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1923260 Palkan Chavda Asynchronous 4th August

1. Have you noticed the new mannequins in stores where you shop for clothes? What is
your reaction?
Due to the pandemic, I have yet to come across these new and updated mannequins in stores,
but before the pandemic, mannequins were definitely prevalent in stores like Forever 21,
Pantaloons etc. These mannequins make it easier to visualise how the piece of clothing would
look on a certain type of body. It encourages me to try on that particular piece as it makes it
more attractive.

2. The new types of mannequins have centered more on women than men. Would men be
more likely to buy clothes displayed on mannequins related to their size?
The case focuses on mannequins centered towards women, but I think that men would also
have a similar reaction in terms of buying clothes. As mentioned earlier, I have also come
across various male mannequins, especially in formal clothing areas where displays like shirts
and kurtas are displayed on mannequins. This will have a similar effect on men of giving a
realistic view of the garment and will encourage them to try on and buy the product.

3. Digital mannequins collect data from passersby who are unaware that they are being
recorded. Is this ethical?
Recording passerby customers without them being aware is not ethical from the company’s
side. If the brand wants to record customer reviews and feedback, they should do it in one of 2
ways according to me.
1) Put up a sign informing the customers that they are under surveillance for research
purposes and that no biometric or private information will be recorded. Moreover, the
customers need to have the trust that the information collected will be kept confidential.
2) Collect feedback using in store employees by way of conversation if recording customers
is a hindrance.
In any case, it is the customers’ right to be informed and have their consent if they want to be

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