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the semantic field

the roots from Latin or Greek related to astronomy
Presenter :
From Greek, means “star”
astronomy = astro (ster) + nomy (nem)
star arranging, regulating; rule, law

asteroid = aster (ster) + oid (eidos)

star form, shape
From Latinized form of Greek “kosmos”
means “the universe, the world”
cosmology = cosmo(s) + logy (logia)
the universe discourse
the study of the universe

cosmopolite = cosmo(s) + polite (polites)

the world citizen
citizen of the world, one who is cosmopolitan in ideas or life
adj. cosmopolitan: free from local, provincial, or national prejudices
and attachments
From Greek “Helios”, means “sun”
heliograph = helio(s) + graphy (graphic)
sun something recorded
instrument for taking photographs of the sun

heliocentric = helio(s) + centric (kentrikos)

sun having a center (of a certain kind); centered on
having the sun as the center
e.g. heliocentric theory 日心说
Sol- (PIE root: sawel-):
From Latin “solaris”, means “the sun, sunlight”
insolate = in + sol (sawel) + ate
in the sun, sunlight adjective suffix
expose to the rays of the sun

south = sou (sol) + th

sun towards/to (?)
literally “sun-side”

30 degrees north latitude

From Greek, means “earth"
geocentric = geo + centric
earth having a center (of a certain kind); centered on
having reference to the Earth as its center

geography = geo + graphy

earth a writing, recording, or description
the science of description of the earth's surface
From Greek, means “light"
photophobia = photo + phobia
light excessive or irrational fear, horror,
intolerance or dread of light

photosphere = photo + sphere

light a globe, a ball; a range of something
luminous envelop around the sun 太阳的光球层
ps: about the “-sphere”, we also have atmosphere = atmo + sphere
steam, vapor
Gravité-/ Gwere-:
From Latin “gravitatem”,
means “weight, heaviness, pressure"
gravity = gravi (gwere) + ty
heaviness noun suffix

gravimeter = gravi + meter

gravity measuring devices
the device used to measure the gravity

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