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It is a gonococcal infections causes inflammation of genital tract involving the urethra
in men and women, the cervix and rectum in women, and the rectum in men who have sex
with men. It may occur in both sexes and newborn. Its incubation period is 3 to 10 days.
Signs and Symptoms:
• Urinary frequency
• Dysuria
• Yellowish discharge from urethra or vagina
• Lower abdomen pain and back pain
• Dysmenorrhea
It is a contagious diseases caused by palladium. It may be acquired by sexual contact
and occasionally by accidental infection.

• Types :
• 1) Congental Syphillis_- woman can transmit pallidum to the fetus through placenta
beginning about the tenth week of gestation, some of fetuses die and miscarriages results
and others are still birth. At term some are born live with signs of congenital syphyllis in
• 2) Acquired Syphillis - it is limited men only the organism enters through micro abraisons
on the skin or mucosa.
Sign and symptoms :

• Ulcers in legs, palate, face and on tongue.

• Cardiovascular diseases like diseases of aortic value or the walls of blood vessels
leading to aneurysm.
• Osteitis
• Periostitis
• Affections of the central nervous systems.
A high percentage of individuals have no obvious clinical manifestations of this
infection. The symptoms are same to gonorrhoea, can result in sterility of women.

Signs and Symptoms :

• Conjunctivitis to newborn or eye infection.
• Urethritis
• Epididymitis
• Painful sexual intercourse in women
This parasitic infection leads to vaginitis and vaginal discharge in women.

It is also called as ‘soft chancre’. It is and acute, localised, auto inoculabe infection
of the genitals caused by the streptobacillus of ducreyi (haemophilus ducreyi) after
infection a small papule develops at the site of inoculation, within 2-3 days.
Signs and Symptoms :-
• Painful urination.
• Vaginal discharge
• Rectal bleeding
• Pain with bowel movements and dyspareunia.
It is transmitted sexually and commences with a transient primary genital lesion
followed by suppurative regional adenitis.

Signs and Symptoms:-

• Swelling of the lymphnodes in the groin
• Painless ulcer of genitalia
• Extensive lymphatic damage results in elephantitis.
synonyms for this are granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum. It has been called
ulcerating granuloma of the pudenda sclerosing granuloma and granulomatosis.

Signs and Symptoms :-

• Lesions on genitalia, thigh, groins, or perineum
• Painless papules
It is caused by herpes simplex virus. Classical genital herpes can be recognized by the
presence of typical popular lesions that progress to multiple blisters and ulcers.

Signs and Symptoms :-

• Ulceration since 3-4 weeks
• Lesions at genital area
• Multiple blisters.
it causes ano genital warts, which vary from the common soft, flesh – coloured
protuberance which may become exuberant (like cauliflower) they can be seen anywhere in
the genitalia including in the perineal region.

Signs and Symptoms:-

• Cervical cancer
• Ano-genital warts
• Protuberances
Other common Symptoms:-
• Pain while urinating
• Painful sex
• Blisters or sores in or around mouth
• Yellow / green vaginal discharge with a fishy or bad odour
• Ulcers on genital area
• Heavy periods
• Itching and redness in genital areas
• Tenderness
• Rashes
• Abdominal / pelvic pain
The acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome is a fatal illness caused by virus known as ‘HUMAN
IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY’ virus which vulnerable to a host of life threatening infections,
neurological disorder, or unusual malignancies.
Total – 36.9 million
Adults – 35.1 million
Children – 1.8 million


Total – 9,40,000
Adults – 8,90,000
Children – 1,20,000
Total – 1.8 million
Adults – 1.6 million
Children – 18,000

Signs and Symptoms:-

• Fever
• Sore throat
• Fatigue
• Weightloss
• Recurrent infections
• Night sweats
Diagnostic evaluation :-
ELISA TEST- which stands for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, is used to detect
HIV infection. If an ELISA test is positive, the western blot test is usually administered
to confirm.
No cure exists, but strict adherence/commitment to ANTIRETROVIRAL REGIMENS
(ARVs) can slow the diseases progress as well as prevent secondary infections and
HIV antivirals helps in slowing the progress of infection, reducing the risks of infectiong
others. It will help to;
• Strengthen your immune system
• Lessen the chances of infection of any type

Treat according to guideline mainly it will be treated by antibiotics . The drug of choice
for antibiotic is;
• Ciprofloxacin
• Spectinomycin
• Cefixime
• Ceftriaxone .etc.
Treatment of partner within last three months.
Condom use should be promoted .
Counsel for compliance, safe sex.
Refer for diagnosis of HIV.
• The duration of suffering with syphilis for less than a year, a single dose of penicillin is usually
enough to destroy the infection.
• For those allergic to penicillin , doxycline tetraeyclin or another antibiotic can be given .
The choice antibiotics for chlamydia is norfloxacin 800 mg doxycycline 100 mg orally twice a day
for 7 day or spectinomycin 2 mg Im & doxycycline 100 mg BD for 7 Days IM.
The infection resolves the clinical symptoms & prevent transmissions to others .the drug of
choice are
• Ciprofloxocillin
• Erythromycin, azithromycin
• Ceftriaxone
Lymphogranulana venereum-
• The treatment is erythromycin tablet 500 mg QID for 4 days or doxyclyine capsules 100 mg
BD for 14 days . Benefits in late cases with retal stricture is slight .
• Surgical operations may be of benefit in cases with ectensive elephantiasis on deformity

Genital herpes;
• there is no cure for HSV-2 infection , however oral antiviral medication such as
acyclovie,valacnlovir and fanciclovir are all effective in reducing he severity & duration of first
episode genital herpes. Topical creams are less effective, episode treatment has a
effective .episode treatment has a limit role in reducing the duration of lisions as they tend to
last less than a week .
• It is mainly treated by antibiotics like azithromycine & doxycline or alternately
erythromycin,tetracycline, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole

Human papilloma virus:

• Its treatment is generally reserved for large lesions because sub-clinical infection tends to
resolve their own. for any viral infection the main stay of control is prevention expeciallyin
young sexually active individuals .

• Regular animations of the cervix cervical cylology using Papanicolaou staning method is
recommended for female patients.

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