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UCAS Application

By Haseeb & Sidakveer

Accounting and Finance

 Main two parts of application process are the personal statement and predicted
 No admissions test or interview
Accounting and Finance – Personal Statement

 Composed of things I’ve read, watched and work experience linked together to
show my interest in the course e.g
Books, articles from the Financial Times
Specific topics from Economics
 Checked uni course structure to show interest in specific modules

Throughout year 12: gain insight regarding the career and find a few topics that you
find particularly interesting (add to PS)
End of year 12: get some form of work experience and start your personal
July – August: UCAT preparation (medify, youtube walkthroughs, isc question book)
September: A level mocks
End Of October -> : interview preparation (medic portal, nhs website, youtube, isc
Medicine – Personal Statement

 Need to determine what about you makes you special and suitable for medicine; particular skill? Particular
 Link back every experience to why it makes you a suitable candidate and how it has developed you and
allowed you learn -> through the experiences need to show you are aware of particular skills needed and
where you have applied it
Intro: Why medicine/Why is it fit for you
Work Experience: reflections
Extra curricular activities/studies demonstrating you are fit for medicine – possess certain skills, teamwork?
Communication? Problem solving? Analysis?
Stress relief strategies/hobbies
Conclusion: summarising into a condense sentence or two saying why medicine is the right career for you
based on your experiences

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