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CE 306 ENV. ENG.

-1 (LAB)
• 1. Layout of the Environmental Eng Lab.
• 2. CO2 Determination in Drinking Water
• 3. Dissolved Oxygen Determination in Drinking Water
• 4. pH and Turbidity Determination in Drinking Water
• 5. Coagulation Dose Determination at Rawal Filtration Plant
• 6. To determine the Solids Concentration in a given water sample
• 7. To determine the Chlorine demand in given water sample
• 8. Determination of Coliform bacteria of a given water sample by Multiple
Tube Fermentation method.
• 9. Use of Spectrophotometer for Color Determination
Expt. # 1
CE 306: Environmental Eng-I Lab
Spring 2023
Layout of the Environmental Eng. Lab

Instructor: Dr. Zahiruddin Khan

Expt. # 2
CE 306: Environmental Eng-I Lab
Spring 2023
CO2 Determination in Water

Dr Zahiruddin Khan
Determination of CO2 in Water
• Carbon Dioxide is present in water in the form of a dissolved gas. Surface waters normally
contain less than 10 ppm free carbon dioxide, while some ground waters may easily exceed
that concentration. Carbon dioxide is readily soluble in water. Over the ordinary temperature
range (0-30 C) the solubility is about 200 times that of oxygen. Calcium and magnesium
combine with carbon dioxide to form carbonates and bicarbonates.
• Aquatic plant life depends upon carbon dioxide and bicarbonates in water for growth.
Microscopic plant life suspended in the water, phytoplankton, as well as large rooted plants,
utilize carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis of plant materials; starches, sugars, oils, proteins.
The carbon in all these materials comes from the carbon dioxide in water.
• When the oxygen concentration in waters containing organic matter is reduced, the carbon
dioxide concentration rises. The rise in carbon dioxide makes it more difficult for fish to use
the limited amount of oxygen present. To take on fresh oxygen, fish must first discharge the
carbon dioxide in their blood streams and this is a much slower process when there are high
concentration of carbon dioxide in the water itself.
Determination of CO2 in Water
• Free CO2 in neutral water is determined by titration with Na2CO3 or NaOH to form NaHCO3.
• Completion of the reaction indicates the development of pink color of phenolphthalein indicator of the equivalent.
• The sample should be gently swirled during the titration but care must be taken before and during titration to keep
aeration at a minimum.
• NaOH + CO2 + H2O = NaHCO3
• i) Measuring cylinder ii) Conical flask iii) Burette iv) Burette stand.
• i) N/44 NaOH  ii) Phenolphthalein indicator  iii) Sample water

• 50 ml of sample water is taken in a conical flask and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein is added. If the water turns to
pink then there is no free CO2 in water sample. If the sample remains colorless it is titrated with standard alkaline
solution (NaOH or Na2CO3). Gentle string during titration is done until pink color persists for 30 sec. The color
change indicates the end point of titration
Since 1 Mole of CO2 = 1 Mole of NaOH i.e. 44 gram of CO2 = 40 Gram of NaoH
OR 40 Gram of NaOH = 44 Gram of CO2 OR i.e., 40/44 gm of NaOH = 1 gm of CO2
Or N/44 gram of NaOH = 1 gram of CO2 OR 1mL of N/44 NaOH = 1 mg of CO2
Therefore 0.6 mL of NaOH = 0.6 mg of CO2
And 0.6 mg in 50 mL of sample = (0.6 x 1000)/50 = 12 mg/L CO 2

Group 1(Regn. 1-6) 2(Regn. 7-12) 3(Regn. 13-18) 4(Regn. 14-24) 5(Regn. 25-30) 6(Regn. 31-36)

