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University Of Helwan

Faculty of Commerce, Business Information System

Name: Belal Ehab Salem Mahmoud
ID: 2122583
Course: Introduction To Computer
Topic: Cloud Computing
Submitted to: TA: Waddaa Azzouz
Under supervision: Dr: Engy Yehia
Cloud Computing
Their Importance And Effect On Technology &
Economics Of Countries
 What Is Cloud Computing?

 Reason of making cloud.

 Classification of cloud.

 Serverless Computing.

 Impact Of Cloud Computing On Everyday Life.

 Impact Of Cloud Computing On Economics.

What Is Cloud

Cloud Computing Explained .

 In cloud computing, the word "
cloud" is used as a metaphor for
"the Internet," so the phrase cloud
computing means a type of
Internet-based computing, where
different services ‘‘ including
servers, storage and applications
‘‘ are delivered to an
organization's computers and
devices through the Internet.
Cloud Computing : A Simple Description .

 Cloud computing is taking services ("cloud services") and moving

them outside an organizations firewall on shared systems.
 In cloud computing, the services are delivered and used over the
Internet and are paid for by cloud customer (your business).
 Cloud computing networks are large groups of servers and cloud
service providers that usually take advantage of low-cost
computing technology, with specialized connections to spread
data-processing chores across them.
Reason Of Making Cloud .
 Partner in a company medium size 18 people in the US.
They need computers and also software. They need servers
in the database backup system.
 They need a safe room for all these machines, a network
that keeps them all connected and the clients connected to
 Because the company is too small, They have to call an
external consultant.
 18 people use the system in different ways, so the database
turns into data chaos.
 Data continues to be stored in the office in one place Risky.
 Her music collection store to the web movies. She watches
them online, family pictures. She shares them on the Net.
Her encyclopedia is called Wikipedia now.
 Everything is stored in a safe and secure place and all she
needs to access it is a simple Web browser. This is called
cloud computing.
SaaS “ Software As A Service “ .
 Cloud-based applications — or software as a service — run on distant
computers “in the cloud” that are owned and operated by others and that
connect to users’ computers via the internet and, usually, a web browser.

PaaS “Platform As A Service” .

 Platform as a service provides a cloud-based environment with everything
required to support the complete lifecycle of building and delivering web-based
(cloud) applications — without the cost and complexity of buying and
managing the underlying hardware, software, provisioning, and hosting.

IaaS “ Infrastructure As A Service” .

 Infrastructure as a service provides companies with computing resources including
servers, networking, storage, and data center space on a pay-per-use basis.
Public Cloud .
 Public clouds are owned and operated by companies that offer rapid access
over a public network to affordable computing resources. With public cloud
services, users don’t need to purchase hardware, software, or supporting
infrastructure, which is owned and managed by providers.

Private Cloud .
 A private cloud is infrastructure operated solely for a single
organization, whether managed internally or by a third party, and
hosted either internally or externally. Private clouds can take advantage
of cloud’s efficiencies, while providing more control of resources and
steering clear of multi-tenancy.

Hybrid Cloud .
 A hybrid cloud uses a private cloud foundation combined with the
strategic integration and use of public cloud services. The reality is a
private cloud can’t exist in isolation from the rest of a company’s IT
resources and the public cloud. Most companies with private clouds will
evolve to manage workloads across data centers, private clouds, and
public clouds - thereby creating hybrid clouds.
Cloud Computing: Deployment Model .


Impact Of Cloud Computing On Every Day Life .

Social Impact Education Development Health

1. Social Impact .
 The likes of YouTube and Google are testimony to a shift in how people are now
interacting with others.
 From remote locations to the global center stage, an event can reach the four
corners of the planet by going viral. Global has reached its true significance,
and we’ve seen the emerging of the “citizen journalist” on this global stage.
 Live news feeds are constantly streaming the media, at times sparking social
upheavals connect and relate through online communities.
 Facebook is of course a primary example.
2. Education .
 Educational institutions have been quick to realize the advantages of cloud
technology and have been eagerly adopting it for several reasons.
1) Ability for the students to access data anywhere, anytime, to enroll in online
classes and to participate in group activities.
2) The value of combining business automation processes to streamline
subscription, class enrollments and assignment tracking, thus reducing
expenses significantly.
3) Ability for the institutional body to leverage the storage cloud to store the
daily 2.5 quintillion bytes of data securely and without the need to cater to a
complicated infrastructure

3. Development .
 Cloud technology also offers other benefits to developing countries since they
no longer have the burden of investing in costly infrastructures and can tap
into data and applications that are readily available in the used in
many field as education , banking ,agriculture , science ,health .Take as an
example the telecom industry.
4. Health .

