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Mertonian Norms

Ethics in Research
Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

C_M__N O__E_SH__
Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

C_M__N O__E_SH__
Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

Applying character values in education, identify
what ethical value is being displayed by the pictures.

B_L__C_D J _ _G _ M _ _ T
What personal experiences can you share
showing these character values?
Common Ownership
Balanced Judgment
Mertonian Norms
• In 1942, Robert K. Merton introduced four (4) sets of norms
to be followed to comprise the ethics of modern science.
1. Communism;
2. Universalism;
3. Disinterestedness; and
4. Organized skepticism
- All researchers should have
common ownership of scientific
goods (intellectual property), to
promote collective collaboration;
- Scientific validity is
independent of sociopolitical
status/personal attributes of its
- Scientific institutions act for the
benefit of a common scientific
enterprise, rather than for the personal
gain of individuals within them.
Organized Skepticism
- Scientific claims should be exposed
to critical scrutiny before being
accepted: both in methodology and
institutional codes of conduct.
Go to your respective groups and to the
• Group 1 – Dialogue or Lines of Conversation
• Group 2 – Song lyrics (1 – 2 lines only)
• Group 3 – One stanza poem (self – made or gathered
from other poems)
• Group 4 – Quotes (self – made or gathered from other
Directions: Point out the Mertonian Norm being
violated and explain why such violation is present.
• Janna would like to write her research paper on the
“Strategies for the Promotion of the Uptake of Low-carbonated
Drinks in Developing Countries”. She went to her thesis
supervisor to ask for permission but was rejected due to the
reason that her topic should be off limits and that there are
limitations in selecting research topics.
“What Mertonian Norms is being violated by Janna’s thesis
Directions: Point out the Mertonian Norm being
violated and explain why such violation is present.
• Cloning human can be considered unethical and immoral
but some would argue that this is for the improvement and
interests of genetic engineering and technology especially the
prevention of genetically transferred disease among infants.
“What Mertonian Norm would approved the research on
Human Cloning amidst the contradiction of other taking into
consideration the benefits that we will gain?”

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