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Centre of Gravity


• What is gravity??
• What is Centre of Gravity?
• How can we change the it?
• Daily life usage
What is gravity?

• For a definition it is known as “the force

by which a planet or other body draws
objects toward its center”.
• For an explanation… (audio)
What is Centre of
• It is the point where gravitational force acts
on the body.
• So basically centre of gravity of a material
body that maybe used for a summary
description of gravitational interactions.
• The centre of any body can also be
determined by a simple physical procedure
and is denoted by ‘g’.
How to change your centre of gravity?

• There are many reasons as to why you may want to change

your centre of gravity :
Prevent falling
Better balance
Help in quicker movement

Let me tell you
• If you raise your hands the center
of gravity will go a little up and if
you drop your hands your center
of gravity will drop a little bit .
• If you bend down your body and
touch your toes the center of
gravity probably will go down a lot.
• For example in a sports situation, in
football, sometimes a blocker is
trying to stay balanced so that they
can make space for a runner to run
for a touchdown. If they’re not using
their center of gravity, they would
easily be pushed out of the way by a
• Now if the blocker was able to use
her center of gravity more
effectively, she would lower it and
be in a more balanced position. Now
when the blocker’s trying to get to
the person with the ball, he can’t.
She can stay in the way and make
space for the runner.
Daily life usage

• “Well this is cool and all but

what do I do with this
• Racing cars are built low and
It improves the handling of the
vehicle. A car with low ground
clearance sticks close to the
ground more strongly, and is
therefore less likely to topple or
roll over when abrupt and sharp
turns are made
• Table lamps and fans are
designed with large heavy bases
to make them stable:
The table lamp has a heavy base
so that its Center of Gravity lies
in a lower position.
For your time and your attention :)

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