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People portray companies as evil by definition, and in many aspects

they are. But often times a company is forced to behave in certain ways
by consumer behaviour. If no one buys your product, you are out of
business. Consumers take decisions for companies, but often [they]
don't, which means they don't care.
Companies do very precise work on this to understand the consumers
and what level of quality they are willing to pay for, and [it shows
that] a large number of consumers prefer inexpensive over respect for
human rights or environment. After all, if you buy a pair of jeans at
$9.99, what are you really expecting about the working conditions
of those who made them?
Anonymous senior executive at a big European high street brand.

Source: The Guardian, Rana Plaza: One Year on from the Bangladesh Factory Disaster
Campaign for organisations
that fight for workers’ rights
Research clothes companies e.g.
using watchdogs
e.g. Upcycle old
Check clothes
companies’ websites for
information on how
their clothes are made Write to your TD
Don’t buy any new
clothes demanding better oversight
of brands in Ireland

Lead a protest outside

your local fast fashion
Make your
Buy more clothes own clothes
Upcycling Challenge
Christmas Jumper Swap Shop
Presenting to other classes
BN2U Week & Fashion Show

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