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Globalization is a transplanetary process or set of processes involving
increasing liquidity and the growing multi-directional flows of people,
objects, places, and information, as well as the structures they encounter and
create that are barriers to, or expedite, those flows.

Metaphors make use of one term to help us better understand another

term. For us to better understand the concept of Globalization.
(Ritzer, 2005) – Globalization has paved way
for people things, information and places to harden
over time. Consequently, they have limited mobility.
• Refers to the barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement
of things.
• This can be Man-made or Natural.
e.g. Great wall of China and Berlin Wall.
• Liquid – as a state of matter it takes the shape of its container more over
these are not fixed.
• Liquidity – refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things,
information, and places of contemporary world.
e.g. videos uploaded on YouTube or Facebook are unstoppable once they
become viral.
• In constant interaction
• Liquid is proliferating and increasing today.
• Appadural (1996), Rey and Ritzer (2010)
 (Ritzer ,2005) Flows are movement of people, things, places and information
brought by growing “porosity” of global limitation.
e.g. Foreign Cuisines that are patronized consumed by Filipinos. Another
example is global financial crisis

 ( Landler ,2008,p.C1) “In Global financial system are, national borders are

 (Moses, 2006) – The virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as blog,
Child Pornography, respectively, and immigrants ethic enclaves in host
• Globalization is a historical process that began with the first movement of people out of Africa
into the other parts of the world. Traveling short or long distance, migrants, merchant and other
have delivered their ideas, customs and products to new lands. The melding, borrowing and
adaptation of outside influences are found in many areas of human life.

• “Globalization encourages each country to specialized in what it produces best using the least
amount of resources.”

-Explore multiple articles on the remarkable journey that food & plants have taken throughout
world history.

-Explores how ideas and imagination from across the globe have come together to shape our

Globalization as a phenomenon began with the earliest human
migratory routes, or with Genghis Khan’s invasion or travel across the
Silk Road. Conquering empires throughout history resulted in the sharing
of ideas mixing of culture and people and trade across those conquered
According to Nayan Chanda (2007), it is because of our basic human need to make our
lives better that made globalization possible. Therefore, one can trace the beginning of
globalization from our ancestors in Africa who walked out from the said Continent in the late
Ice Age. This long journey finally led to all known Continents today, roughly after 50,000

Chanda mentioned that commerce, religion, politics and warfare are the “urges” of people
toward a better life. These are respectively connected to four aspects throughout history trade,
missionary, work, adventures, and conquest.
Changes over time have occurred with
respect to international agreements as well as a
range of aspect of integration with external

It is not only difficult to view to find a single point of origin, but the effort is largely
irrelevant since there have long been cycles of globalization and it is those cycles that are of
utmost importance, not any particular phase or point of origin.

Like Chanda’s tends to contradict the idea that we live today in a new “global age”. Rather,
this suggest that there have been other global ages in the past and that what now appears to be a
new global age, or the high point of such an age, is destined to contract and disappear in the
future. Eventually, it, too, will be replaced by a new cycle in the globalization.

Therborn’s (2000) six great epochs of globalization are also called as “waves” and has
its own origin. The following are the sequential occurrence of the epochs:

1. Globalization of religion
2. European colonial conquests
3. Intra-European was
4. Heyday of European imperialism
5. Post-World War II period
6. Post-Cold War period
There are specific events that are also considered in explaining the origin of globalization.
• Rosenthal (2007) gave premium to voyages of discovery-Christopher Columbus’s
discovery in America in 1942, Vasco de Gama in Cape of Good Hope in 1948, and
Ferdinand Magellan’s completed circumnavigation of the globe in 1522.

The recent years could also be regarded as the beginnings of globalization with reference to
specific technological advances in transportation and communication.
e.g. first transatlantic telephone cable (1956), the first transatlantic television broadcasts
(1962), the founding of the modern internet in 1988, and the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in
New York (2001).
more recent changes

Three notable changes as the origin of globalization that we know today. They are as follows:
1. The emergence of the United States as the global power (post-World War II)
United States was able to outrun Germany and Japan in terms of industry. Both Axis
powers and Allies fall behind economically as compared to the new global power and resulted
progress in United States in different aspects like in diplomacy, media, film, and many more.

2. The immergence of multinational corporations (MNCs)

For example, Ford and General Motors originated in the United States but in the 20 th
century, they exported more automobiles and opened factories to other countries.
more recent changes
3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war
The event led to the opening of major parts of the world for the first time since the
early 20th century. Many global processes-immigration, tourism, media, diplomacy, and
MNCs-spread throughout the planet. This paved way for the so called “free” world.
China is also globalizing in terms of other aspects such as their hosting of the Olympics
in 2008.

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