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Classroom Management

Intro to Education Nick lema

Classroom Environment

In a Physical education classroom, there are many different types of equipment that you'll need to have.
These things include balls, cones, a stopwatch, rackets, whistles, sports bibs to make teams, soft toys,
hula hoops, and jump ropes. The classroom will be a large and open gym, consisting of basketball hoops
and sometimes even bleachers. It is important that this class is held in a very open gym so that there is
tons of space for the kids to move around and be active while doing these physical activities.
Discipline Philosophy

I believe in having a good setup for discipline in order to get the attention of the kids in the classroom in
a good way. To get the attention of the class while an activity is going on, I would hold up a stop sign to
let them know to stop and keep their eyes on the teacher. A whistle could also be a good way to get the
attention of the kids and let them know to stop and look up for direction. When the students arrive on
their first day of class, we will go over the classroom rules so they know them. These rules would consist
of act safely so nobody gets hurt, be kind to your classmates and teacher, listen carefully and follow
instructions, try your best, and play by the rules.
Schedule of Day

In upper elementary, the kids will cycle out every hour, so I am going to go over what it would look like
from the time the kids walk into the gym to the time they leave. As soon as the students come into the
class, they will gather in their rows so I can go over attendance. After attendance is taken, they will walk
laps to music around the gym for 1-2 minutes. Then they will come back to their rows and we will go
over the plan for the day and do our class warm up, this should take 3-5 minutes. They will then go into
their groups for the game or lesson and listen to directions on the game in their groups for about 3-5
minutes. After this, they will begin playing the game and having fun for about 25-30 minutes. After the
activity, we will gather back into our rows and do a cool down, while reflecting on the lesson and game
for 3-5 minutes. They will then have about 3 minutes to talk with their friends and have a mindfulness
moment before class ends. The last minute of class will consist of me calling rows to line up at the door
before they are dismissed back to their teachers.

To address transitions in the classroom, we will practice them to the class can get an idea of what they
should look like on a day to day basis. This would be done on the first day of school or within the first
week so they know what is expected of them. We would go over coming into the class and going to your
assigned rows, and lining up at the door at the end of the class when their row is called for them to do
so. As a teacher, I would try to stay off of my phone for the entirety of the class. However, if there is a
very important phone call that I need to take, I would let the class know and tell them that I have to take
the call and to wait shortly until I am back. For visitors in the classroom, I would let them know to treat
them with respect.
Communication with parents is very important to let them know how their child is doing in the class and how
they are acting. Parent teacher conferences would be a very good way to talk to the parents about how their
child is doing and for them to ask you and questions they have.

My introduction letter to the parents would look like this:

Dear Parents and Students,

It is my goal to help your child desire a lifelong desire for physical activity. I am looking forward to a
productive year of fun, exercise, and learning, through a variety of physical activities. Your support is greatly
needed and will be greatly appreciated throughout the year.

The physical education student postcard would be a welcoming card letting them know that I am very excited
to meeting everyone and having a fun year of physical activity and learning. I would probably send one out at
the begging of the year and the end of the year letting them know how I loved having them as a class and
teaching them.

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