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Lack of sex ed
Leonardo Porcella, English 4B
ION Sex education is “high quality teaching and learning
about a broad variety of topics related to sex and
sexuality.” (Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Inc., n.d.) In our country (RD) and many others sex
education is lacking. Sex education is what helps us
prevent of making mistakes while and before having sex,
such as not using a condom. If a person lacks sex
education, there is a high probability they end up pregnant
or with a sexually transmitted disease. This affects a
person, and its surroundings. In this presentation I will be
talking more of this social inequality issue.

 © Josh
Why is it a Social Inequality?

The lack of sex education is a social inequality issue, because

not everyone can get this education. Either because of your
age or your economic status, this is why old and poor people
often don’t get this education, while young and rich/medium
class people do get this education. We can see this issue often
in the Dominican republic, because people with scarce
resources get either a few or none education regarding sex,
due to this, this people that are in poverty, are more often to
end up pregnant, than medium/high class people, making this  © DURANTE LALLERA
a social inequality.
© Natalya Manycheva
Causes and effects
In some countries, mostly in Europe, sex education isn’t on the school program. On other countries sex education is
given poorly, or they teach with the mentality that sex is bad, and you shouldn’t do it. Many schools have this mentality
because they think that when you hear the term “sex education”, it will corrupt the mind of the student and make them
want to have sex.

Many people can’t receive this education due to economic problems. Because in most countries including RD, sex
education is given more in private schools than in public schools. And the few times we see it in public schools, the
education is either given poorly or given late. Which means that most of the times sex education is taught when a
person is old, while it should be taught earlier.
Lack of sexual education reinforces existing taboos and leads to sex by trial and error, possible impotence or lack of
satisfaction, guilt complexes and, where contraceptive advice is lacking, unwanted pregnancies and abortion because
of ignorance. Sexual repression may lead to sexual violence and deviancy.
Local Global
● This issue in the Dominican Republic is trying to
● In usa, only 13 states in the nation require
be treated with different programs such as “El real
cariño”, but this programs aren’t going to solve sex education to be medically accurate, a lot
is left up to interpretation in teenage health
the problem effectively, because we can still see
people in different classes, mostly low class that literacy.
haven’t been receiving the proper sex ed.
● Even when sex education is required, state
policies still vary widely regarding the
inclusion of critical information.

 © Imágenes Dominicanas
(Refinery 29, 2016)

(Gallup, Inc., 2021)

Social Media
Sex education
trough social media Sex education trough
(giving false social media (giving
information) great information)
Many times people go to social
media searching for anwswers There are some accounts in social media
regarding sex, and they find such as instagram, that provide relatable
things that are incorrect, but and accesible information about sex
choose to believe them, because including ranging from consent, mental
nobody is teaching them sex health, contraception, relationship
education in life. advice, and more.
1. At what age do you think sex education
should be reached?

2. Do you think that people with low

resources have the same chance to have
this education than people with high
Personal involvement
I don’t feel I have a personal involvement to this
theme, but I have an aunt who does. When she was
young, she didn’t have a financial status like mine. Her
parents were poor, and my grandmother was helping
them with food. At the time, she didn’t know anything
about sex. But she had a boyfriend and he always
wanted to try new things with her, at the point that she
got pregnant. She didn’t know how to have safe sex.
Because she didn’t have a proper education about sex.
This affected her, because she had to work more than
usual to maintain her daughter.
 © Biscotto87
The parents should make their children feel that their home is a safe
place for any questions related to this theme, I will be part of this
solution because when I am a parent, I will treat my kids this way.

The Sex education system in every country should present this

education to low class, in a better or the same way that they give this
education to high class students.


The Dominican government is incorporating sex ed in public schools.

● Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. (n.d.). What is Sex Education? | Sex Ed Definition and QA. Planned

● Redacción, D. S. (2019, March 4). Educación Sexual en República Dominicana.

● Gallup, Inc. (2021, April 11). Teens on Sex Education: Abstinence-Only or Safe-Sex Approach?

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