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The Eight Parts of Speech

 A noun is a person, place,
thing, or idea. Nouns are
the subject of a sentence.

June is a golfer.

Love is a
The car was fast. beautiful
Bangkok is a big city.
In the following sentence, which is a
Nick likes to play PlayStation.
a. Nick
b. likes
c. play
d. PlayStation
e. both a & d
In the following sentence, which is a
Nick likes to play PlayStation.
a. Nick
b. likes
c. play
d. PlayStation
e. both a & d
 Common Noun: A noun that does not name a
specific person, place or thing. Common nouns will
usually have lowercase letters.
coffee shop

 Proper Noun: A noun that names a specific person,

place or thing. Proper nouns usually have
Bo Café
 The teacher spoke loudly. (person)
 Peter spoke loudly. (person)
 The city is very big. (place)
 Bangkok is very big. (place)
 Those cookies are delicious. (thing)
 Those Oreos are delicious. (thing)
 What’s his religion? (idea)
 His religion is Buddhism. (idea)
 In the following sentence, what is the
common noun?
Shaun cut the grass.
a. Shaun
b. cut
c. grass
 In the following sentence, what is the
common noun?
Shaun cut the grass.
a. Shaun
b. cut
c. grass
 What is the proper noun in this
The boy quickly walked across
Buffalo Bridge.
a. boy
b. quickly
c. walked
d. Buffalo Bridge
 What is the proper noun in this
The boy quickly walked across
Buffalo Bridge.
a. boy
b. quickly
c. walked
d. Buffalo Bridge
 A pronoun is a word that takes the
place of a noun.
 Examples: me, you, he, she, it, they,
them, etc.
 Instead of saying “Nan is hungry. Nan
wants to eat,” you could say, “Nan is
hungry. She wants to eat.”
 What is the pronoun in the following
John heard you singing loudly in the
a. John
b. you
c. singing
d. loudly
e. shower
 What is the pronoun in the following
John heard you singing loudly in the
a. John
b. you
c. singing
d. loudly
e. shower
 An adjective is a word that describes
a noun or pronoun.
 It tells what kind, which one, or how
one shirt
sour the blue book
 Erin has very long
What is the adjective?
a. Erin
b. very
c. long
d. hair
 Erin has very long
What is the adjective?
a. Erin
b. very
c. long
d. hair
 A verb is the action of the sentence.
It shows what someone or something
is doing.



 In the example below, find the verb.
(What did Joe do?)
Joe quickly ate the pizza.
a. Joe
b. quickly
c. ate
d. pizza
 In the example below, find the verb.
(What did Joe do?)
Joe quickly ate the pizza.
a. Joe
b. quickly
c. ate
d. pizza
 Adverbs describe verbs or how the
action is performed.
 They tell how much, how often,
when, and where something is done.
Many adverbs end with –ly.

The man
The fish
sat alone.
from the
 Which word is the adverb below?
She ran the long race slowly.
a. She
b. ran
c. long
d. race
e. slowly
 Which word is the adverb below?
She ran the long race slowly.
a. She
b. ran
c. long
d. race
e. slowly
 A conjunction is a word that joins
words or ideas together.
 Examples: and, but, or, nor, so, and
We ate
We ate pizza
pizza for
and drank
We drank pop for
for dinner.
 What is the conjunction in this sentence?
Meg loves to swim, but she doesn’t like to
a. swim
b. but
c. Meg
d. surf
 What is the conjunction in this sentence?
Meg loves to swim, but she doesn’t like to
a. swim
b. but
c. Meg
d. surf
 A preposition is a word that shows
position or direction.
 Examples: in, out, under, over, after,
into, up, down, for, and between.

She The sun

worked at was in
her desk. the sky.
 What is the preposition in this sentence?

I ran towards the school bus.

a. I
b. ran
b. towards
c. school bus
 What is the preposition in this sentence?

I ran towards the school bus.

a. I
b. ran
b. towards
c. school bus
 An interjection is a word that shows
emotion or feeling.
 Examples: Wow!, Ouch!, Hurray!, and
Oh no!
 Interjections help to add voice and
energy to your writing.
 What is the interjection in the following sentence?
Well, I guess it’s time to take the quiz now.

a. Well
b. guess
c. time
d. take
e. now
 What is the interjection in the following sentence?
Well, I guess it’s time to take the quiz now.

a. Well
b. guess
c. time
d. take
e. now

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