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After this module, you are expected to
prove the conditions for similarity of

1.1 SAS similarity theorem

1.2 SSS similarity theorem
1.3 AA similarity theorem
1.4 right triangle similarity theorem
1.5 special right triangle theorems.
Direction: Execute the given
commands and answer the proceedi

Graphing paper
A. On the graphing paper,

1.Draw triangle TUP, where TU = 9

units, m∠T = 70 and PT = 6 units.

2.Draw triangle ROS, where RO =

12 units, m∠R = 70 and SR = 8
Answer these questions:

1.What corresponding parts of the

triangles are given?

∠T ≅∠R
2.Measure the remaining sides
and angles.

UP =_____________
OS = _____________
m∠ U =_____________
m∠ O = _____________
m∠ P =_____________
3.Are the triangles similar?
Explain your answer.

4.State the conditions sufficient

to conclude that the two
triangles are similar.
B. On the graphing paper,

1.Draw triangle ABC , where AB =

10cm, AC = 8 cm and CB = 12 cm.

2. Draw triangle DEF, where DE =

20 cm, DF = 16 cm and EF = 24 cm.
Answer these questions:

1.How many sides were given in

each triangle?

2.Are the corresponding sides

proportional? _______
Say, ABDE = ____
ACDF = _____ CBEF = _____
3.State the conditions sufficient
to conclude that the two triangles
are similar.
C.On the graphing paper,

1.Draw triangle MNK, where MN = 8

cm, m ∠M = 40 and m ∠N = 60.
Label the intersection of the two
sides by K.
2.Draw triangle XYW, where XY = 16
cm, m ∠X = 60 and m ∠Y = 40. Label
the intersection of the two sides W.
3.Complete the table to show
your data.
Answer these questions:

1.How many angles were given to

draw the two triangles?
1.1Which angles are congruent?

2.What can you conclude about the

ratios of the corresponding sides?
3. What can you conclude about
the relation of the two triangles?

4.State the conditions sufficient

to conclude that the two
triangles are similar.
D. On the graphing paper,

1.Draw right triangle ABC with

right angle at C.

2. Draw CD AB.
3.Explore the relations among the
three right triangles by finding the
m ∠ A =____
m ∠ ACB=____
m ∠ B =____
m ∠ ADC=____
m ∠ ACD=____
m ∠ BDC =____
What is the relation between the
following measures:

m ∠ A _________ m ∠ BCD
m ∠ B _________ m ∠ ACD
4.Complete the table below and
write the relation between each
pair of angles
_______ ∠CAD _______ ∠BCD ∠ABC
_______ ∠ACD _______ ∠CBD
∠ACB _______ ∠ADC _______ ∠BDC

5.What conclusion can you make

about the relations of the three
E. On the graphing paper draw a
square ABCD, 4 units on each
side. Draw diagonal AC.

Answer these questions:

1.How many triangles are

2.How many degrees has
2.1 How long is CB? ___AB?___

3. Use the Pythagorean Theorem

to compute for the length of AC.
c² = a² + b²
AC² = BC² + AB²
4.How does AC compare with CB?

5.In a 45-45-90 triangle, let x =

length of each leg. How long is the
hypotenuse c?

6.Write a statement about the
relation of the length of the
hypotenuse of a 45-45-90 triangle to
the length of its leg.

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