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Good morning,

Year 4 students!
Do you remember how to round a number to the nearest
10 or 100?

23 Answer: 20 37 Answer: 40

54 Answer: 50 16 Answer: 20

161 Answer: 160 245 Answer: 250


 Find the digit with the place value you are rounding to

10 15 20 25 30

26 30 15 20 28 30 17 20

11 10 23 20 13 10 24 20
 Look at the digit to the right of the one you are rounding to
- if the digit to the right is 5 or greater, round the digit up
- if the digit to the right is less than 5, your digit does not
 Write “0” as a place holder for every digit to the right of the
one you rounded to when you round a number.

10 15 20 25 30

26 30 13 10 21 20 15 20 24 20
Round each number to the nearest tens.

19 Answer: 20 18 Answer: 20

81 Answer: 80 745 Answer: 750

57 Answer: 60 192 Answer: 190

65 Answer: 70 274 Answer: 270

Round each number to the nearest hundreds.

119 Answer: 100 548 Answer: 500

781 Answer: 800 671 Answer: 700

5819 Answer: 5800 1718 Answer: 1700

6481 Answer: 6500 3495 Answer: 3500

Round each number to the nearest thousands.

5819 Answer: 6000 1718 Answer: 2000

6481 Answer: 6000 3495 Answer: 3000

1586 Answer: 2000 4718 Answer: 5000

9381 Answer: 9000 5491 Answer: 5000

Round each number to the nearest ten thousands.

75,819 Answer: 80,000 17,318 Answer: 20,000

16,481 Answer: 20,000 34,795 Answer: 30,000

13,586 Answer: 10,000 85,718 Answer: 90,000

91,381 Answer: 90,000 58,491 Answer: 60,000

Round each number to the nearest hundred thousands.

475,819 Answer: 500,000 617,318 Answer: 600,000

816,481 Answer: 800,000 342,795 Answer: 300,000

513,586 Answer: 500,000 854,718 Answer: 900,000

791,381 Answer: 800,000 568,491 Answer: 600,000

Round each number to the nearest millions.

8,475,819 Answer: 8,000,000 1,617,318 Answer: 2,000,000

6,816,481 Answer: 7,000,000 9,342,795 Answer: 9,000,000

3,513,586 Answer: 4,000,000 8,454,718 Answer: 8,000,000

7,691,381 Answer: 8,000,000 5,868,491 Answer: 6,000,000

Round each number to the nearest tens.

475,819 Answer: 475,820 318 Answer: 320

6,816,481 Answer: 6,816,480 342,745 Answer: 342,750

3,586 Answer: 3,590 4,747 Answer: 4,750

91,381 Answer: 91,380 68,491 Answer: 68,490

Round each number to the nearest hundreds.

475,819 Answer: 475,800 318 Answer: 300

6,816,481 Answer: 6,816,500 342,745 Answer: 342,700

3,586 Answer: 3,600 4,747 Answer: 4,700

91,381 Answer: 91,400 68,491 Answer: 68,500

Round each number to the nearest thousands.

475,819 Answer: 476,000 95,318 Answer: 95,000

6,816,481 Answer: 6,816,000 342,745 Answer: 343,000

3,586 Answer: 4,000 4,747 Answer: 5,000

91,381 Answer: 91,000 68,491 Answer: 68,000

Round each number to the nearest ten thousands.

475,819 Answer: 480,000 95,318 Answer: 100,000

6,816,481 Answer: 6,820,000 342,745 Answer: 340,000

38,586 Answer: 40,000 84,747 Answer: 80,000

91,381 Answer: 90,000 68,491 Answer: 70,000

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