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Body Dysmorphic Disorder

By Alexzandra and Irene.

What is it ?
❖ A mental disorder
❖ Obsession over perceived flaws or defects in your
❖ Spend hours in the mirror and trying to conceal
or fix them. Or avoid mirrors and cameras.
❖ Avoid social situation (anxiety, Fear and shame)
❖ Seek for others reassurance about your
appearance .
❖ Affects women and men equally
❖ Most common in teenagers and young adults.
❖ Concern about specific body part and features or
the size , shape and symmetry of the whole body
❖ Develop a body focused repetitive behavior
Causes and Risk Factors
The causes of BDD are not clear but it Other factors that can trigger this desease
can be caused by : are :

❖ Genetics ❖ Low self-esteem

❖ Brain differences (on areas that ❖ Social pressure or expectations of
process information about body beauty
appearance ) ❖ having another psychiatric disorder,
➢ Chemical invalance such as anxiety or depression
➢ size anomalies .
❖ traumatic experience during childhood
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

❖ Talking therapy that helps with the negative thoughts , behaviour an other bdd
symptoms .
❖ Achieving and setting goals with the therapist .
❖ Includes the exposure and response prevention (ERP) Technique
❖ In group or alone

❖ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
➢ Reduce obsessive thoughts and behaviour
➢ side effects
❖ Other drugs.
‘ extreme cases psychiatric hospitalization
Social concern and questionnaires
People with BDD may not know they have a disorder or may not go to the doctor or
tell anyone due to fear or shame.
There are a lot of quizzes from reliable webs to find out if someone has this disorder

Some of this pages are from associations that include:

❖ Information about the Body dysmorphic disorder.
❖ Personal experience from people with this
disorders and their families.
❖ Encouraging and Concerning videos and songs
❖ Conferences , family,Therapy and other activities
❖ The option of joining the cause by donating or
Muscle Dysmorphia or Bigorexia
❖ Type of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
❖ Obsession with being to small to thin or not
muscular enough.
❖ Avoid social situations of body display and
❖ Use many layers of clothing
❖ Compare and check their physics continuously
❖ Always look at or avoid mirrors ❖ Causes : similar to BDD
❖ Excessive work out even if injured ❖ Treatment :
❖ Anxiety and preoccupation if they can not work CTB,medication and
out or finish their work out schedule. nutritional education
❖ Rigorous energetic diet ❖ People with MD dosn´t
❖ Steroids and food supplements know it or hide it
Body Dysmorphic Disorder by Proxy

❖ Person of Concern
❖ Body Areas of
❖ Ritualistic Behaviors
❖ Avoidance
❖ Distress/Impairment
❖ Beliefs
Snapchat Dysmorphia

“A new phenomenon called

‘Snapchat dysmorphia’ has popped up,
where patients are seeking out surgery
to help them appear like the filtered
versions of themselves,” said Dr
Neelam Vashi, director of the Boston
University Cosmetic and Laser Centre.

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