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• 1.

• 2. Elements
• 3. Layout
• 4. Language uses
1. Definition
• A narrative paragraph tells or retells the story
of point or event, providing the relevant
details of when and where the event occurred
as well as who was included and what
transpired in time order or chronological order
• The paragraph describes either an actual event
or a fictional one that the writer creates
• They may include fairy stories, mysteries,
science fiction, romances, horror stories,
adventure stories, fables, myths and legends,
historical narratives, ballads, slice of life,
personal experience.
• There are two main types of narrative
• + The narrative paragraph that use the first-
person narration (autobiography) (“I”, “We”).
• + The narrative paragraph that use the third-
person narration. (“He”, “She”, “It”, “They”).
2. Elements
• Events :
- Main event
- Sub events
• Characters :
- Main character
- Sub characters
• Time : Tells when the story takes place
• Place : Tells where the story takes place.
• Scene : The background of the events.
3. Lay out
Topic sentence : what the point of the narrative
paragraph is.
+ It briefly conveys the essential idea including
background information, character, time, the action
happened in a story
 Supporting sentences: it means the idea is expanded.
+ event 1 + details 1
+ event 2 + details 2
+ event 3 +details 3
Concluding sentence : summarizes everything that we
just wrote about.
+ Result (positive)
+ Consequence (positive or nagative )
+ Your opinion
4. Language uses :
- Tense: past tenses
-Transition signals:
About addition About time About sequence or order
In addition At this time After At this point In short
Moreover Immediately Afterwards Simultaneously Inconclusion
Furhtermore Then Earlier Subsequently Eventually
Besides Before Previously Followed by Previously
Infact Initially Finally At this time Finally
Also Thereafter Prior to Last And then
During At this point Before Next
Later Formerly Meanwhile First
To this day Soon Ultimately Second
Concurrently Third
 Tips for writing:
Before writing a narrative paragraph, it’s a good idea to
make a paragraph plan or an outline.
1. Generating ideas.
2. Writing a topic sentence.
3. Making an outline.
• - Brainstorming the supporting ideas.
• - Arranging the details in time order.
4. Writing a first draft.
5. Revising and editing the draft carefully.
6. Following the formatting guidelines when writing your
final draft.
For example
• This past weekend I had the great time of my life. First, on
Friday night, I had my best friend over and we made
delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had a
friendly video game competition. On Saturday, my dad
took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the
water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim.
Finally, on Sunday, we rode our bikes all over town. By the
end of the day, my legs were very tired. I only hope that
next weekend can be as fun as this one. In short, I never
forgot this wonderful time that made me a good life.
• (Source:
  This past weekend I had the great time of my life.
  First, on Friday night, I had my best friend over

and we made delicious, mouth-watering pizza.

Topic sentence
After we ate, we had a friendly video game
  competition. On Saturday, my dad took us out on
the boat. The weather was perfect and the water
Supporting sentences 
was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim.
Finally, on Sunday, we rode our bikes all over

town. By the end of the day, my legs were very

tired. I only hope that next weekend can be as fun

as this one. In short, I never forgot this wonderful

time that made me a good life.


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