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• Any of a group of substances that in general
are soluble in organic solvents, but are not
soluble in water.
• The term fats and lipids used interchangeably
• Approx. 98 % of dietary lipids exist as
• 90% of body total fat stored in adipose tissue.


Simple lipids
Compound Derived
(phospholipids) (cholesterol)
Saturated fatty acids
• Contains only single covalent bonds b/w
carbon atoms.
• Occur primarily in animal products (beef ,
lamb, pork, chicken, egg yolk)
• Saturated fatty acids from plant kingdom
includes coconut and palm oil.
• High melting points
• Solid at room temp.
Unsaturated fatty acids
• Monounsaturated- • Polyunsaturated-
contains 1 double bond contain 2 or more
along the main c-chain double bond along the
eg. Olive oil, peanut, main c-chain,
almond oil. eg. Sunfloweroil,corn oil

Low melting points

Liquids at room temperature

Formation & breakdown of
• Esterification- process which outlines or series of
reactions for the formation of triacylglycerol
• Lipolysis/hydrolysis- breakdown of TAG to glycerol &
F.A molecules.
• Occurs in following conditions:
• low to moderate intensity exs
• Low calorie diet/fasting
• Cold stress
• Prolonged exs that depletes glycogen reserves
Dietary source of cholesterol
• Cholesterol, absorbed by small intestine, travels in blood,
enters liver
• In liver, cholesterol combines with triglycerides to form VLDL.
• VLDL & cholesterol exit liver for delivery to peripheral tissues
• LDL delivers cholesterol to cells of arterial wall
• Plaque formed from oxidized ldl deposition on the inside walls
of arteries.
• HDL removes excess cholesterol from cells.
• HDL releases excess chol. To lipoprotein carriers for delivery
back to the liver for bile synthesis. Gall bladder stores bile &
secretes it into the intestinal duodenum
• Dietary lipid represents 34%-38% of total calorie intake
Classification of lipoprotiens
• HDL high density lipoprotiens: (good cholestrol),
produced in liver & small intestine , contain highest
% of protien(50%) & least total lipid and
• VLDL very low density lipo – formed in liver from
fats, cho, alcohol & cholesterol, contain highest % of
lipid(95%), fewest protein component.
• LDL (bad cholesterol)- contains 60-80% of total
chol., greatest affinity for cells of arterial wall.
Role of lipids
• Energy source & reserve- ideal cellular fuel, 80-90% of
energy requirement of well nourished individual at rest.

• Protection of vital organs & thermal insulation- subcutaneous

fat provides thermal insulation& protects vital organ against

• Vitamin carrier & hunger depressor- consuming approx 20g

of dietary fat daily provides a sufficient source & transport
medium for fat soluble vits A,D E, K. thus decrease in lipid
intake cause vitamin def.

• It takes 3.5 hrs after ingesting lipids for the stomach to empty
them thereby, delaying the onset of hunger sensation.
Fat dynamics during exs.
• Fats contribute 50-70% of energy requirement
during light & moderate intensity exs.

• Stored fat(IM & derived from adipocytes) plays imp

role during prolonged exs.

• Fatty acid molecules (circulating FFA) provides more

than 80% of exs energy req.

• Aerobic training increase long chain fatty acid

oxidation during mild to moderate intensity exs.
Fat metabolism during exercise

• Lipolysis, the breakdown of adipose (fat) cells to

release their energy, requires activation of a lipase
enzyme and results in the release of free fatty acids
and glycerol into the cytoplasm of the cell. The
enzyme hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), which
stimulates lipolysis in both adipose and muscle cells,
is activated by the sympathetic nervous system and
the hormone epinephrine, and inhibited by insulin
and lactic acid.
• The hormonal environment generated by exercise
(increased epinephrine and decreased insulin)
promotes lipolysis and mobilization of fatty acids
from intramuscular triglycerides and adipose tissue
• During low- to moderate-intensity exercise
(below 65 percent of VO2max), the rate of
appearance of plasma free fatty acids closely
matches the rate of fat oxidation. Relative fat
oxidation is maximal at low to moderate
intensities, whereas during high intensities
(above 85 percent of VO2 max), carbohydrate
is the major fuel
Endurance training and fat
• A major metabolic adaptation to endurance training
is an increased capacity for fat oxidation.
• The contribution of fat to the total energy
expenditure increases after endurance training at
both the same relative and absolute exercise
• Most importantly, the trained muscles of athletes
have a greater mitochondrial and capillary density,
which enables them to oxidize more fat compared to
the untrained muscles of sedentary people.
• This “glycogen sparing” effect allows the athlete to
exercise longer before experiencing glycogen
depletion and associated fatigue.
• Trained individuals are more sensitive to the
hormonal milieu created by exercise, which
promotes an increase in the activity of HSL in the
trained compared to the untrained person.
Endurance training also decreases the secretion of
insulin both at rest and during exercise.

• Trained individuals deliver more blood and oxygen to

the muscles due to a higher cardiac output and
increased arterio-venous oxygen difference (a higher
VO2 max).
• Trained individuals also produce less lactic acid at
the same absolute and relative workloads due to a
higher lactate threshold. Both of these adaptations
to endurance training facilitate fat oxidation.

• Simply put, fat is a more concentrated form of

energy, readily stored by the body. Since trained
endurance athletes can utilize fat efficiently, the
theory goes, they should “load” fat instead of
carbohydrates. In testing that theory, researchers
have found conflicting results

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