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Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

expression: facial expression express Expressive: mang tính Express: move fast
expressiveness: noun form of biểu đạt cảm xúc, hàm ý- expressly
expressive ý nghĩa expressionless(ly)
expressionism: trường phái Expressionless: không
nghệ thuật biểu hiện( tập trung cảm xúc, vô cảm
vào cảm xúc, hơn là vật thể) Express: move fast,
expressionist: someone who operate (=do work) very
works in the style of quickly
expressionism Expressionist: in style of
expressionism in early 20th
cent art, theatre (painting)
Publicity: dư luận, sự công Publicise: to make sth Public: publicly
khai known to the public = công cộng
Publication: sự công bố, sự = provided, especially by
xuất bản (sách báo) the government, for the use
Publicist: person whose job is of people in general
to make sth known to public Eg:
nhà báo, nhà quảng cáo, etc.
Public: công chúng
Speech: the language used speak speechless Unspeakably: không thể nói
when speaking; the fact of speaker (noun) (un)spoken: involving thành lời (usually because it’s
speaking rather than writing speaking rather than writing bad)
Eg: - This expression is used *spoken language: văn nói Outspokenly: saying exactly
mainly in speech, not in writing. unspeakable: không thể what you think, even if this
. - a defence of free speech (= nói thành lời (usually shocks or offends people
the right to say openly what you because it’s bad) Eg: He was outspokenly
think) outspoken: saying exactly critical of party policy on the
outspokenness: quality of what you think, even if this issue.
saying exactly what you think, shocks or offends people
even this shocks offends people
suggestion suggest Suggestive: (be suggestive
suggestibility: có khuynh of sth) reminding you of
hướng chấp nhận và hành động something or making you
theo đề xuất của người khác think about something
suggestopedia: a method of Eg: music that is suggestive
teaching a foreign language in of warm summer days
which students learn quickly by Suggestible: easily
influenced by other people
being made to feel relaxed,
interested and positive
Stabilizer: (de)stabilize: to become (de)stabilizing: causing to
= a device that keeps or to make something become stable
something steady, especially become steady and Eg: the family is one of the
one that stops an aircraft or a unlikely to change; to great stabilizing elements in
ship from rolling to one side make something stable society
= small wheels that are fitted at (un)stable:
each side of the back wheel on = fixed or steady; not likely
a child’s bicycle to stop it from to move, change or fail
falling over = (of a person) calm and
(in)stability: the quality or state reasonable; not easily upset
of being steady and not = (of a substance) staying
changing or being upset in any in the same chemical
way (= the quality of being or atomic state
(de)stabilization: the process
of becoming or making
something steady and unlikely
to change; the process of
making somebody/something
Eg: economic stabilization
On-the-go (adj): very busy undergo: to experience ongoing: continuing to
something, especially a exist or develop
change or something outgoing: liking to meet
unpleasant other people, enjoying their
for(e)go: to decide not to company and being friendly
have or do something that towards them
you would like to have or go- ahead: willing to try
do new ideas, methods, etc.
and therefore likely to
applicant apply (in)applicable: that can be
application misapply:(be misapplied) said to be true in the case
(in)applicability: applicability = to use something for the of somebody/something
(to something)= the fact of wrong purpose or in the (to sb/sth)
being true or useful in a wrong way (mis)applied: to use
particular case or situation reapply: (reapply something for the wrong
something) = to put purpose or in the wrong
another layer of a way
substance on a surface
competition compete (un)competitive (un)competitively
= the fact of being as good as
or better than others
= (competitiveness with
something/somebody) the fact
of trying very hard to be better
than others
= the fact of people or
organizations competing
against each other
Incidence: (incidence of Incidental: incidental (to incidentally
something) =the extent to something) coincidentally
which something happens or =happening in connection with
has an effect something else, but not as
Coincidence: important as it, or not intended
= the fact of things being Eg: incidental music ~ music
present at the same time used with a play or a film to
= the fact of two or more give atmosphere)
opinions, etc. being the same =happening as a natural result
of something
Eg: These risks are
incidental to the work of a
coincidental: happening by
chance; not planned

