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March 10, 2023

In the seminar of fire and earthquake symposium we learn and they remind us that we
need to be aware on what possibility that may came and the mission is we need to commit to
prevent and suppress destructive fires investigate it causes enforce fire codes other related laws
and respond to man made and natural disaster and other agencies and they us to on step by step
on how to use the fire extinguisher. The R.I.C.E method is used for first aid wherein it means
Rest, Immobilize, Cold and Elevate it is essential to use this especially when someone is injured
because it can avoid for the case to worsen. As the firefighter explained causes of fire come from
triangle of fire the elements in it are oxygen, fuel and heat we must avoid contact with these to
also minimize the possibility of causing a fire. Also, when a person’s heart is not beating, you
have to perform CPR or what they call Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. This is important
because a person could die. It is like first aid, as they said in the seminar the objectives of first
aid is to preserve life and provide reassurance and prevent further harm or complications. The
TPASS pull, aim, squeeze, and sweep method of using a fire extinguisher was also taught to us.
We gained valuable knowledge from the Fires Symposium conference, one of which was the
importance of prevention. It also served as a timely reminder to be ready for the worst. Even
with prevention and fighting efforts, fires can still happen and cause a lot of damage. By working
together and sharing our knowledge, we can make sure we're prepared for whatever comes our
Earthquakes have been around for as long as humans can remember, and they have
always been a threat to our safety and well-being. We'll explore what we can learn from the
Earthquakes Symposium seminar and how it can help us prepare for future earthquakes. In this
one is the evacuation drill we needed to participate, so we know what we need to do when it
happens, and there are 3 types of drills and first aid too. It is also essential to build exit drill in
our houses so in case of these unexpected phenomenon, we can get help safely. We also need to
learn the basics of life support, which includes recognizing respiratory or cardiac arrest or both,
and applying CPR correctly in order to maintain life. We also need to understand the goal of first
aid, which is to preserve life and prevent further harm and complications, as well as how to
immediately provide for an ill or injured person until professional medical help arrives or
becomes available. We also learned that we shouldn't hesitate to help. The Seminar also
reminded us that we need to educate the public about earthquakes and other unexpected
phenomenon. People need to know what to do during an earthquake and how to prepare ahead of
time. The seminar on both topics was a great reminder that we need to keep working together to
understand earthquakes and prevent fires and make ourselves safer.

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