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Choose the correct example

below that defines Man vs


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A group of friends went to a haunted
house. They encountered a ghost and now
struggle to escape. The passage is an
example of what type of conflict?

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A type of conflict wherein the character’s
free will is challenged because of an
inevitable destiny.

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Choose the correct example
below that defines Man vs

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Jade and Denise are out at sea on a small
fishing boat when a large storm hits. After
their boat flips over and sinks during the
storm, Jade and Denise struggle to make
it back to the shore. The passage is an
example of what type of conflict?

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A type of conflict
considered as a popular one
in science fiction.

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An example of internal conflict is
when a character has to decide
between right and wrong?

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James is upset that his friendship with
August seems to be over. He realizes that
he likes to hang out with August more
than any other kid in the 6th grade. He
feels guilty for being mean to August. The
passage is an example of what type of

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There is only one kind of
external conflict.

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You decided to write a short story about
the way biracial children are discriminated
in the society. It would focus on:

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