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Intro to the French

Moderate Phase (1789 - 1791)

This was the phase of the French

revolution where many social reforms
took place
The lead up
● Large debts
● Food shortages
● Hatred towards the aristocracy
● Spread of Enlightenment ideas
French Class System
● First Estate - Church Officials
● Second Estate - The Aristocracy
● Third Estate - Everyone Else
The National Assembly
● Created by Third Estate
● One Vote Per Representative
● Acceptance by King Louis XVI
● Turned into the Constituent Assembly
Storming of the Bastille
● The Bastille was an old fortress being used as a prison and
● Fear and the high price of bread inspired a lot of people to storm
the Bastille and arm themselves to defend the assembly
○ Fun Fact: Bastille Day is a national holiday in France that marks the beginning of the
French Revolution.
● Violence would soon result during what was called the Great
● The National Assembly adopts the
declaration of the Rights of Man
● Abolishment of Feudalism in France
March on Versailles
● King Louis XVI refused to accept the new declaration,
causing the March on Versailles
● Hundreds of Parisians marched on the palace in Versailles
demanding reform and that the king, queen, and National
Assembly return to Paris.
○ Fun Fact: The March on Versailles is often called the
Women's March because it included the participation of
mostly women.
The King Flees
● On June 20th, 1791 King Louis XVI
attempts to flee Paris with his wife and
hopes to go to Austria.
● Not long after a new constitution is passed
Time for the

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