manager: quản lí (mis)manage (un)manageable: possible to Stage- manage (v):

manageress: a woman who = to succeed in doing deal with or control = to act as stage
is in charge of a small something, especially Mismanaged: to deal with or manager for a performance
business, for example, a something difficult manage something badly in a theatre
shop, restaurant or hotel Eg: We managed to get Managerial: connected with = to arrange and carefully
(mis)management: to the airport in time. the work of a manager plan an event that the
= the activity of running and (manage to do sth) Managing: having public will see, especially in
controlling a business or = to succeed in administrative control or order to give a particular
similar organization achieving or producing authority impression
Eg: The report blames bad something Stage manager: the
management. Eg: In spite of his person who is responsible
= the people who run and disappointment, he for the stage,
control a business or similar managed a weak smile. lights, scenery, etc. during
organization = to be able to solve the performance of a play
Eg: The shop is now under your problems, deal with in a theatre
new management. a difficult situation, etc.
= the act or skill of dealing Eg: (manage with/without
with people or situations in a somebody/something) Ho
successful way w do you manage without
SYN: self- mangement a car?
Moment Momentous: very important Momentarily: very soon;
= a very short period of time or serious, especially because in a moment
= an exact point in time there may be important results
Eg: Momentary: lasting for a very
+ (in a moment of short time
something) I agreed in a (on the) spur-of- the-
moment of weakness. moment: suddenly, without
+ (From that moment planning in advance
on) From that moment on, she Eg: a spur-of-the-moment
never felt really well again. decision
= a good time for doing
something; an opportunity
= the ability to keep
increasing or developing
= a force that is gained by
movement (lấy đà)
producer Produce Counterproductive: having (un)productively
product Production (noun) the opposite effect to the one Pre-production (adj):
by-product: a substance that = the process of growing that was intended done before the process of
is produced during the or making food, goods or Eg: Increases in taxation producing something,
process of making or materials, especially would be counterproductive. especially a film, begins
destroying something else large quantities (un)productive Eg: The pre-production
Eg: When burnt, plastic = a film, play or Mass- produce (verb): script
produces dangerous by- broadcast that is produce goods in large
products. prepared for the public; quantities, using machines
productivity the act of preparing a Pre-production (noun):
post- production: the work film, play, etc. the work that is done before
that is done on music or on Eg: Series four is the process of producing
films after recording or filming currently in production. something, especially a film,
has happened (giai đoạn hậu The film goes into begins
kì) production next year.
Electrician: a person whose Electrify: Electric: Electrically: in a way that
job is to connect, repair, etc. = to make something = connected with electricity; is connected with
electrical equipment work by using electricity; using, produced by or electricity; in a way that
Electricity: to pass an electrical producing electricity uses or produces electricity
= a feeling of great emotion, current through = full of excitement; making Eg: A car with electrically
excitement, etc. (rarely used) something people excited operated windows
Electrification: the process Eg: (be electrified) The Eg: The atmosphere was
of changing something so that railway line was electric.
it works by electricity electrified in the 1950s. Electrified:
Eg: The electrification of the = (electrify sb) to make something that is electrified
railway line from Manchester somebody feel very has electricity passing
to Preston excited and enthusiastic through it
about something electrifying: very exciting
Eg: The dancers gave an
electrifying performance.
Electrical: connected with
electricity; using or producing
placing: the position of place (ir)replaceable Placement (noun):
somebody/something in a replace = the act of finding
race or a competition or in a somebody a suitable job or
list arranged in order of place to live
success Eg: a job placement
Eg: a top-ten placing service
replacement: = job, often as part of a
= the act of replacing one course of study, where you
thing with another, especially get experience of particular
something that is newer or kind of work (kinda similar
better to internship)
= eplacement (for somebody) = the act of placing
~ a person who replaces something somewhere
another person in an Eg: This procedure
organization, especially in ensures correct placement
their job of the catheter.
(dis)belief: (dis)believe (un)believable: unbelief (noun): lack of
= (belief in sth/sb) = Don't believe a word of = used to emphasize how belief, or the state of not
Eg: I admire his passionate it ~ don't believe any part good, bad or extreme believing, especially in
belief in what he is doing. of what somebody is something is God, a religion, etc.
= (in the belief that) saying). = very difficult to believe and disbelief (noun): the
Eg: She acted in the belief = believe sth of sb ~ to unlikely to be true feeling of not being able to
that she was doing good. think that somebody is Disbelieving: showing that believe something
= (Contrary to popular belief) capable of something you do not believe that Eg:
~ in spite of what people may Eg: Are you sure he was something is true or that +He stared at me in
think lying? I can't believe that somebody is telling the truth disbelief.
= (belief about something) of him. Eg: a disbelieving look/ + suspend your disbelief (=
Eg: Some people hold smile/laugh pretend to believe
beliefs about the world that (un)believer (noun): a person something, even if it seems
are not supported by science. who believes in the existence very unlikely).
IDIOM: to the best of my or truth of something,
knowledge/belief = as far as I especially somebody who
know believes in a god or religious
Non- believer: a person who
has no religious faith or does
not believe in a particular

