading on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. This document was created when you were
an infant. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this ‘simple contract’ UCC3-203 and to make a Claim in
recoupment [Reparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC 3-305]. Instruction 10 Court
Cases - Next you can look up any court case. Type in the case number of the federal, state, or municipal court case and you
can find out who owns the marginable line of credit on the annual bond of the federal, state, or municipal entity. A CUSIP
number will appear which tells you that the bond is on record with a clearing house agency of the federal government most
likely the Depository Trust Clearing corporation or one of its subsidiaries. After you get the case click on the symbol to see the
present trading.
the UCC Office of each one of the 50 States and the District of Columbia or your local County Recorders Office UCC Section
 Letters of Credit are Governed by the terms of the Letters of Credit themselves, Article 5 Of the Uniform Commercial Code
and may be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits [See UCC5116 (c) as promulgated by the
International Chamber of Commerce
Judge Amy B. Jackson and
DOJ committing Treason
Judge Amy B.
Jackson’s response as
regarding turn over
your hazard bond
Proof that the EEOC Judge
ordered all our affidavits to
be placed on the record in
2018. Note: Everyone has
access to the truth, judges,
DOD, DOJ, VA and etc
Proof Amy B. Jackson
worked with DOJ and the
VA to dismiss our claims
and give us 9 fake claims
with DOJ
How do they
alter the
documents on
the record???
9 Fake claims
DOJ and Amy
B. Jackson got
from the Safe
See Transmittal Record and
the 10th Amended

Request the
court to
transfer due to
the Criminal
Activity with
Proof DOJ is trying to get us to consent to their
crime against the Westfall Act.
Note: VONCELLE, Angela and etc told us on the
record. Their goal was to (1) throw out our higher
court case against the Deep State before 24 June
2019 and (2) the attorney is working with Amy B.
Jackson, (3) She was told by the General Counsel
that she needed to obtain a fake peace order to use
against us in our higher court case. Should we go to
a real court? Hence the reason Judge Amy B.
Jackson and Moss sent our affidavits back vs
posting the truth on the record.
Quo Warranto 1 of 10
Proof WA State is committing
Treason none of my clients had
a trial. They were played by the
Prosecutor, Judge, and Clerk
Pay attention to how they Alter the Court records to fill their for-profit jails. In this video, I go over Sex Trafficking crimes by the

Shaunel Never had a trial

We have a two-tiered court system
Note: The United
States is a foreign
The United States
Inc is the prime
contractor and the
Agencies are the
subcontracts with a
They violate their
charter/oath they
commit a
against Americans.

The United States

Inc Military has two
contracts with
Americans (1)
United States Inc
President (CEO) and
(2) Service
Contract for
 There is only 1 law, GOD’s Natural Law. We have an obligation to stand up and object anyone who violates our GOD given rights.
 The 1st time, a judge, prosecutor and etc (1) Violate your God Given Natural right, (2) the Due Process Clause, and (3) Safety and (4)
ADA Act (Title II and Titles III) they forfeit the right to hold (THAT LEADERSHIP) Position as TREASON IS HAPPENING.
 It is a matter of law that the Judge recuse herself/Himself as the COURT is ALWAYS FAIR.

 If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have rights and whatever happens to you, it is on you. Treason is happening. WHY? The
 Everything must be on the record due to contract law.

What they
 The United States is a foreign corporation.
 They play administrative F to change your reality. They usually take 10 years to complete their game. During this time, they hope to
dismiss, delay and or deny your higher court case against them.

don’t tell  They have no fear of writing void orders against AMERICANS because the FOX GUARDS THE HEN HOUSE (EXECUTIVE
ORDER 12196)

 Washington, Jefferson, General Pratt stole the Americans/Indigenous land by (1) killing the elderly, (2) oppressing and killing the
children, (3) Standing up residential schools, (4) changing the culture, standing, (5) re-label them meaning dead (e.g. Indians, black,
slaves, nigger, negro, minority, taking away the flag).

 Sir Edward Cooke, directed the Europeans not only designed common law, but he ignored the Charter of the Forest and replaced
Charter of the FOREST with 1871 KKK Act and 1983 KKK Act which means you cannot throw out a case until the victims are made
whole and relief is mandatory.
 When anyone violates your GOD given rights, you have standing to sue them under 18 USC 241, 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK, 42 USC
1985, 42 USC 1986 and the ADA Interference Act. Relief is Mandatory.

