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Week # Bell Ringers,

Quarter #2
Name: __________________
Sentence Structure: Dangling & Misplaced Modifiers
Watch these explanatory video lessons to help you with #1.
Dangling modifier Video: Dangling Modifiers Mini-lesson
Misplaced modifier Video: Misplaced Modifier Video

1. Revise the following sentence and write it correctly. Proofread.

The jeans did not fit in the store. [Hint: Jeans are not bigger than a building….]

Make sure that each sentence is free of dangling or misplaced modifier

Revised Sentence:_________________________________________________


Connotation and/or Denotation
1. Connotation: the way a word and the context around the word’s use
2. Click the link and watch the video about Connotation.
3. Directions: Identify the type of connotation for the words below by using one of the following symbols: -, +, • .
Each symbol will be used. - Negative + Positive • Neutral

confident_____ bold_____ aggressive_____

If you do not know the meaning of one of the words, click here for access to the Meriam Webster Thesaurus and type the word. If you are
still confused with the synonyms, consult your teacher. Sometimes Google images are helpful.

4. Which word would be used to describe a driver who recklessly weaves in and out of traffic? _______________ .
Highlight the correct word:

confident bold aggressive

Roots & Affixes
1. Use the meanings of the root and affix to define the word. Then provide a dictionary definition.

bellicose “bell” - war “ose” - full of, excessive

2. Find 5 words that contain the root “retro” and/or “spec” explain (briefly) how each word is connected to the meanings.






Context Clues
Directions: Watch the brief video on context clues: Review Lesson: Context Clues Next, read the following sentences.

After hearing about the widow’s troubles, Berry knew she was innocent and agreed to take on her case. But the voicemail she left him did
seem to have a secret, hidden meaning. It was one of the most cryptic messages he had ever received from a client.

The word “cryptic means_________________________________________________________________


Now go back into the sentences and highlight the context clues..
Parts of Speech: Verbs: Helping Verbs [Verb Phrases]
Review: A verb is a part of speech that expresses action or existence/state of being. There are action verbs and linking verbs.

❏ Helping Verbs: help verbs show when events happened.

Watch the following video: Helping Verbs.

Study the helping verbs, There are 23 of them.

❏ Helping verbs are part of verb phrases.

❏ Helping verbs MUST appear with another verb. Helping verbs NEVER stand alone.
❏ NON-EXAMPLE: Amy is happy about the outcome. [“is” is a linking verb and not a helping verb. The word “is” connects “Amy” to
“happy” and is NOT a helping verb in this sentence.]
❏ Watch the following video: Verbs and Verb Phrases, and then look at the following sentences that have highlighted verb
phrases .EXAMPLES: You will have several guests at the party. Amy may bring a guest to the wedding. Is she going to the
game next week?

Directions: Highlight the verb phrase in each sentence. Remember: You MUST highlight the helping verb AND the main verb (action verb or a
linking verb).

1. After arrival, each student will go to his classroom.

2. They shall meet their teachers in the doorway.
3. If necessary, the students might carry their backpacks all day.
4. Anyone could access her computer during remote learning.
Word Parts: Prefix + Base Word or Root Word + Suffix
Look at the following example of a word after it has been deconstructed. Look at the mini-definition for each word part that is included after the
colon,, too.

Imported: prefix: im + base word or root word: port + sufffix: ed


● prefix: im=in/inside (sometimes means “not”/not this time)

● base word or root word: port=to carry
● suffix: ed=past tense verb suffix; possessing or having the...adjective suffix

Directions: Now break down the following word into different word parts. Include a short definition or explanation for each word part,

insomniac prefix: + base word or root word: + suffix:

● prefix::
● base word or root word::
● suffix::

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