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Yungki Kantiana Taqwa
Shani Agung Nugroho
• The word media comes from the Latin medium which literally
means "middle", intermediary or introduction. So, in
communication, the media is an intermediary for the sender
and receiver in doing information exchange.

• Denis McQuail (2000) states that the media is a place where

culture can change, societal values are arranged, stored, and
expressed clearly.

• Communication media means intermediary tools used in

conveying messages from communicators to communicants.
In many literatures, the media is also referred to as a channel
OSH Media Promotion

Occupational health and safety promotion media

are all means or efforts to display messages or
information that the communicator wants to
convey, be it through print, electronic, and outdoor
media, so as to increase knowledge which can
ultimately change behavior in a more positive
direction. on occupational health and safety.
• Media can facilitate the delivery of information.
• The media can avoid misperceptions.
• Can clarify information.
• Media can facilitate understanding.
• Reducing verbalistic communication
• Can display objects that cannot be captured by the eye.
• Streamlining communication
How ar
ey ou?
Media Types
Communication media based on the tools used:
- Audio communication media is a medium or tool communication aids that
transmit sound so allows communications to be captured through listening
channels, such as radios and telephones.

- Visual communication media are media or communication aids that can be

captured through visual channels, such as newspapers, magazines, tabloids,
brochures, posters and banners.
- Audio-visual communication media are media or communication aids that
can be captured through the auditory or visual channels in the form of sound,
images, or writing, such as television and video
• Each medium has advantages and disadvantages.
• In general, the advantage of the media is that it can
reach many communicants in a relatively short time
so that time and cost efficiencies are obtained.
• While the weakness of the media in general makes
feedback delayed so that the communicator does
not know directly the response of the Great!
• Posters and Flyers: Posters and flyers are visual aids used to convey
important safety messages to workers. They can be used to raise
awareness about hazards, promote safe behaviors, and reinforce
training. Posters and flyers are typically placed in common areas where
workers can easily see them, such as break rooms or near workstations.
• Videos and Animations: Videos and animations are effective tools for
delivering safety messages in an engaging and memorable way. They
can be used to demonstrate proper techniques for using equipment,
show the consequences of unsafe behaviors, and highlight the
importance of following safety procedures. Videos and animations can
be shared on social media or company websites, and can also be used
during safety training sessions.
• Infographics: Infographics are visual representations of data
or information. They can be used to communicate complex
safety information in a simple and easily digestible format.
Infographics can be used to illustrate hazard control
measures, explain safety procedures, and provide guidance on
the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). They can be
shared on social media, websites, or displayed in the

• Audio/Speakers: Safety messages can be played over the

audio or speaker system at regular intervals throughout the
day. These messages can reinforce important safety practices,
remind workers of potential hazards, and encourage them to
stay safe on the job. It also can be used to make important
announcements regarding safety procedures or emergency
• Social Media: Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook,
and whatsapp can be used to promote OSH messages to a wide
audience. Social media can be used to share safety tips, promote
safety events or campaigns, and engage with workers on safety
issues. Social media can also be used to showcase safety initiatives
and encourage workers to share their own safety experiences.
• Websites and Blogs: Websites and blogs can be used to provide
workers with easy access to safety information and resources. They
can be used to post safety policies and procedures, provide safety
training materials, and share safety news and updates. Websites and
blogs can also be used to promote safety events or campaigns and
encourage worker engagement.

To achieve the goals of a communication strategy, Harold D. Lasswell

describes communication activities in a formula:

"Who Says what In Which Channel To Whom With What Effect?"

• Who? (Who is the communicator?)

Says What? (What message does it state?)
In Which Channel? (What medium does it use?)
• To Whom? (Who is the target?)
• With What Effects? (What effect to expect?)
Identify the intended
audience 1. Identify the intended audience
Audience can be interpreted as the target of the promotion that will
be carried out, which can be in the form of direct targets, decision
Determine the purpose makers, or influencing parties. The audience can consist of
of the communications
individuals, groups, certain communities or the general public.

2. Determine the purpose of the communication

Design the message The promotion communicator must decide on the response
expected from the audience.
communication 3. Design the message
channels The communicator develops an effective message, ideally it should
attract attention, maintain interest, arouse desire, and move action.
Determine the total
promotion budget
4. Choosing communication channels
Communication channels consist of two types,
• personal communication channels, including two
or more people who communicate directly with
each other and
• non-personal communication channels, conveying
messages without making personal contact or
interaction but carried out through the media.

