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English 6 Quarter 3

Types Of Text

Teacher Jeff
• Text organization refers to the way in which written or
spoken information is structured or arranged to convey a
particular message or idea. In other words, it refers to the
way in which different pieces of information are organized
or presented within a text in order to create a coherent and
meaningful whole.

What is text • There are several different types of text organization,

including chronological, spatial, cause and effect, problem
organization and solution, compare and contrast, order of importance,
and topical. Each of these types of organization involves
? arranging information in a particular way in order to
achieve a specific goal, whether that goal is to tell a story,
explain a concept, or persuade the reader or listener to
take a particular action. By understanding the different
types of text organization and how they work, writers and
speakers can effectively structure their messages to
communicate their ideas in the most clear and effective
way possible.
Types of Text Organization

Cause and Problem-

Chronological Spatial
effect solution

Compare and Order of

contrast importance
This type of organization arranges information in the
order in which events or actions occurred.

"In the morning, I woke up and brushed my teeth. After
that, I took a shower and got dressed. Then, I went to the
1. Chronological Text kitchen and made myself breakfast. I ate some cereal and
drank a cup of coffee. Next, I grabbed my bag and
Organization walked out the door. I got in my car and drove to work.
When I arrived, I checked my email and started working
on my projects for the day. At lunchtime, I went to the
cafeteria and ate with my colleagues. After lunch, I
continued working until it was time to leave. I got back in
my car and drove home. When I arrived, I changed out of
my work clothes and relaxed for the evening."
This type of organization arranges information based
on physical location or space. It is commonly used in
descriptions of physical objects or places.

"The living room is located on the first floor of the
2. Spatial Text house. As you walk in, you will notice the large bay
Organization window on the left side of the room, which provides
plenty of natural light. The main focal point of the
room is the fireplace, which is situated in the center
of the wall opposite the window. To the right of the
fireplace is a bookshelf that stretches from floor to
ceiling. The couch is positioned to face the fireplace,
with two armchairs on either side. On the right side
of the room is a door that leads to the dining room."
This type of organization arranges information based
on the relationship between events or actions and their
consequences. It is commonly used in scientific or
technical writing.

3. Cause and Effect "Smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer. The
Text Organization chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the cells in the
lungs and increase the risk of cancerous growths.
Over time, the repeated exposure to smoke can
cause the cells to mutate and develop into cancer.
The longer a person smokes, the higher their risk of
developing lung cancer becomes. In addition,
smoking can also lead to other health problems,
such as emphysema and heart disease."
This type of organization presents a problem or issue and
then proposes a solution or solutions. It is commonly used
in persuasive or argumentative writing.

"Rising levels of pollution have become a major problem
in our city. To address this issue, we need to implement
4. Problem-Solution several solutions. First, we need to increase the use of
Text Organization public transportation, including buses and trains, to
reduce the number of cars on the road. Second, we
should encourage the use of bicycles and walking for
short trips. This will not only reduce pollution but also
improve public health. Finally, we need to invest in
cleaner forms of energy, such as wind and solar power.
By taking these steps, we can reduce pollution and make
our city a healthier place to live."
This type of organization highlights the similarities and
differences between two or more subjects. It is commonly used
in essays and research papers.

"France and Italy are both popular travel destinations in
5. Compare and Europe, but they differ in several ways. While both countries
Contrast Text are known for their cuisine and culture, France is famous for
Organization its wine and fashion, while Italy is renowned for its art and
architecture. French cuisine is characterized by rich, complex
flavors, while Italian cuisine emphasizes simple, fresh
ingredients. French fashion is known for its luxury brands
and haute couture, while Italian fashion is more casual and
focuses on leather goods and accessories. In terms of art and
architecture, Italy boasts famous landmarks such as the
Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, while France is
home to the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles."
This type of organization arranges information based on its
level of significance or importance. It is commonly used in
persuasive or argumentative writing.

"When choosing a new car, there are several factors to
6. Order of consider. The most important factor is safety. You want a
Importance Text car with a high safety rating and features such as airbags
Organization and anti-lock brakes. The second most important factor is
reliability. You want a car that will not break down
frequently and will last for many years. The third factor is
fuel efficiency. A car that gets good gas mileage will save
you money in the long run. Fourth, you may consider the
price of the car and whether it fits within your budget.
Finally, you may consider the appearance and style of the
car, as well as any additional features such as a sunroof or
a sound system."
This type of organization arranges information based on different topics
or subtopics. It is commonly used in academic or informational writing.

