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GROUP 4(EH2203E)



• Dissolved Oxygen usually present in lake and river water. it is usually needed by the
aquatic organism to sustain their ecosystem.
• DO is used to measure the relative amount of oxygen dissolved in a unit volume of
• DO in water is dependent on physical, chemical and biochemical factors of the water.
 Dissolved oxygen analysis measured the amount of oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution.
 Oxygen gets into the water by diffusion from the surrounding air by rapid movement and also as
a waste product of photosynthesis process.

Carbon dioxide + water → oxygen + carbon-rich food

CO2 + H2O → O2 + C6H12O6

 TEST 1: Azide Winkler Method test is used in this experiment in order to measure the concentration of
dissolved oxygen (DO) in a water sample.

1. Excess manganese (II) sulphate will react with the alkali-iodide azide reagent that is an iodide
ion (I-) and potassium hydroxide ion (OH-) ion in water to form a white precipitate Mn(OH)2.
2. Alkali-iodide azide also composed of NaN3 that is an alkali azide compound that will eliminated
the nitrile interference that can interfere the reaction of reducing or oxidizing substances in this
MnSO4 + 2KOH → Mn(OH)2 + K2SO4
• If oxygen is present inside the water, the Mn(OH)2 will react further to form an orange-brown
precipitate, manganic oxide (MnO(OH)2).
• if the oxygen is not present inside the water sample, the colour of the white precipitate will
remain unchanged.
2Mn(OH)2 + O2 → 2MnO(OH)2
• Sulfamic acid powder pillow, H3NSO3 is added, which dissolves the manganic oxide and in
together with the potassium iodide, KI added earlier, forms iodine (I2), that had give the
orange colour to the sample.
2Mn(OH)2 + 4H3NSO3 → 2Mn(SO4)2 + 6 H2O
2Mn(SO4)2 + 4KI → 2MnSO4 + 2K2SO4 + 2I2-
• The quantity of iodine is measured by titrating with sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) until the
orange colour from I2 becomes pale yellow as yellow plastic straw.
4 Na2S2O3+ 2I2 → 2Na2S4O6+ 4NaI
• TEST 2: Use oxygen powder pillow 1 and 2 to trap the oxygen that gives the yellow colour of
oxygen and then inserted oxygen powder pillow 3 to dissolve any precipitate and titrate it with
sodium thiosulphate as in Test 1.
• To determine the dissolved oxygen (DO) level in the lake water sample.
• To find out whether the lake sample comply with Malaysian Water
• To observe the changes in colour of the of the lake water as reagent
powder pillow is added.
• To study the Winkler Method Which is Azide Modification Methods for
the experiment.
• To find out the factors affecting the concentration of dissolved oxygen in
the lake water sample.
Procedure: Azide Modification : Wrinkler Method 60mL BOD bottle
1. Place the lake water sample in 60mL glass-stoppered BOD bottle. The sample is allowed to overflow for 2-3 minutes to
ensure no air bubbles trapped.
2. Add one dissolved oxygen 1 reagent powder pillow and one dissolved oxygen 2 reagent powder pillow into the BOD
3. Insert the stopper immediately at the bottles so that air is not trapped and invert the bottles for several times to mix the
lake water with the reagent.
4. Wait for the flocs to settle down and the top half of the solution is clear. Then, invert the bottles for several times and wait
for the floc to settle again. 
5. Remove the stopper and add one dissolved oxygen 3 powder pillow in the solution. Insert the stopper and invert the
solution for several times until yellow colour is form.
6. Measure and prepare the solution accurately to 20mL by using measuring cylinder and transfer the solution into the
250mL conical flask.
7. Insert a clean delivery tube into 0.200 N of Sodium Thiosulfate titration cartridges.  
8. Before titration, flush the delivery tube by turning the delivery knob to eject a few drops of titrant. After that, reset the
counter to zero and wipe the tip.
9. Titrate the solution with 0.200 N Sodium Thiosulfate until the sample changes from yellow to colourless. Record the
number of digit.
10. Calculate the value of dissolved oxygen.
Procedure: Azide Modification : Wrinkler Method 300mL BOD bottle
1. Place the lake water sample in 300mL glass-stoppered BOD bottle. The sample is allowed to overflow
for 2-3 minutes to ensure no air bubbles trapped.
2. Add one manganese sulphate powder pillow and one alkaline iodide-azide reagent powder pillow into
the BOD bottles.
3. Insert the stopper immediately at the bottles so that air is not trapped and invert the bottles for several
times to mix the lake water with the reagent.
4. Wait for the flocs to settle down and the top half of the solution is clear. Then, invert the bottles for
several times and wait for the floc to settle again. 
5. Remove the stopper and add one sulfamic acid powder pillow in the solution. Insert the stopper and
invert the solution for several times until yellow colour is form.
6. Measure and prepare the solution accurately to 100mL by using measuring cylinder and transfer the
solution into the 250mL conical flask.
7. Insert a clean delivery tube into 0.200 N of Sodium Thiosulfate titration cartridges.
8. Before titration, flush the delivery tube by turning the delivery knob to eject a few drops of titrant. After
that, reset the counter to zero and wipe the tip,
9. Place the delivery tube into the solution and swirl the flask while titrating until the solution turns to pale
yellow colour.
10. Add two 1mL of starch indicator solution into the solution and swirl until it turns to dark blue colour.
11. Continue the titration until solution becomes colourless and record the number of digits.
12. Calculate the value of dissolved oxygen.
• 1) Azide Modification of Lake Water Sample in 300mL BOD Bottle:

 Manganous Sulphate powder pillow + Alkaline iodide A

 Zide reagent powder pillow
 Presence of flocculation and brown sedimentation

 Sulfonic Acid Powder

 Clear orange yellowish with little sedimentation
 Turn to pale yellow (for titration using sodium thiosulpahte)

 Starch Solution
 Blue-black
 Turn to colourless (for titration using sodium thiosulpahte)
• 2) Azide Modification of Lake Water Sample in 60mL BOD Bottle:
 One Dissolve Oxygen 1 reagent powder pillow + One Dissolved Oxygen 2 reagent
powder pillow:
 Presence of flocculation and brown sedimentation at the bottom of the bottle

 One Dissolve Oxygen 3 reagent powder pillow:

 Clear orange yellowish with little crystal sedimentation
 Turn to colourless (for titration using sodium thiosulpahte)

 The dissolved Oxygen Present In The Lake Water Sample Based On Titration are

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