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The manners & prophetic duas of entering &

exiting the mosque
Connect it with Arabic:

Mosque is called Masjid in

Arabic & its plural is
Dua’a of entering in the Masjid

Enter in the masjid with your right foot by saying the following

‫اللهم افتح لي ابواب رحمتك‬

“O Allah! Open the doors of your mercy
for me”
Dua’a of exiting the Masjid

Exit the masjid with your left foot by saying the following Dua’a:

‫اللهم اني اسألك من فضلك‬

“O Allah! Verily I seek from you your
Enter in the Wearing
mosque with the adornment&
right foot and say decent nice
fragrance and
the prophetic clothes
avoiding bad
dua’a. smell.

Mosque manners

Walking to the
mosque calmly. Supplicating to Allah while
going to the Masjid.
Al-Kabah is the house of
Allah located in Makkah
and we face towards it
for salah. It is the first
ever built masjid on
Al Masjid An Nabawi
(The Prophet’s Mosque)
is the second holiest
masjid which is located
in Madinah.
Al Masjid Al Aqsa is the
third holiest masjid
which is located in
Jerusalem in Palestine.
Mosque Manners
Critical thinking questions:

• What is the value of mosque in Islam?

• Write few manners of going to the masjid?

• Mention any 2 famous mosques along with their basic information.

Differential group activity:
Write few
Write your mosque manners.
experience of
visiting the
masjid. Write the value
of masjid in

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