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First step_ Nata C
• First of all, Speech is the physical process to produce a sound.

• Speech is produced by bringing air from the lungs to the larynx

(respiration), where the vocal folds may be held open to allow
the air to pass through or may vibrate to make a sound
(phonation). The airflow from the lungs is then shaped by the
articulators in the mouth and nose (articulation).
Second Step_ Tatiana

• Hace un ejercicio retroalimentando lo que dijo nata c

Tird step_ Nata G- voice
• Nata dice las características
• Speech characteristics can be roughly described by a few major
features: speech flow, loudness, intonation and intensity of overtones.
Speech flow describes the speed at which utterances are produced as
well as the number and duration of temporary breaks in speaking.
• Voice (or vocalization) is the sound produced by humans and other
vertebrates using the lungs and the vocal folds in the larynx, or voice
box. Voice is not always produced as speech, however
Four step_ Katell- fluency
• Dice la parte de fluency
• Fluency
• Fluent speech is essential for smooth communication, whereas
second language (L2) speech fluency is rarely comparable to first
language (L1) speech fluency (Segalowitz, 2010). The gap is caused by
various factors and may lead to communication anxiety or even
communication breakdown.
Fifth step_ Sofia_ Articulation
• Articulation Articulation (pronunciation and talking) is the ability to
physically move the tongue, lips, teeth and jaw to produce sequences
of speech sounds, which make up words and sentences.
Speech problems
• Natalia G_ cáncer de garganta
• Natalia C_ Displasia cleidocraneal
• Katell_ Macroglosia
• Tatiana_ Paladar hendido

• Sofia dice lo del prox juego sobre las imágenes

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