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Based on the statement “
Education is the Key to
Success” Do you think
education can lead you to
become successful? Why?
The academe is one of the most relevant career tracks that
applied social scientists can pursue. The multidisciplinary
approach in the study of the applied social sciences can
equip students with the skills and expertise to work in
schools, colleges, and universities. These are a significant
number of subjects offered in the general education
curriculum in the secondary and tertiary levels that applied
social scientists can teach. These include history, society
and culture, and politics and government.
Four pillars of education in applied social

The UNESCO Four Pillars of education:

1.learning to know
2. learning to do
3. learning to live together
4. learning to be
The four pillars of education according to

Education throughout life is

based on four pillars: learning
to know, learning to do,
learning to live together and
learning to be.
Learning to know

Combines a sufficiently broad general

knowledge with the opportunity to work
in depth on a small number of subjects.
This also means learning to learn so as
to benefit from the opportunities
education provides throughout life.
Learning how to learn by
developing one's concentration,
memory skills and ability to
Learning to do

Acquires not only an occupational skill but also,

more broadly, the competence to deal with many
situations and work in teams. It also means
learning to do in the context of young peoples'
various social and work experiences which may
be informal, as a result of the local or national
context, or formal, involving courses, alternating
study and work.
Occupational training, or vocational
courses. It emphasizes the knowledge
component of tasks, even in industry, as
well as the importance of services and skill
training needed for a job.
Learning to be

Develop one's personality be able to act with

ever greater autonomy, judgement and personal
responsibility. In that connection, education must
not disregard any aspect of a person's potential:
memory, reasoning, aesthetic sense, physical
capacities and communication skills.
 Both children and young persons should be
offered every opportunity for aesthetic, artistic,
scientific, cultural and social discovery and
experimentation, which will complete the
attractive presentation of the achievements of
previous generations or their contemporaries in
these fields. Development of the complete
Learning to live together

Develops an understanding of other

people and an appreciation of
interdependence - carrying out joint
projects and learning to manage conflicts
-in a spirit of respect for the values of
pluralism, mutual understanding and
Involved in social activity: the renovation
of slumber areas, help for disadvantaged
people, humanitarian action, senior citizen
help schemes and for them to discover
other people and learn to envision a
common goal with them.
Learning to Transform Oneself and

Learning to Transform Oneself and Society

– when individuals and groups gain
knowledge, develop skills, and acquire
new values as a result of learning, they are
equipped with tools and mindsets for
creating lasting change in organizations,
communities, and societies.
These five pillars are linked together by a social constructivist
approach to individual learning and a social constructionist
approach to the development of learning communities that
significantly influences how students learn and how faculty and staff
support their learning . According to a social constructivist approach
, learning is an active social process – an individual’s acquisition of
new knowledge and skills is heavily influenced and supported by
the social environment in which the learning occurs. Students make
meaning from their experiences by being actively engaged with
others and the environment in which they are situated rather than
passively receiving information from their professors or texts.
What pillar of education which emphasizes learning
to be human through acquisition of knowledge, skills
and values conducive to personality development?
 a.Learning to know
 b.Learning to live together
 c.Learning to do
 d.Learning to be
Answer the questions below.

1.Assenior high school student, what

can you contribute to lessen the
social issues in your community?
2. How can you apply the things you
have learned in the school to solve
the problem in your community
Slogan Making:

Make a slogan about the

importance of applied social
sciences in minimizing social
problems concerning

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