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Relationship phrasal

Break off something.
end a relationship
to start a conversation with
someone because you want
chat someone up to have a romantic
relationship with them
When I left, Sally was getting
chatted up by the barman.
fall for someone
to be attracted to
someone and start to
love that person
He fell for Rosie when
he was in hospital and
she was his nurse.
go off smb .

I went off beefburgers after I got food poisoning from a Stop liking

I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about

Pack smth. in To give up/stop
doing smth.

He has packed in
his job.
If two people split up, they
end their relationship or

She split up with her boyfriend last

to chase someone or
run after something:
I ran after her, trying to get
her attention
Turn down smb.

to refuse an offer or request:

He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned

it/him down.

He turned down the job because it involved too

much traveling.
1.Write a sentence to describe a man. Give him a name. What does he
look like? What is his character like?
2.Write a sentence to describe a woman. Give her a name. What does
she look like? Etc
3.Now write where they met. Describe this place. Remember to use
good adjectives.
4.What did the man say? Write it down.
5.What did the woman say? Write it down.
6.What happened in the end?
7.Now open the paper and read the love story.
Look at the photo and
read the title of the article.
What are the people

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