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Title Lorem Ipsum

Sit Dolor Amet


– ISO standards covering cISO 9917-1:2007 Water-based cements–Part 1:

Powder/liquid acid-based cements ISO 9917-2:2010 Water-based cements–Part
2: Light-activated cements
– ISO 3107:2011 Zinc oxide/eugenol and zinc oxide/noneugenol cements
– ISO 4049:2009 Polymer-based filling, restorative and luting materials
– ISO classification
– Water-based cements Zinc phosphate, glass ionomer, etc.
– Oil-based cements ZOE and noneugenol cements
– Resin or polymer-based cements Resin cements, compomer, etc.
– According to setting reaction
– The materials may be classified as
– Acid-base reaction cements
– Polymerizing cements-Dual cure cements  Tricure cements Acid-base reaction cements They
are formulated as powder and liquid. The liquid acts as the acid and the powder as the base. On
mixing the two an acid-base reaction takes placing resulting in a viscous paste, which hardens to
a solid mass. Polymerizing cements These cements set by polymerizing reaction which may be
light activated or chemically activated, e.g. resin cements. Dual and tricure cements Dual cure
cements set by acid base and any one of the polymerization (light activated or chemically
activated) mechanisms. Tricure cements utilize all three mechanisms for hardening. Classification
of cements based on application (ISO 9917-1:2007)* a. Luting b. Bases or lining c. Restoration

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