Reading 0.6 mL 0.8 mL 1.0 mL 1.2 mL 1.4 mL 1.6 mL

CO2 is required both by aquatic & terrestrial plants. It is utilized by the plants during photosynthesis
In aquatic system amount of free CO2 influences the metabolic and developmental rates, orientation and movement
of some aquatic invertebrates  
Therefore, from this result we can conclude that this water is not suitable for fish culture. Fish will survive, but the
rate growth and reproduction will be poor
Determination of CO2 in Water
• Low Range Test (0.1-5 mg/L)
• Fill the mixing bottle to the 23- ml mark with the water sample
• Add one drop of the phenophthalein indicator solution to the sample.
• Add the sodium hydroxide solution drop by drop to the sample. Count each drop as it is added.
Swirl the bottle to mix after each drop is added. Continue adding drops until a light pink color
forms, and persists for 30 seconds.
• Each drop of sodium hydroxide solution used equals 1.25 mg/l carbon dioxide.
• Medium Range Test (6-10 mg/L)
• Fill the mixing bottle to the 15 ml mark with the water sample.
• Proceed as in the low range test.
• Each drop of sodium hydroxide solution used equals 2 mg/l carbon dioxide.
• High Range Test (> 10 mg/L)
• Fill the plastic measuring tube level full with the water to be tested. Transfer to the mixing bottle
by placing the mixing bottle over the tube and then turning the bottle right-side up.
• Add one drop of phenolphthalein indicator to the mixing bottle.
• Add sodium hydroxide solution drop by drop.
• Each drop sodium hydroxide used equals 5 mg/l carbon dioxide
Experiment #3: Estimating Dissolved Oxygen
• According to swingle (1947) effect of dissolved O2 level on fish population are stated below.
• Dissolved O2 ( ppm ) Effects.
< 1  Lethal on exposure for more than few hours.
1 - 5  Fish will survive, but reproduction and growth be poor.
> 5  Normal growth and reproduction.
5–15  Good for drinking purpose.

