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Getting ahead in school is not just

excelling mentally but socially, physically
and spiritually as well. Achieving high
grades will be as easy as memorizing your
ABC when you live a balanced life.
A - attend class everyday.
B-egin your day with God. Pray and
read the Bible for your spiritual and
intellectual growth.
C-ome to classes early. This will give
you time to review your notes or do
advance reading.
D-ivide long-term
assignments/projects into small tasks
that you can work on daily basis.
E-ngage in profitable or intellectually
enhancing hobbies. Join sports
activities, enjoy the beauty of God's
creation, keep a diary, do one random
act of kindness each day.
F-ocus on what you are doing at the
moment for maximum efficiency.
G-o out and make friends. Make
amends with your enemies. Doing so
does not only add colors to your life,
they also complete the circle of life.
H-elp a classmate who is lagging
behind. You'll master your lessons in
the process.
I-nvite the Lord to be your Guide,
Partner, and Friend and you'll always
be on the right track.
J-ot down notes. They come in handy
during reviews.
K-eep track of time. Wasted time
equals lost opportunities.
L-augh often, love life, and live one day
at a time.
M-ake a daily schedule. List the things
that you need to do for the day to avoid
forgetting them.
N-ever ever skip breakfast. Doing so is
one of the biggest brain-damaging
O-ffer your heart, soul, and mind to
your Creator and King.
P-articipate in discussions. You'll learn
more if you interact more.
Q-uit minding other people's business.
You have no idea what they are really
going through.
R-esearch. Don't just settle with the
things that you learn inside the
S-tay fit. Eat a balanced diet and
exercise regularly. A healthy body is a
must to a healthy mind.
T-ake time alone to reflect and count
your blessings.
U-se your talent, knowledge, and skills
for the glory of God.
V-ent your feelings and opinions only
after spending careful thought about
W-ait, if you can, until you graduate in
college before having a sweetheart.
X-erox or photocopy materials that you
missed and study them.
Y-earn to learn something new each
Z-oom in on worthwhile opportunities that
come your way. A missed opportunity is
lost forever.

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