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Superfood: Coffee Beans

Cameron Franco
Did you know?
• Coffee beans are very high in antioxidants and are the largest
source of antioxidants for most Americans today

• Coffee beans are the world’s second most traded commodity – oil
is first!

• Coffee was originally discovered by a shepherd who noticed his

sheep acted strangely energetic after eating coffee berries
Major Health Benefits
• Regular coffee drinkers are 65% less likely to have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (if
they drink three or more cups a day)
• Coffee decreases the risk of heart disease by 20% in people who drink two cups daily
• Daily coffee consumption has been found to result in lower chances of prostate,
endometrial, liver, colon, and breast cancer
• The risk of developing type two diabetes is reduced by coffee, heavy drinkers (more
than four cups per diem) have a 50% deceased chance of type two diabetes
• The rate of liver cirrhosis is reduced by 80% among heavy coffee drinkers
• Coffee drinkers are 20% less likely to be depressed
• Coffee decreases inflammation
Inside Coffee Beans
• Lots of antioxidants – over a thousand different kinds including cafestol, trigonelline,
chlorogenic acid, hydrocxycinnamic acid, phenolic acid, melanoidin, quinine, and
• Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
• Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
• Niacin (vitamin B3)
• Manganese
• Potassium
• Magnesium
Why are coffee beans a
• The enormous number of antioxidants in coffee lead
to huge health benefits ranging from preventing
dementia to stopping liver problems
• Many nutrients help the body to retain normal
• Caffeine helps increase short term memory and focus
• They taste amazing!

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