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Stretching Our

Connecting Ideas
Perception – challenging our MO
Why do we see it that way?
How many?
How can six
minus three
equal four?
Remove 3 matches to leave 4.
The Restaurant! – Let’s expand our thinking.
• What are our assumptions about • Reverse each assumption –
restaurants? What is the opposite?
• Restaurants have menus (written, • Restaurants have no menus of any
verbal or implied) kind
• Restaurants charge money for • Restaurants give food away for
food free
• Restaurants serve food. • Restaurants do not serve food.
Let’s think about the ideas…

A restaurant with no menu A restaurant that gives away food A restaurant that does not serve
Idea – The chef informs customers of the fresh Idea – Customers pay for the time they are in the Idea – The restaurant provides the space only –
produce bought that day. Customers select the restaurant rather than the food they consume. perhaps themed environments. Customers
ingredients and the chef cooks a dish especially Customers receive a time stamp when they reserve their spot and bring their own food. The
for them. arrive and are charged by the minute. customer ‘rents’ the space.
The Printer! • What are our assumptions
about printers?
• Reverse each assumption
– What is the opposite?

Now try to add

some ideas to
improve the printer

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