"Renewable energy is becoming increasingly important in today's
world. There are several types of renewable energy sources,
including solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. Solar
7. Topical Text energy involves capturing the energy from the sun and converting it
into electricity using solar panels. Wind energy involves harnessing
Organization the power of the wind to turn turbines and generate electricity.
Hydroelectric energy involves using the power of flowing water to
generate electricity. Geothermal energy involves harnessing the
heat from the Earth's core to produce electricity. Finally, biomass
energy involves using organic materials such as wood and plant
matter to generate energy. Each of these renewable energy sources
has its own advantages and disadvantages, and different types of
renewable energy may be more suitable for different regions
depending on factors such as climate and geography."
Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

1. "When planning a vacation, there are several factors to

consider. The most important factor is your budget.
You'll need to decide how much money you can afford
Activity Time! to spend on transportation, accommodations, and
activities. Second, you'll need to choose a destination
that suits your interests and preferences. Finally, you
may want to consider any special needs or requirements
you have, such as accessibility or dietary restrictions.“

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

2. "The human body is a complex organism made up of

many systems. These systems include the digestive system,
which processes food and extracts nutrients; the
Activity Time! respiratory system, which allows us to breathe and
exchange gases; the circulatory system, which transports
blood and nutrients throughout the body; and the nervous
system, which controls our thoughts and movements. Each
of these systems plays an important role in maintaining our
health and well-being."

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

3. "On Monday, John woke up early and went for a run.

Later that day, he had a job interview. On Tuesday, he
Activity Time! received a call from the company offering him the job. On
Wednesday, he accepted the job offer and started working
the following Monday. Each day, he learned new skills and
met new people."

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

4. "Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on your

health. The chemicals in cigarettes can damage your lungs,
Activity Time! leading to respiratory problems. Smoking can also increase
your risk of developing heart disease and cancer. If you
quit smoking, however, you can reduce your risk of these
health problems and improve your overall health."

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

5. "Cats and dogs are both popular pets, but they have
some important differences. Dogs are usually larger and
more active, while cats are smaller and more independent.
Activity Time! Dogs require more attention and exercise, while cats are
content to nap for much of the day. However, both cats
and dogs can make great companions for those who love

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

6. "As you walk through the forest, you'll notice a variety

of trees. On your left, there's a large oak tree with broad
Activity Time! leaves. To your right, there's a tall pine tree with needles.
Further down the path, you'll see a group of small saplings.
Finally, you'll come across a clearing with a large maple
tree in the center.“

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

Directions: Read each passage then identify what type of text
organization is being emphasized in the passage.
Chronological problem-solution spatial topical
Compare and contrast order of importance Cause and Effect

7. "Many people struggle to get a good night's sleep. This

can lead to problems such as fatigue and irritability. To
improve your sleep, try establishing a regular bedtime
Activity Time! routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and
keeping your bedroom cool and dark. By making these
changes, you can improve the quality of your sleep and
feel more rested."

Type of Text Organization: __________________________

1. Order of Importance
2. Topical
3. Chronological
Answers: 4. Cause and Effect
5. Compare and Contrast
6. Spatial
7. Problem-Solution
Answers: III.
I. Characters: Maria, Maria’s Mother, A large black dog
1. Setting Setting: An Empty dirt road at sunset
2. Antagonist Plot:
3. Chronological >Maria is walking home before dark and feels like she is being
4. Topical >A large, black dog jumps out in front of her and barks
fiercely, scaring her.
5. Plot >Maria approaches the dog, realizing it is not trying to attack
II. her.
>The dog becomes friendly and accompanies Maria on her
6. Chronological journey home.
7. Spatial Conflict: Maria is scared by the large, barking dog.
8. Cause and Effect Resolution: Maria approaches the dog, and it becomes
9. Problem-Solution friendly, accompanying her on her journey.

10.Compare and Contrast Theme: Sometimes, what seems scary at first glance can
turn out to be friendly or helpful in the end.

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