 There are many reasons why using cloud technology in

the healthcare industry is gaining pace. Some examples
include: managing non-siloed patient data and sharing it
among different parties such as medical professionals or
patients checking their own status and treatment follow-
ups; reducing operational costs such as data storage;
accessing this data through pervasive devices such as
mobile phones and going beyond the traditional
intranet; implementing a quick solution in a secure
environment that is compliant with the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act regulations.
Impact Of Cloud Computing On Economics .

 Cloud computing has gained prominence as one of the internet based

computing models that has driven the world into actualizing greater efficiency
and cost savings. Cloud computing enables the remote access of servers,
storage, databases and application services over the internet to users across the
globe. These web-based IT resources are available to users in a flexible and
low-cost manner. In addition to this, cloud computing allows small-scale and
infant businesses to use these cloud resources, saving the upfront investment
cost required to build an IT structure from scratch .

Impact On

Creation of
Cost Saving Access to IT Increased
and Efficiency Infrastructure Competition
 Creation of Employment Opportunities .
 Cloud Computing ensures economic growth through the provision of new job
opportunities. As cloud computing is employed by the smartphone services
industry and aerospace sector, new pathways are opening up via construction
and staffing of data centers that are required to host the cloud. Not only is
additional staff being hired to operate and maintain the cloud through its data
centers, but there is also an increasing need to ‘upskill’ the existing workforce.

 This upskilling is helping individuals to benefit from higher than average

salaries. Higher salaries will directly impact the GDP per capita as the average
income of the working class augments. Consequently, higher economic growth
prevails in this society. In addition to this, the managerial staff that would
otherwise be dealing with in-house IT resources may now concentrate on other
more profitable segments of the business. Lower distraction and increased
focus will eventually result in higher economic growth.
 Cost Saving and Efficiency .
 Another one of the most eminent cloud computing factors driving economic
growth is its ability to cut down costs and bring about efficient work practices.
Small enterprises have been the primary beneficiaries of cloud computing in
the sense that they have explored revenue opportunities through the cloud
infrastructure, streamlining processes across the board, hence, gauging
profitability. Cloud computing infrastructure tends to be more flexible as there
is no up-front investment required for the set-up. Firms are required to pay for
the server and infrastructure capacity as and when needed. These payments
are in the form of commission. This allows for cost savings, as hardware
installations costs are minimized. Moreover, this inculcates efficiency with no
additional equipment .
 setting-up Cloud computing has done successfully enabling higher output
using fewer resources – leading to economic growth in terms of efficiency.
 Access to IT Infrastructure .
 The availability of IT resources and infrastructure is still lacking in many parts
of the world, even today. Countries that have a shortage of IT professionals
and the necessary IT resources can have access to these via cloud computing.
This would require a reliable internet connection for accessibility. Once reliable
connectivity has been established, IT resources can be used through the web,
allowing for growth in even the remotest of areas. This is another way of
driving economic growth into areas where IT infrastructure may be non-

 Increased Competition .
 Cloud computing has created innovative opportunities for small and medium
enterprises to use the cloud technology and progress in their field of expertise.
Infant industries that were initially faced with having to find start-up capital to
acquire IT resources can now save on these start-up costs and innovate in
production and provision of services using rigorous R&D services. Hence, risk-
neutral entrepreneurs have now stepped into the leveled playing field as a
result of major cost-savings through the use of cloud computing. As a result,
competition has elevated, leading to lowered prices and availability of more
substitute products and services for the everyday consumer.
 The following graph shows the great effect
of using cloud on economy .
 More Details About Cloud Computing .
Any Questions?
Thank you.

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