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Why I find this ad

campaign awesome and

By Juan Rafael Ponce

Photo taken from

To give you a clear idea of the Molson
Hockey Night: Multilingual Edition ad
campaign, click the image and
navigate by clicking the left or right
button until you reach the video.

Photo taken from

Why I find this ad campaign awesome and
Personally, I find the campaign awesome because it’s about sports, particularly hockey, and I’m a sports fan
who’s not yet familiar with hockey. Moreover, I think sports are always entertaining because it’s exciting,
electrifying, energizing, and thrilling.

As a marketing student, I understand the concept of generating brand awareness, trial and purchase. And
what better way to put this concept into action than running the Molson’s Hocky Night: Multilingual Edition.
It attempted to reach as much Canadians as possible, mainly new Canadians coming from different
backgrounds and markets (e.g., India, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Korea) and invite them to enjoy and love
hockey while, of course, enjoying a glass or can of Molson Canadian.

For the above reason, I find the campaign practical too as the sport tried to attract new patrons in the hope of
augmenting its viewership, at the same time Molson Canadian was probably able to gain new and more loyal
consumers because of the brand’s attachment to the sport through the Multilingual Edition of Hockey Night.
Creative executions
Apart from English and French, MHN: Multilingual Edition had
various creative executions, including different logos in different
languages like Tagalog, Cantonese and Mandarin, among others (The
Marketing Awards).

Molson Canadian also sold limited edition multilingual cans, as

shown in the picture.

With these creative executions, I personally think that it can attract

and excite new patrons or consumers to watch hockey and enjoy
Molson Canadian. How smart!

Photos taken from
Furthermore, the campaign was truly
awesome because…
the campaign achieved GOLD for Brand Content, GOLD for Community Building, and SILVER for
Integrated Campaign (The Marketing Awards).

The campaign also attained the following (The Marketing Awards):

◦ Surpassed the earned impression goal by 254% through PR and paid media,
◦ Obtained 32 million impressions across paid channels,
◦ 55.5 million impressions across earned and sponsored media
◦ Attracted 31,000 visitors over the campaign period through its broadcast site,
◦ With over 14,000 visitors from across Canada
◦ Achieved 23.8% awareness among BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) communities through customized
media pitching in different languages
Works Cited
The Marketing Awards. 2022 Winners. 2022. Internet. 17 March 2023.

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