Winkler’s method (Azid modification) for DO Determination

• Collect sample in a 300 mL BoD bottle. Add 1mL Manganese Sulfate via pipette. Insert Stopper, remove
excess liquid
• Add 1 mL of Alakli Iodide (Azide) via pipette, insert stopper, remove excess liquid. Mix thoroughly, wait for 5
minutes – Brown Precipitate will form.
• To the settled ppt., add 1mL conc. H2SO4, insert stopper, remove excess liquid and gently mix till ppt is
• Take 203 mL of sample from BoD bottle, add 2-4 drops of Starch indicator till dark blue
• Titrate against 0.025 N Sod. Thiosulphate Sol. Till clear of color. Note volume of thiosulphate used.
• DO = V x 8 x N x 1000/mL of sample
Sr. No. Group -1 Group-2 Group-3 Group-4 Group-5 Group-6
mL of Sod. ThioSO4 6.2 6.6 7.0 7.4 7.8 8.2
Experiment #4: TURBIDITY
• Why Measure Turbidity
• To estimate the dose of coagulant required for the treatment
• To eliminate possibility of pathogens hiding within the particles
• To decide whether to pre-chlorinate the raw water or not.
• Procedure
• Turn the instrument on 10 min before experiment
• Calibrate the instrument as per manufacturer’s instructions using standard
turbidity solutions (Formazan Spheres) of 10, 100 and 200 NTU
• Fill the sampling vial as slowly as possible to avoid air bubbles in the sample.
• Place the sample vial in the cell holder, cover it, wait till the reading stabilizes.
• Take three readings for the same water and average the Turbidity Value.
Experiment #05: pH MEASUREMENT
• What is pH
• The negative log of the reciprocal of the Hydrogen ion Conc. pH = - Log {1/ [H]}
• It represents the degree of acidity or alkalinity in water
• Water with pH 1-6 is considered Acidic with acidity increasing from 6 to 1.
• Water with pH 8-14 is considered Alkaline with basicity increasing from 8 to 14.
• Procedure
• Keep the instrument on for 10 min before use
• Get the Standard pH 4, 7 and 10 Solutions from the manufacturer/supplier
• Calibrate the instrument using standards as per manufacturer's instructions
• Wash the pH probe before each measurement
• Insert the probe into the sample solution and let the reading
get stable
• Take three readings of the same water and use the average as
the real pH value..
Expt #6: Jar Testing & Coagulant Dose
Experiment #7: Estimating Chlorine Demand
• Chlorine is required in all treated waters to ensure absence of pathogenic micro-organisms, color and
taste. It can be available as Free Chlorine, Combined Residuals or Total Chlorine ( as a combination of
OCl- and HOCl)
• Take 6 conical flasks of 250 mL each. Add 200 mL distilled water in each
• Prepare bleaching powder solution of known strength ( by adding 1 gram of Bleaching powder into
250 mL of Distilled water = 4 mg/mL)
• Add 0.2 mL of this solution into 1st flask, 0.4 mL into the 2nd, 0.6 mL into 3rd and so on. These flasks
already contain 200 mL of distilled water. Mix each flask and leave for 30 min of contact time
• After 30 min., add 5mL of Acetic Acid and 1 gm of KI crystals in each and mix. Appearance of Yellow
color indicates presence of Chlorine in the solution.
• To samples which exhibit yellow color, add I mL Starch solution (turns it blue) and Titrate against 0.01
N Solution of Sod. Thio-Sulphate. Continue Titration until blue color disappears, Note Volume of
Titrant used as V. Cl Demand (mg/L) = V x N x 35.45 x 1000/mL of Sample used
Sr. No. Group -1 Group-2 Group-3 Group-4 Group-5 Group-6
mL of Sod. ThioSO4 1.2+ 4.9 1.4+5.2 1.6+ 5.4 1.8+ 5.6 2.0+6.0 2.2+6.5
Experiment #8: Estimating Residual Chlorine
• Step-1:Collect 200 mL of Chlorinated water sample in a conical Flask
• Step-2: Add 5mL of Acetic Acid and mix well. Check pH it should be
around 3 to 4
• Step-3: Mix after adding 1 gram of Iodide Crystals and titrate against
0.01 N Sodium Thiosulfate solution till light yellow color
• Step-4: Add 1mL of starch indicator into the flask with yellow
solution. Solution will turn blue.
• Step-5: Continue titration against Sod. Thiosulfate until blue color
just disappears.
• Step-6: Note down the Total volume of the Sod. Thiosulfate used.
Residual Chlorine = V x N x 35.45 x 1000 / mL of Sample used
Sr. No. Group -1 Group-2 Group-3 Group-4 Group-5 Group-6
mL of Sod. 0.2+ 1.1 0.3+1.2 0.4+ 1.3 0.5+ 1.4 0.6+1.5 0.7+1.6
Experiment # 4: Determining Of
What is Alkalinity
- The buffering capacity
- Quantitative capacity to neutralize
strong acid
Add 1 drop of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate to eliminate
residual Chlorine

Alk = [HCO3−] + 2[CO32-] + [OH-] – [H+]

- Titrate against 0.02N H2SO4 in the Burette

pH = 8.3 End of Phenolphthalein Alkalinity

= Pink to Colorless

pH = 4.3 End of Methyl Orange Alkalinity

= Yellow to faint orange
• Groups Reg. No.
V1 V2
• Group-1 Reg. No. 1-6 3.0 7
• Group-2 Reg. No. 7-12 3.2 7.4
• Group-3 Reg. No. 13-18 3.4 7.8
• Group-4 Reg. No. 19-24 3.6 8.2
• Group-5 Reg. No. 25-30 3.8 8.6
• Group-6 Reg. No. 31-37 4.0 9.0
• (a) Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (P) as CaCO3 =V1 x N x 50 x 1000/ mL of Sample
• (b) Methyl Orange Alkalinity as CaCO3 =V2 x N x 50 x 1000/ mL of Sample
• Total Alkalinity (T) = (a) + (b)

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