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A new technique to suturing IUD CutT 380A on

uterine fundus during cesarean section : immediate
postplacental insertion
have been implemented since June 2009


Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology Division

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University/Kariadi Hospital
Central Java, Indonesia
A new technique to suturing IUD CutT 380A on
uterine fundus during cesarean section : immediate
postplacental insertion
have been implemented since June 2009


Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology Division

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University/Kariadi Hospital
Central Java, Indonesia
Illustration of the uterus after delivery of the
placenta during cesarean section



Lower uterine segmen fundus

Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Enter rings forceps into the uterine cavity
through the hole in the lower uterine segment incision
Open ring forceps and push the ring forceps
so that tapping on the walls of the uterine fundus.
Open ring forceps and push the ring forceps so that pressing on the fundus.
Using the tip of the index finger, tap on the outside of the uterine fundus,
forming a basin between the two ends of the ring forceps.
Open ring forceps and push the ring forceps so that pressing on the fundus.
Using the tip of the index finger, tap on the outside of the uterine fundus,
forming a basin between the two ends of the ring forceps.
Open ring forceps and push the ring forceps so that pressing on the fundus.
Using the tip of the index finger, tap on the outside of the uterine fundus,
forming a basin between the two ends of the ring forceps.
Prepare a straight needle with
a chromic catgut (no. 1 or 2 or PGA (no. 1).
Prepare a straight needle with
a chromic catgut (no. 1 or 2) or PGA (no. 1).
Needle puncture on the concave wall.
Needle puncture on the concave wall.
Needle puncture on the concave wall.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus, the
needle is clamped with a ring forceps, ring forceps then pulled
out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Setelah jarum menembus dinding
fundus uteri, jepit jarum dengan klem
ovarium, kemudian tarik klem keluar
kavum uteri.
Once the needle penetrates the wall of the uterine fundus,
the needle is clamped with a ring forceps, then ring forceps
pulled out of the uterine cavity.
Anchor Knot on branching arms 'T'

Prepare CuT 380A IUD.

Create an anchor node preparation.
Anchor Knot on branching arms 'T'

Attach the anchor node,

is done by the two horizontal arms IUD inserted into
the knot hole.
Strengthen anchor nodes with one node
"slip knot"
IUDs are ready to be "hang up"
on the fundus

IUDs yarn tail has been cut at a distance of 2 inches

(5-6 cm) from the tip of the vertical stem IUDs.
IUD that has bound withdrawn and inserted into
the uterine cavity towards achieving the middle /
center of the fundus.

IUD that has bound withdrawn and inserted into
the uterine cavity towards achieving the middle /
center of the fundus.
IUD that has bound withdrawn and inserted into
the uterine cavity towards achieving the middle /
center of the fundus.
IUD that has bound withdrawn and inserted into
the uterine cavity towards achieving the middle /
center of the fundus.
IUD that has bound withdrawn and inserted into
the uterine cavity towards achieving the middle /
center of the fundus.
IUDs have been in the middle of the fundus.
Make a slip knot on the outer retaining
wall of the uterine fundus.
Please practice and practice safely

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