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Manav Doshi (B014)

Yug Sarvaiya (B015)

1)More sustainable and efficient urban environment.

2)Tokyo is focused on leveraging advanced technology to improve the quality of life for its residents.

3)Focus on Key urban challenges such as traffic congestion, energy efficiency, and waste management.

4)Development of sustainable transportation systems. Eg, Expansion of subway network, promotion of cycling
and walking as viable alternatives to cars.

5) Solar power- The city has set a goal of increasing the use of renewable energy to 30% of total electricity
consumption by 2030.

6)Working to improve its waste management systems .

Overall, Tokyo's smart city vision is focused on creating a more sustainable and efficient urban
environment through the use of advanced technology and innovative solutions.

The city has been implementing various IoT technologies across its infrastructure, including transportation,
energy, and waste management systems:

1) In the transportation sector, Tokyo has been using IoT sensors to monitor traffic flow and provide real-time
traffic updates to drivers to reduce traffic congestion and improve overall transportation efficiency. The city
has also introduced a smart parking system that uses IoT sensors to guide drivers to available parking
spots, reducing the time spent looking for parking and helping to reduce traffic.

2) In terms of energy management, Tokyo has been using IoT sensors to monitor electricity usage in
public buildings, such as schools and government offices. This data is then analyzed to identify
areas where energy efficiency can be improved, such as by reducing lighting or HVAC usage during
off-peak hours. The city is also installing IoT-enabled smart meters in homes and businesses,
allowing residents to monitor and control their electricity usage in real-time.

3) In waste management, Tokyo has been using IoT sensors to monitor garbage collection
routes and optimize collection schedules. This helps to reduce the number of garbage
trucks on the road and minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills. The city has also
introduced smart garbage bins that use sensors to detect when they are full and need to
be emptied, reducing the number of unnecessary trips by garbage trucks.

LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) Networks: This is a wireless communication technology that allows IoT
devices to connect to the internet over long distances while consuming minimal power. LPWA networks
are commonly used in Tokyo for smart city applications such as environmental monitoring, traffic
management, and public safety.

• OneM2M: This is an international standard for machine-to-machine communication and IoT

interoperability. OneM2M provides a common framework for different IoT devices and platforms to
communicate with each other, regardless of the manufacturer or technology used.

• MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): This is a lightweight messaging protocol that is
commonly used in IoT applications to send and receive data between devices. MQTT is designed to be
efficient and reliable, making it well-suited for use in Tokyo's IoT networks.
• CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol): This is a specialized web transfer protocol that is
optimized for use in constrained IoT devices with limited resources, such as low-power
sensors and actuators. CoAP is commonly used in Tokyo's smart city applications to
enable communication between different IoT devices.
• LoRaWAN: This is a wireless networking protocol that uses low-power, long-range radio
frequencies to connect IoT devices to the internet. LoRaWAN is commonly used in Tokyo's
smart city applications for things like waste management, traffic monitoring, and
environmental monitoring.

1) Efficient transportation: IoT-enabled sensors and devices are used to monitor traffic and public
transportation systems in real-time. This data is then used to optimize routes and schedules, reducing
congestion and improving travel times.
2) Energy management: IoT technology is used to manage the energy consumption of buildings and
infrastructure in Tokyo. Smart sensors and devices can automatically adjust lighting and temperature
settings, reducing energy waste and costs.
3) Waste management: Tokyo generates a large amount of waste, but IoT technology is being used to
optimize waste collection and processing. Smart bins and sensors monitor waste levels, allowing for more
efficient collection and disposal.

4) Disaster prevention: Tokyo is prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, and IoT technology is being
used to improve disaster preparedness and response. Sensors and devices can detect earthquakes and
other hazards, providing early warning alerts and improving emergency response times.
5) Improved healthcare: IoT technology is being used to improve healthcare in Tokyo, with devices and
sensors being used to monitor patient health and provide real-time feedback to healthcare providers. This
can help to improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

• Intelligent Transportation: Tokyo has implemented an intelligent transportation system that uses IoT technology
to monitor traffic, public transportation systems, and pedestrian traffic in real-time. This system helps to
optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve travel times.
• Smart Energy Management: Tokyo has implemented a smart energy management system that uses IoT
technology to monitor and optimize energy consumption in buildings and infrastructure. Smart sensors and
devices are used to automatically adjust lighting and temperature settings, reducing energy waste and costs.
• Waste Management: Tokyo has implemented a smart waste management system that uses IoT technology to
optimize waste collection and processing. Smart bins and sensors monitor waste levels, allowing for more
efficient collection and disposal.
• Disaster Prevention and Response: Tokyo is prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, and the city has
implemented a smart disaster prevention and response system that uses IoT technology to detect hazards,
provide early warning alerts, and improve emergency response times.

• Smart Healthcare: Tokyo has implemented a smart healthcare system that uses IoT technology to
monitor patient health and provide real-time feedback to healthcare providers. This can help to
improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes.
• Smart Homes and Buildings: Tokyo has implemented a number of smart homes and buildings
that use IoT technology to automate and optimize various functions such as lighting, temperature
control, and security.

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