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• Name:- Sanjana Bhojankar

• College:- Government Polytechnic, Nanded

• Branch:-Information Technology
• Topic:- 5G technology radiations myth or truth
5G Wireless Technology
• History of mobile technology
• What is 5G?
• Where is 5G being used?
• Applications of 5G
• Is 5G safe?
History of mobile technology
Where is 5G being used?
What is 5G?
•  5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a
new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G,
and 4G networks.
• 5G enables a new kind of network that is
designed to connect virtually everyone and
everything together including machines, objects,
and devices.
• 5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher
multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency.
• more reliability, massive network capacity,
increased availability, and a more uniform
user experience to more users.
• performance and improved efficiency
empower new user experiences and
connects new industries.
Applications of 5G
• 1. High-speed mobile network
• 2. Entertainment and multimedia
• 3. Internet of Things – Connecting
• 4.Real time GPS location tracking and
• 5.Healthcare and mission-critical
• 6. Satellite Internet
Is 5G is safe ?
• 5G works by producing type of energy called
electromagnetic radiations. That’s why some
people believes (EMF) have negative health
• The truth is that 5G technology does use radio
waves to transmit information, but the radiation
levels associated with 5G networks are well within
the safety limits set by regulatory agencies.
Studies conducted by various health
organizations, including the World Health
Organization and the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection, have concluded that there is no
clear evidence to suggest that the radiation
from 5G networks poses any significant risk
to human health.
It is important to note that exposure to any
form of radiation can have potentially
harmful effects if the radiation levels are too
high. However, the radiation levels
associated with 5G networks are much
lower than those of other common sources
of radiation, such as sunlight and X-rays.
• There is limited research on how 5G
specifically affects animals
• Most research has involved mice or rats.
For example, a 
2019 animal study Trusted Source found
that EMFs from mobile phones are linked
to DNA damage in mice and rats.
• In summary, the idea that 5G
radiation is harmful to human health is
largely a myth. The technology has
undergone extensive testing and is
considered safe by regulatory
agencies and health organizations.
Thank you

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