 The 14 Amendment was designed not for slaves but for corporations
 Never confuse the United States Inc and America/Americans
 The United States Inc is (1) the prime contractor and (2) the Agencies are the subcontracts with a charters.
 When you sue any United States Inc corporation, you must put the UNITED STATE INC on the fact of the claim vs the subcontractor.
 If the United States Inc, Employees violate their charter and or oath of office, they commit a Felony/Treason
against Americans aka their own constitution.
 In order for the constitution to be legal, it must reflect the will of the majority of the people. The constitution
has never reflected the will of the majority of the people.

What they  The constitution is supposed to reflect GOD’s natural law, hence the reason if Common Law designed by Sir
Edward Cooke, conflicts with GOD’s Natural Law it can be changed.

don’t tell The Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, DOJ, Sheriff’s Department, Jails, Clerks and their pawns play

administrative trickery with the law,/paperwork in court and with the American People
 The Attorneys work for the BAR designed by Bankers, Rockerfellers.

Americans  The system developed 1990 ADA Act and ADA Reps as a front to steal more money from Americans. For
example: They pretend they are taking care of the weak (e.g., elderly, service-disabled veteran, children and

(continued) :
 The United States Inc’s leaders have to be just as dirty as Epstein to be placed in authority.
 The United States Inc Military has two contracts with Americans (1) United States Inc President (CEO) and
(2) a Service Contract to Keep American’s safe
 Their rules are not laws, but rules to their United States constitution
 Article Three Section one on their constitution states, “NOTHING can be PRESUMED to Act Jurisdictional”.
 They tricked us into becoming CORPORATIONS lost at sea without a soul so we cannot sue them
 Courts of Inferior or limited jurisdiction have no inherent jurisdictional authority, no inherent judicial power
whatsoever. Courts are empowered by one source : SUFFICIENTY OF PLEADING – Meaning one of the partied
appearing before the inferior court must literally give the court its judicial power by completing jurisdiction.
 They manipulate the court records/tapes (e.g., clerks in sheriff’s department)
 They use the sheriff’s department to issue fake warrants and put you in jail for at
least 3 days

What they 

They own the Dr’s and Nurses who offer victims Blood pressure medicine

Their foreign nurses are replacing nurses before the nurse retires (see Augusta,

don’t tell 

The prosecutors are threating competent fact witnesses, protecting the perpetrators

Americans  The prosecutors and judges are offering victims pleas without establishing SMJ
 They release victims at night and don’t allow the elderly and service-disabled
(continued) : 
veterans to use their cane, walker and reasonable accommodations

They track you using your medica records and AT&T

 They hire Third Party Contractors, ORM, Post Office, and etc., to TROLL you.
 They spend more on retaliation against the WHISTLEBLOWER vs their real job.
 They play on your fear
 Leaders get pawns, clerks, ADA Clerks, throw-aways, third party contractors,
interns to do their dirty work.
 There are 25 things they can NEVER TAKE AWAY FROM AMERICANS.
The 25 things the United States Inc and their courts cannot take
away from Americans but they will try…Remember their rules are
not law, but rules for their corrupt pedo corporation. Your thoughts
are your reality. Their goal is to change your reality and do what
they say. Know your true worth, and they wont get away with their
crimes against humanity
Your Civil Rights are property
your property
The United States Constitution Article Three, Section 1, you
cannot presume THESE PEOPLE WILL act judicially. You
are dealing with cult members. Sir Edward Cooke designed
Common law to trick Americans out of giving up their rights.
Chief Justice Roberts is the Chief Justice which speaks volume as he is friends with EPSTEIN
Lower courts are put in place to screw Americans out of Justice
Case must be tried by a jury their game is to commit perjury until it is time for a jury. Also, in Brad’s
case, Judge Margaret Taylor has explaining to do.
When anyone ignores their oath and violates HUMAN RIGHTS (e.g, due process clause, safety)
TREASON is happening
Remember: Public Servant (Judges, Attorneys, DOJ, VA, Police Officers, Sheriff’s
Department, and DOD) cannot take AMERICAN tax dollars and deny HUMAN

BLUF: Ask this question: If AMERICANS pay PUBLIC SERVANTS tax dollars to
do their job and if they are not doing their job, who is the third party paying them
not to do their job. In other words, who is bribing them to commit TREASON and
Understand Sir Edward Cooke’s
Common law
How to prepare
yourself before
dealing with the
courts and

military style
 THAT The practice of Law is an occupation of common
right, the same being a secured liberty right. (Sims v.
Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925)
 THAT No state may convert a secured liberty right into a
privilege, issue a license and fee for it. (Murdock vs.
Pennsylvania 319 US 105 (1943)
THAT The practice of Law authority higher than the authority of the State; that there is a moral law which the
State is powerless to alter; that the individual possesses rights, conferred by the Creator, which government must
respect. The Declaration of Independence (and the Charter of the Forest) stated the now familiar theme: ‘We
hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men and WOMEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ And
the body of the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights, enshrined those principles.” (McGowan v. Maryland,
366 US 420, 563, Supreme Court (1961).

