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Responding to man made disaster

 A man-made disaster results from man-made hazards

(threats having an element of human intent, negligence or
error, or involving a failure of a man-made system). They
differ from natural disasters that result from natural hazards.
Responding and preventing fire

• Fire prevention means the provision of services for the purposes of

preventing fires and includes planning, public awareness, enforcement of
laws relating to fire safety and education with respect to fires and the
elimination of fire risk.

• Three things are required for a fire: heat, oxygen, and fuel. A fire cannot start or
spread if there is no heat, oxygen, or fuel.
Responding to fire and
other alarms
 Fire alarms are important because they can give you an early signal
to something that could be tragic – basically saving your lives. A fire
alarm alerts you when they you are busy, working or sleeping

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