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Welcome to the Presentation on Classroom Language

What is classroom language?

Classroom language is the routine language that is used on a regular

basis in the classroom like giving instructions of praise or asking
questions and telling something, for example “Take out your books” or
“Please sit down”.
Why Classroom Language is Important?

Teachers and students use spoken and written language to communicate

with each other, to present tasks, engage in learning processes, present
academic content, assess learning, display knowledge and skills, and
build classroom life. In addition, much of what students learn
is language.
Some common classroom instructions

1 .How are you? What is your name?

2. How old are you?
3. May I have your attention please?
4. Raise your hands.
5. Take your turn
6. Work in groups, pairs or individually.
7. Can I rub the board? Shall I rub the board?
8. Can you open your book/the door/the windows?
9. Should we go outside?
10. Let's have a story now.
11. Do you like your teacher?
12. Let's have a poem now.
13. Could you retell the story?
14. Who is/are absent today?
15. Who were absent yesterday?
16.How many brothers and sisters do you have?
17.What is your favourite colour?
18.Ahmad, change the calendar, please?
19. Who has a red sharpener/blue pen etc?
20. How many rooms are there in your house?
21. What are you doing right now?
22. What is your name/father’s name/ brother’s name?
23. Where do you go to school?
24. What is your favourite food, fruit?
25. In which class do you read?
26. Why do you come to school?
27. Please, stand up.
28. Sit down please.
29. What is the day today?
30. What date is it today?
31. What is the month or which month is going on?
32. Which year is going on?
33. What is the weather like today?
34. How many students are there in your class?
35. How many boys are there in your class?
36. How many girls are there in your class?
37. Excuse me , please!
38. I am sorry. You are welcome.
39. Fold your arms. Clap your hands.
40. Keep your classroom clean.
41. Take care of your things.
42. Open your books or note books.
43. May I go outside, may I come in ,please?
44. What colour is your dress?
45.What is the name of your country?
45.What is the name of your religion?
46. Who is the first/ last prophet of AIIah?
47. What are you doing now?
48. Do you like your school?
49. Are you happy?

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