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Practical Research 1

Research Experience and Knowledge

• Research is a systematic investigation

for information. It is a process of
inquiring. This lesson presents
discussion of what process of inquiry
entails and how it become a method
of learning which leads individuals to
get into research to find out solutions
to existing or potential problems.
Nature of Inquiry
• Inquiry is defined as “seeking for truth,
information or knowledge” the information is
sought through questioning.

• The exploratory nature of inquiry allows

individuals particularly students to grapple
with different ways of looking ideas and issue
and to think creatively about problems that do
not possess simple (or perhaps even any)
Applied to learning, the elements of inquiry based
process are multiple, varied and open to selection.
Different factors will involve different kinds of inquiries in
different areas of knowledge and at different levels of
experience and they include the following:
• Selection of appropriate questions
• Formulation of appropriate questions
• Identification of key issues
• Search for valid and relevant evidence
• Interpretation and assessment of evidence
• Application of evidence to denied issues
• Presentation of coherent conclusion, final or tentative
• Reflection on, and assessment of the learning process.
Experience and Knowledge
• Experience is a familiar and well-used
source of knowledge. As a student, you try
several routes in going to school. You try to
find out which way takes the least time or
the most traffic free or the most scenic. By
going through personal experiences, you
can find many answers to questions that
you may have. It has been said that
experience is the best teacher.
Why do Research?
The writing process will make you confident in your ability to find
information and present it effectively in varied ways be on:
• A theme in Grade 11 English on the value of good speaking
• A paper in history on the Presidents of the Philippines
• A report in a physics’ class on the moon’s effects on the ocean
• An archaeological field paper on the burial practices of the
early Filipinos
• A brief biographical sketch of a famous person like the current
Nobel Prize in Literature holder 2016, Bob Dylan
All those papers require some type of research writing. You will
undertake such written activity during your senior high school and will
increase in frequency as you enter college.

Other motivations for getting involved in research are:

• You can get to investigate topics that may be of interest to you
• It can make you study (course work) more meaningful and you’ll
discover real world application of what you’re studying
• You can have hands-on, practical experience in your field of study

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