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Date: 7th of March, 2023

I do We do You do
Are humans made ONE type of cell OR MANY different types of
Does each cell do the SAME job OR SPECIAL job?

Can these cells function independently? YES or NO

How are cells organised?

Groups of similar cells that carry out a particular job make up tissues.

The walls of the intestine contain smooth muscle tissue, which consists of a type of
muscle cell.

The heart is made up of cardiac muscle tissue, fat and connective tissue.

Different types of tissues form organs.

The heart, brain, lungs, liver and eye are all organs.

Organs, in turn, are organised into systems.

The kidneys, ureters and urethra are all part of the excretory system.

The ovaries, fallopian tube and uterus are organs of the reproductive system.
Each body system has a particular role to play in keeping an organism functioning.
Do tissues do a PARTICULAR job OR VARIOUS jobs?

Do intestines contain SMOOTH OR ROUGH muscle tissue?

An organisation of organs forms an
____________ ____________ ?
What type of cell does muscle tissue contain? (click for hint)

What system contains kidneys, ureter and

What is the heart made up of?
Different types of tissues form ___________ ?
What system contains ovaries, fallopian
tubes and uterus?
What are 5 examples of organs?
What happens if a body system fails?
Explain the diagram.

Explain = Cause + Effect




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