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1.3 Looking more closely at variation

Learning objectives:
Investigate variation within a species.
Evaluate the importance of variation in organisms.

Key word:

Scientists can investigate variation to find out if features are linked, such as
students’ height and shoe size.
How to make this a fair test ?

both of the measurements for each student should be taken at the same time.
Each height or foot size should be measured in the same way using the same
measuring device
 Scattergraphs are used to show whether or
not there is a relationship between two sets
of data.

 The relationship can be described as either:

 a positive correlation – one quantity increases as the
other does
 a negative correlation – one quantity increases as
the other decreases
 no correlation – there is no clear relationship.
Why variation is important ?
 Variation in a population gives certain organisms with more favourable
features a survival advantage. When these organisms reproduce, the feature
is passed on to offspring.

 Some variation benefits a species, for example:

* Not all rabbits are killed by the viral disease myxomatosis. Some are resistant
and can survive an outbreak.
* Peacocks with the best display of feathers are most likely to attract a mate.

 Solve the quiz

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