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Vocabulary Week

Definitions from Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Individual/s (noun)
Definition: a particular being or thing that is distinguished from a
group; a particular person or group of people

- I met the guests yesterday, they are interesting individuals
- Anna is a very curious and smart individual

Can be used as an adjective: relating to or belonging to one person;

one singular quality
Example: It is an individual assignment.
Communicate (verb)

Definition: to convey knowledge of or information about;

to reveal using clear signs

- He communicated the instructions to the class
- They communicated their satisfaction with their
generous tip
Determine (verb)
Definition: to fix conclusively or authoritatively; to fix the
form, position or character of beforehand; to bring about
as a result; to fix boundaries; to find out or come to a
decision using reason, calculation, or investigation

- The teacher has to determine the day of the exam
- After the call, she had determined that he was not
telling the truth
Interacts (verb)
Definition: to act upon one another

- You interact with him every day
- He interacts with everyone at the office
Improvement (noun)

Definition: the act or process of being improved; the

state of being improved (made better)

- He is showing improvement in speaking
- They have been working on improvements to the
Declination (n)
Definition: turning aside or swerving downwards;
a bending downwards;
- Synonym: deteriorating

- The behavior of the boys signaled a moral
declination in society due to social media.
- Her email was a declination of the invitation
Practice (verb)
Definition: carry out, apply; to perform often or habitually, to
be professionally engaged in; to perform or work at repeatedly
so as to become a master;

- I practice piano every Monday and Wednesday
- The singers practiced for months before the concert
Can be a NOUN: an actual performance or application
Example: Their practice starts at 6:00 pm on Saturdays.
Impact (noun)

Definition: a strike or impinging especially of one body against the

other; a forceful contact or onset; a significant or major effect

- The invention had a great impact on society
- The wheel broke upon impact
Can be a VERB: to have direct influence or effect on something
Example: Their behavior impacts everyone in the meeting
Invent (verb)

Definition: to invent something (useful) for the first

time using imagination or through the use of ingenious
thinking and experiment; to devise by thinking

- Who invented the telephone?
- They invented a new way of delivering news
Eliminate (verb)
Definition: to put an end to or get rid off (remove); to
remove from consideration; to remove from competition by

- If you eliminate candy from your diet, you will be
- Brazil eliminated Switzerland in the semi-finals
Include-ing (verb)

Definition: to take in; to be as a part of a whole; to be part

of a group; to contain (have) within or between

- The party included people I didn’t recognize
- Many things, including grammar, were on the test
- The ticket includes free food
Advancement/s (noun)
Definition: the action of advancing; the state of being advanced; a
promotion to higher position; progression to a higher state of
development; an improved feature (improvement)

- This new Iphone has many advancements
- Their work has resulted in many advancements in society
Access-ing (noun)

Definition: permission, liberty, ability to enter, to approach a

person (talk with/to them), to approach a thing or pass
something; a ways or means of entering or approaching

- I couldn’t access the email you sent because my Wifi isn’t
working properly
- Only his daughter has access to what he is truly thinking
Effect vs Affect
Effect (noun): the result of a process or event; the creation of a
desired impression

Example: The effect of the speech was powerful.

- The effect of the blue walls was relaxing.

Affect (verb): having an impact or influence

Example: His words affected many people.

Using the new vocab create three sentences
using three or more of the words:

- Individual - Impact
- Communicate - Invent
- Determine - Eliminate
- Interacts - Including
- Improvement - Advancement
- Practice - Access
- Effect
- Declination
- Affect

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