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Direction: Read the given situation and answer the questions below it.
Your answers should contain the given content in the sample
prompt/outline. Your output will be graded using the rubric below.

SITUATION: Maria is a Grade 10 student of INCAT taking up

Entrepreneurship. He’s father is a cook at a prestigious restaurant in
Laoag City. Before the pandemic he works everyday and sometimes had
his overtime work when there are special occasions in the restaurant but
because of this pandemic the owner cut their time of work sometimes 3
days in a week or 4 times in a week and this results to low income of the
family. Maria wanted to help her family earn income, she decided to put
up a small business. Unfortunately she doesn’t know how to start it there
are so many ideas coming up on her mind. She decided to design it first
because she thinks that this will help her decide from time to time how to
manage her business.

1. If you are Maria, what are the essential parts of your Business Trial Run

2. Will it help her to become successful entrepreneur? How?

3. In making your own BUTRUD, what should be given emphasis of your

trial before the actual management of your venture? Why
Below is a Business Trial Run Design for product and service type of
business. Choose at least one from the given matrix and fill-up the needed
information. Assume a business name of yours. You can design your
BUTRUD or into an infographic form.

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