Concept: an idea or a Conceive Conceptual: related to or (in)conceivably: way that

principle that is connected = to form an idea, a plan, based on ideas you can imagine or believe
with something abstract etc. in your mind (in)conceivable: that you can conceptualise (verb):
Eg: (the concept behind sth) ~ = (conceive of sb/sth as imagine or believe = to form an idea of
the concepts behind an artist's sth) high-concept: (an idea in film something in your mind
work Eg: God is often or television story) interesting, Eg: conceptualize
= an idea for something new conceived of as male. unusual but simple to explain something as something~
Eg: (concept in sth) ~ an = when a and likely to be popular with a không quan niệm thứ gì
exciting new concept in city woman conceives a child, wide audience giống thứ gì
living she becomes pregnant conception (noun): an * These people don’t
understanding of sth (~ of sth) conceptualize hunting as a
= the process of forming idea violent act.
= the process to be pregnant
Explanation: a statement, Explain: Explanatory: giving the Inexplicably: in a way
fact, or situation that tells you explain yourself reasons for something; that cannot be understood
why something happened; a = give somebody reasons intended to describe how or explained
reason given for something for your behavior, something works or to make
+ explanation for something = especially when they are something easier to
a reason something occurred angry or upset because understand
+ explanation of something = of it Eg: There are explanatory
a description of something Eg: I really don't see why notes at the back of the book.
I should have to explain (in)explicable: that can be
myself to you. explained or understood
= to say what you mean Unexplained: for which the
in a clear way reason or cause is not known;
Eg: Could you explain that has not been explained
yourself a little more—I Self- explanatory: easy to
didn't understand. understand and not needing
* explain sth away: to any more explanation
give reasons why Eg: I think the tittle is self-
something is not your explanatory
fault or why something is
not important
Judgement: Judge: Judicial: connected with a (in)judiciously: carefully
= ability to make sensible = person in court who court, a judge or legal and sensibly; in a way that
decisions after carefully has the authority to judgement shows good judgement
considering best thing to do decide how criminals be Judgmental: Judiciary (noun): the
Eg: more by luck than any punished or to make legal = judging people and criticizing judges of a country or a
judgement ~ by chance, not decisions them too quickly state, when they are
because of any special skill. = person who decides OPP: non- judgmental considered as a group
= an opinion- you form about who has won a = connected with the process Judiciousness (noun):
sự sáng suốt, đúng đắn,
sth after thinking about it competition of judging things
chí lý
carefully; the act of making = a person who has the (in)judicious: careful and
this opinion known to others knowledge, skills to give sensible; showing good
Eg: I did it against my better opinion about the value of judgement
judgement (= although I sb/ sth Eg: It is curable with judicious
thought it was perhaps the use of antibiotics.
wrong thing to do).

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