As per the Charter of FOREST, NO MAN IS ABOVE GOD’s LAW. No man can violate another man/woman’s
rights. Your rights are your property. Should another man/woman harm another man/woman – They will have a
trial and they will pay for their emotional, physical and etc harm.
 THAT "All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice
are, in our laws and must be like things, considered as void.
 The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded
by no power on earth.
 A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose
punishments they cannot protect us.
 All human constitutions which contradict HIS laws, we are in conscience
bound to disobey. Such has been the adjudications of our courts of justice."
(Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772)
All human constitutions which contradict HIS laws, we
are in conscience bound to disobey. Such has been the
adjudications of our courts of justice." (Robin v.
Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772)
 The Supreme Court has warned, "Because of what appear to be Lawful
commands on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for
what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their
rights, due to ignorance [and deceptive practices in inferior
administrative State courts]." (United States v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179,
187, 76 S.Ct. 281, 100 L.Ed. 185 (1956)
 The United States Constitution does not give anyone the right to a lawyer or the right to
counsel, or the right to any other "hearsay substitute." The 6th Amendment is very
specific that the accused only has the right to the “assistance of counsel” and this
assistance of counsel can be anyone the accused chooses without limitations.

 "The term [liberty] ... denotes not merely mean freedom from bodily restraint but also
the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of
life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, to establish a home and bring up children,
to worship God according to the dictates of this own conscience... The established
doctrine is that this liberty may not be interfered with, under the guise of protecting
public interest, by legislative action (Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399, 400).
 A State cannot exclude a person from the practice of law or from any
other occupation in a manner or for reasons that contravene the Due
Process Clause (Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 232).

 The practice of law is an occupation of common right (Sims v. Aherns,

271 SW 720 (1925). Therefore, there can be no sanction or penalty
imposed upon on because of his exercise of Constitutional Rights
(Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946 (1973).
 Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial
proceedings (Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virgin ia State Bar, 377 U.S.
1; v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335
•Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425). Members of groups who are
competent non-lawyers can assist other members of the group to achieve the
goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of
law (NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415);
 Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425). Members of groups who
are competent non-lawyers can assist other members of the group to
achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with
"unauthorized practice of law (NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415);

 United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs, 383 U.S. 715; and Johnson v.

Avery, 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969). A next friend is a person who represents
someone who is unable to tend to his or her own interest (Federal Rules
of Civil Procedures, Rule 17, 28 USC A "Next Friend”).

Title II of the ADA if anyone plays

administrative trickery especially the
Judges, they don’t get immunity they
ignore the ADAAA
Title II of the ADA if anyone plays administrative
trickery especially the Judges, they don’t get
immunity they ignore the ADAAA

 The Supreme Court in Tennessee v. Lane, et al., 541 U.S. 59 (2004) pointed out that Congress
Constitutionally abrogated the States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity, making suits for damages available
to individuals who proceed under Title II of the ADA with claims of violation of Due Process of Law
(Huffer, 2012). This means that if judges do not adhere to the ADAAA, they lose their immunity from being
sued. The Lane case found that “Congress enacted Title II against a backdrop or pervasive unequal
treatment of persons with disabilities in the administration of state services and programs, including
systematic deprivation of fundamental rights (Huffer, 2012). Specifically, Title II seeks to enforce a variety
of basic Constitutional guarantees, including the right of access to the courts, infringements of which are
subject to heightened judicial scrutiny. The court found that all courts have a duty to accommodate that is
perfectly consistent with the well-established due process principle that a state must afford to all individual
a meaningful opportunity to be heard in its courts. The Supreme Court concluded in Lane, ‘that Title II, as it
applies to the class of cases implicating the fundamental right of access to the courts, constitutes a valid
exercise of Congress’ authority to enforce the guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment (Huffer, 2012).

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