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Recall: Semiconductor Bandgaps Eg are usually in the range:

0 < Eg < 3eV

At equilibrium, at temperature T = 0
 The valance band is full
 The conduction band is empty
 What happens if electromagnetic radiation (light) is shined on
the material
 In the photon representation of this radiation If hν > Eg
Some electrons can be promoted to the conduction band leaving
some holes in the valence band
Some of the various possible types of spectra associated with this process





Looks at the number of reflected phonons (intensity) & photon frequency ω

Interaction Between Light & Bulk Material

can occur !
Light interaction with Solids

 Transparent
Optical Classification  Transluscent
 Opaque
Light – Einstein & Planck
 1905 Einstein – related the wave & particle properties of light when he
looked at the Photoelectric Effect
 Planck: - solved the “Black body” radiation problem by making the
quantum hypothesis: Light is quantized into quanta (photons) energy
E = hν (wave – Particle duality)

 Light is emitted in multiples of a certain minimum energy unit. The size of

the unit – the photon
 Explains how an electron can be emitted if light is shined on a metal
 The energy of the light is not spread but propagates like particles
Maxwell – Electromagnetic Waves
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visible Light
Light that can be detected by the human eye has wavelengths in the range
λ ~ 450nm to 650nm & is called visible light:

• The human eye can detect light of many different colors.

• Each color is detected with different efficiency
Visual Appearance of Insulators, Metals, & Semiconductors
• A material’s appearance & color depend on the interaction between light
with the electron configuration of the material.
Visual Appearance of Insulators, Metals, & Semiconductors
• A material’s appearance & color depend on the interaction
between light with the electron configuration of the material.

High resistivity materials (Insulators) are Transparent

High conductivity materials (Metals) have a “Metallic Luster” & are Opaque
Semiconductors can be opaque or transparent
This & their color depend on the material band gap

• For semiconductors the energy band diagram can explain the

appearance of the material in terms of both luster & color.
• Why is Silicon Black and Shiny ?
To Answer This:
• We need to know that the energy gap of Si is:
Egap = 1.1eV
• We also need to know that, for visible light, the
photon energy is in the range:
Evis ~ 1.8 – 3.1eV
So, for Silicon, Evis is larger than Egap
• So, all visible light will be absorbed & Silicon appears black
So, why is Si shiny?
• The answer is somewhat subtle: Significant photon
absorption occurs in silicon, because there are a significant
number of electrons in the conduction band. These
electrons are delocalized. They scatter photons.
Why is GaP Yellow?
• We need to know that the energy gap of GaP is:
Egap = 2.26 eV
This is equivalent to a Photon of Wavelength λ = 549 nm.
• So photons with E = hν > 2.26 eV (i.e. green, blue,violet)
are absorbed.
• Also photons with E = hν < 2.26eV (i.e. yellow, orange,
red) are transmitted.
• Also, the sensitivity of the human eye is greater for
yellow than for red, so GaP Appears Yellow/Orange.
Colors of Semiconductors

If the Photon Energy is Evis > Egap -> Photons will be absorbed
If the Photon Energy is Evis < Egap -> Photons will transmitted
If the Photon Energy is in the range of Egap those with higher energy than
Egap will be absorbed.
We see the color of the light being transmitted.
If all colors are transmitted the light is White

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