5. Determine the total promotion budget

Plan of promotion budget in accordance with the
ability of the company.
creating effective Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) promotion materials
• creating effective Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) promotion materials:
• Know Your Audience: Before creating any OSH promotion material, it is important to
know your audience. Understanding the needs, interests, and concerns of your
audience will help you create content that is relevant and engaging.
• Keep it Simple: OSH promotion materials should be easy to understand and simple to
follow. Avoid using technical jargon or complex language that may confuse or
overwhelm workers.
• Use Visuals: Visuals such as images, charts, and diagrams can be a powerful tool for
conveying complex information in a simple and engaging way. Use visuals to
illustrate key points, break up text, and make your content more visually appealing.
• Be Clear and Concise: OSH promotion materials should be clear and concise, with
a focus on delivering key messages in a straightforward manner. Avoid using filler
language or unnecessary details that may distract from the main point.
• Use a Call to Action: OSH promotion materials should include a clear call to
action that encourages workers to take specific steps to improve their safety. This
could include encouraging workers to report hazards, providing information on
how to use PPE, or encouraging workers to attend safety training sessions.
• Consider the Format: Different formats can be used for OSH promotion materials,
depending on the audience and message. For example, posters and flyers may be
more effective for quick reminders, while videos and animations may be more
effective for training purposes. Consider the format that will best communicate
your message to your audience.
• Test and Evaluate: Finally, it is important to test and evaluate your OSH
promotion materials to ensure they are effective. Ask for feedback from workers,
track engagement metrics, and make adjustments as needed to improve the
effectiveness of your materials.

A project or creative brief is a document that
outlines the objectives, target audience, key
messages, and other important information for
a creative project. It serves as a guide for the
creative team, providing them with the
necessary information to develop effective and
impactful creative materials.
1. Project Overview: Begin by providing an overview of the project, including the purpose of the promotion, the
scope of the project, and any relevant background information.
2. Objectives: Outline the specific goals and objectives of the OSH promotion. This may include reducing
workplace accidents, improving employee adherence to safety protocols, or increasing awareness of specific
hazards in the workplace.
3. challenge or problem statement in the creative brief can help to focus the creative team's efforts and provide
context for the OSH promotion. The challenge statement should clearly outline the specific safety issue or
problem that the promotion is intended to address, and may include relevant data or statistics to highlight the
severity or urgency of the issue (can use SWOT analyst)
4. Target Audience: Describe the target audience for the promotion, including relevant demographic information
and other characteristics that may impact how the promotion is designed and delivered.
5. Key Messages: Identify the key messages that the promotion should communicate. These messages should be
clear, concise, and tailored to the needs and interests of the target audience.
6. Call to Action: Provide a clear call to action for the promotion, outlining the specific steps that employees
should take to improve their safety practices.
7. Brand Guidelines: If applicable, provide guidelines for how the promotion should align with the organization's
branding and visual identity.
8. Budget and Timeline: Finally, outline the budget and timeline for the promotion, including any specific
deadlines or milestones that the creative team should be aware of.
A message can be said to be
effective and creative if it

Develop one main

Too many ideas can

confuse the target and
it can be easier for
them to forget the

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Make the message easy, simple
and clear

An effective message should

provide information that is
relevant and new to the target.
Because, if underestimated by
the target automatically the
message message can be said to
have failed.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

The message must be

But that doesn't really
matter, what matters is
the reality.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Actions that undertaken
must provide benefits

The target is motivated by
the “persuade” of the
message with the intention
that it will benefit from the

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
The message must be consistent

Delivering one main message in

the media any media repeatedly.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Messages can touch both mind
and heart

Not only provide technical

reasons and can be accepted by
the mind but it can also touch
emotional values, delivering
messages by famous figures or
public figures.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Encouraging action or
doing something

Use of expressions or words

that motivate towards
action example:
Come on, to the Posyandu,
Danger!, Do 3M Plus

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Message Stucture


Attention Desire

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

1. Attention (perhatian)
In order for the message to be more attractive
attention of the target audience, then criteria needed:

Size for print media, or air time (airtime/ broadcast hours) for broadcast
Use of color (spot or full color)
Types of fonts (typography)

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

2. Interest (minat)

The interest of the target audience needs to be built so

that there is further curiosity.
Attention should be immediately increased to interest
so that curiosity is aroused in more detail.
Thus, the use of opening words or sentences should
stimulate people to want to know more.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

3. Desire (kebutuhan/keinginan)
A message must successfully move the target audience's
desire to act, behave in accordance with expectations.
Their needs and desires are met if they take a certain
Example: "Generic medicine, cheap and high quality"
"Stop Dengue Fever with 3M Plus"

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

4. Conviction (rasa percaya)
Building trust must be done so that the audience does not
doubt the health message.
With related evidence, even if possible equipped with
pictures related to the health information and messages,
the target audience can increasingly trust the health
information/message in question.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

5. Action (tindakan)
At this stage the needs of the target audience have been
met. Some of them have begun to waver and be touched
emotionally. However, there is still resistance and doubt
from them, whether what the message promises is true.
Thus, the target must be further convinced with existing
data that the message is worth doing and the decision
taken is also getting stronger.

Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat


YOU Reference:
Agus, Hermawan. 2012. Komunikasi Pemasaran. Jakarta: Erlangga
Uchjana Effendy, Onong, 2003. Ilmu Komunikasi, Teori dan Praktek. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya

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