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• What is Eagle
• More information
• Breeding of Eagles
• Life story of Eagle (rebirth of Eagle)
What is Eagle
Eagles are large,
powerfully built
birds of prey, with
a heavy head and
More information
Due to size and power of many eagle species,
they are ranked at the top of the food chain as
apex predators in the avian world. Some
species of eagles prefer to capture fish, though
some other species capture various animals,
especially other water birds, and are powerful
.“klepto parasites” of other birds
Breeding of Eagles
Eagles normally build their nests (eyries) in tall trees
.or on high cliffs
Many Eagle species lay two eggs, but the older, larger
chick frequently kills its younger sibling once it has
Life story of Eagle (rebirth of eagle)
This is the story of eagle’s
life. Eagle has long life up
to 70 years. But it has to
make a painful decision to
After 40 years its talons
becomes weak, its long and
sharp beak becomes bent,
its thick feathers become
stuck to chest and can’t fly
Then eagle left only two
options: either die or pass
through a painful process of
changes. For new life, eagle
flies on top of a mountain and
sits on nest. Then eagle
strikes its beak against a rock
and pull it out, and waits for
new beak. Then it starts
plucking out its talons. New
talons grow back. then it
.plucks its old feathers
Now the painful process
completed and it has to
wait for 5 months to
recover. After that it can
make its fly to sky and
can enjoy new birth.
Now it can live 30 years

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