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Microskills of Speaking

Micro skills refer to producing smaller

chunks of language such as phonemes,
morphemes, words, collocations, and
phrasal units
Microskills of Speaking
Produce differences among 5 Use grammatical word classes 
English phonemes and  (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (tense,
Use an adequate number
allophonic variants. agreement, pluralization), word order,
of lexicalunits to accomplish
patterns, rules, and forms.
2 pragmatic purposes.
Produce chunks of the language 9
of different lengths. Produce speech in natural
Produce fluent speech at constituents in appropriate phrases,
3 different rates of delivery. pause groups, breath groups, and
Produce English stress patterns,  sentences.
words in stressed and unstressed
positions, rhythmic structure, Strategic devices: pauses, fillers,
and intonational contours. Express a particular meaning
self-corrections, and
in different grammatical forms.
backtracking to enhance the clarity
4 of the message. 11
Produce reduced forms of words
and phrases. Use cohesive devices in 
spoken discourse.
Macroskills of
Focus on the larger elements:

● Fluency
● Discourse
● Function
● Style
● Cohesion
● Nonverbal communication: body language…
● Strategic options: Key words emphasis…

Question and

instruction and

Question and
answer Example

It refers to short interview • How are you doing? (Response: I'm fine is not
acceptable. Something with more substance is
This form of assessment requires one person,
• What is your favorite day of the week and why?
an interlocutor, to ask the student questions.
(Response: My favorite...Friday because it is the
Students' answers can be 1 sentence
start of the weekend).
responses, or, can entail a more detailed
• What are the steps kids take in playing soccer?
answer depending upon the question asked. (Response: First....Second....Finally...)
Giving instruction Test Takers hear:

and direction • Describe how to make a typical dish from your


The administrator poses the problem • What's a good recipe for making
and then the test takers respond it. • How do you access email on a PC?
The scoring is primarily based on the • How would I make a typical costume for a
comprehensibility, and secondarily on
celebration in your country?
• How do you program telephone numbers into a cell

• How do I get from to in your city?

Test-takers respond with appropriate
Paraphrasing a story
Test-takers hear: Paraphrase the following little
story in your own words.

Paraphrasing My weekend in the mountains was fabulous. The

first day we backpacked into the mountains and
climbed about 2.000 feet. The hike was strenuous
Test takers read or hear the but exhilarating. By sunset we found these beautiful
text or story and the alpine lakes and made camp there. The sunset was
amazingly beautiful. The next two days we just
paraphrase it by using their
kicked back and did little day hikes, some rock
own words climbing, bird watching, swimming, and fishing.
The hike out on the next day was really easy - all
downhill - and the scenery was incredible.

Test-takers respond with two or three sentences.

Designing Assessment tasks:
Interactive Speaking
A test administrator and
a test-taker sit down in a
face-to-face through
questions and directives
Four level stages of Interview

1. Warm-up 2.Level check

Small talk to make test- A series of preplan
taker become comfortable questions
with the situtation

3. Probe 4. Wind -down

To the heights of their A final phrase of interview
ability, to extend beyond
the limits of the
interviewer’s expection
through difficult questions.
Role play
- It frees studnets to be somewhat creative in their linguistic
- Role play allows some rehearsal time so that students.
- The test administrator must determine the assessment
objectives of the role play then devise a scoring technique.
Games Discussion &
► Assessment games
Especially tasks through which elicit and
► Tinkertoy game observe such abilities:
∆ Topic nomination and termination
► Crossword puzzles ∆ Comprehension signals
∆ Negotiating meaning
► Information gap ∆ Attention getting, control
∆ Eye contact, body language
► City maps ∆ Clarifying, questioning,

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