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 Climate change. Enterprise IT emits a lot of greenhouse gases and
contributes to climate change. Businesses must track and reduce
their emission as well as various types of toxic electronic waste that
pollute the environment. Green IT approaches can be a useful part
of broader climate strategies in companies.
 Compliance. Businesses are increasingly under pressure from
governments and the public to reduce their environmental impact.
Green IT makes more efficient use of resources, reducing waste and
emissions and improving recycling rates. This helps businesses
comply with government regulations.
 Competitive advantage. Green IT can be a component of
environmental, social and governance initiatives in companies, and
many now use ESG reporting to disclose green IT practices. Positive
ESG performance is attractive to customers, prospective employees
and investors. IT organizations often include ESG practices as
purchasing criteria when choosing information and communication
• Purpose: The purpose of this internal
assessment is to evaluate an organization's
current practices and policies related to
Green IT (Information Technology) and
identify areas for improvement. The
assessment aims to promote environmental
sustainability, energy efficiency, and
responsible IT management within the

• This internal assessment will provide valuable

insights into the organization's Green IT policy
implementation and help identify
opportunities for improvement. By promoting
sustainable practices and reducing
environmental impact, the organization can
demonstrate its commitment to corporate
social responsibility and contribute to a
greener future.

 Shut off unnecessary computers, printers, and copiers at

 Exploring and investing in more enhanced and cost-
effective ways of producing computers and other
technology products. 
 Use a power strip for multiple electronic devices.
 Building applications that consume less electricity and
provide the same performance, and aimed project
 Enhance the performance of in-house devices by using
the latest technology
 Partnership with cloud infrastructure companies that
contribute to the green computing industry.  

 Utilize processes, technologies, products, or services that 

    reduce consumption of natural resources or chemicals.
  Employ processes, technologies, products, or services that 
    reduce waste.
 Seek processes, technologies, products, or services that 
   support biodiversity and healthy, resilient natural habitats.
 Seek out, specify, and purchase products with lower 
   Embodied Carbon than the status quo.
 Whenever possible, utilize Life Cycle Costing methods to 
    determine the full cost of a product, service, or design.
• A carbon footprint refers to the total amount of
greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide)
emitted directly or indirectly by an individual,
organization, event, or product throughout its

• Carbon footprints are a

significant concern on a
global scale, as reducing
greenhouse gas emissions
is crucial for mitigating
climate change.
• Carbon footprint of individuals
You use energy when you drive, power and heat or
cool your home, and in what you buy, use, and
throw away. Add air travel and that number goes
even higher. Buying imported food that is flown in
from foreign countries increases your carbon
footprint even more. 
• Carbon footprint of products
The inputs that go into manufacturing products have
a carbon footprint. When you consume such
products, it adds that carbon footprint to yours.
Looking for products that use fewer resources in
manufacturing and shipping can reduce it.
• Carbon footprint of companies
A company’s carbon footprint includes the carbon
produced at each link in the supply chain and all the
inputs to its products and services. Add in overhead
carbon to heat, cool and power its facilities, paper and
electronics used in its offices, and transportation costs
of employees
• Simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint
• Simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint
It is essential for individuals, organizations,
and governments to take concerted actions
to mitigate carbon footprints and transition
to a low-carbon, sustainable future to
combat climate change effectively
Telecommuting is remote work Types of telecommuting include
enabled by technology that full-time remote work, part-time
benefits both employees and telecommuting, and flexible work
employers. arrangements.

Telecommuting can present

The COVID-19 pandemic has
challenges that can be overcome
accelerated the trend of remote
with proper planning and

Telecommuting is likely to
continue to grow in popularity
and businesses will develop
strategies to help employees
work effectively from remote
Software solutions that minimize
environmental impact Reduce energy consumption and Efficiently use computing
and promote long- minimize carbon footprint. resources to minimize waste.
term sustainability

Minimize environmental impact at

Choose eco-friendly hosting all stages of
Write clean, efficient code to
options, such as software development,
reduce resource consumption
renewable energy-powered including design,
and enhance performance. 
cloud services.  development, maintenance, and
Green cloud

Green computing is the term used to
donate efficient use of resources in
 It is also known as Green IT
 Green computing is 'where
organizations adopt a policy of
ensuring that the setup and operations
of information technology produces
minimal carbon footprint'. 

• Green printing brings along with it is that it uses recycled material

and thus the effect of the process on the atmosphere is at its bare
• Green printers might be beneficial both to the organization plus the
      individual, green printers are common set to make new examples.
• Green printing is just not expensive; the recycled paper included in
printing is durable and also quality; the papers used have the ability
to yield high-quality printouts just like the virgin papers as used by
commercial printers.
• Environmentally Friendly
• Minimization of electricity and power
• Reduces the technological impact on the
• Allows for enhanced preservation of forest life
• Facilitates research and actions on global warming
• Text prints do not come out looking crisp and
border more on the grayscale quality.
• The font types are not the exact likeness of the
Arial or Times New Roman
• Although high in quality, is slow to assemble, proof
and print
IT waste is important to ensure that the
organization is adhering to environmental
regulations, promoting sustainability, and
protecting sensitive data.

Assess compliance with regulations:

Evaluate the disposal process
Review the recycling process:
Review training and awareness programs
Analyze data
Green data center

 A green data center also known as an environmental

friendly or sustainable data center green house gas
emission, contributing to climate change.

Energy efficient infrastructure

Renewable energy sources
Energy management and monitoring 
Cooling optimization
Waste heat recovery
Efficient data storage and management
Sustainable building design 
Green procurement policies
 Green procurement policies are procurement policies that prioritize environmentally
friendly and sustainable products and services. 

 Green Procurement Policy Principles:

 Understand the impact your business purchases have on your community, the environment,
and your profits.
 Commit to developing a plan of action to address negative externalities and find solutions.
 Measure and track GPP progress and its effects at all parts of the value chain.
 Be transparent with your stakeholders on the motives, goals, and strategies behind your GPP.

 Environmentally Friendly Products
 Energy Efficient Products
 Recyclable Products
 Sustainable Materials
 Local Sourcing
 Low-Carbon Transportation
 Energy-efficient Buildings
Environmental reporting
 Environmental reporting is the process of measuring, tracking, and reporting on
an organization's environmental performance. Its purpose is to is to
communicate an organization's impact on the environment to stakeholders and
to provide information for decision-making. 
 Points to consider when developing an environmental reporting framework:
 Identify Key Environmental Indicators (ex. greenhouse gas emissions, water
usage, waste production, and air quality.)
 Collect and Analyze Data
 Develop Reporting Framework
 Engage Stakeholders
 Set Goals and Targets
 Use Industry Standards
 Continuously Improve:

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